Entire Ashes of Ares Streaming Online at Terrorizer.com

The Fiddler

Just Do It.
Nov 27, 2002
Heaven and Hell
This news and link is buried in Zod's thread reviewing the new Ashes of Ares. I'm reposting the link in a new thread so nobody browsing thread titles in this forum will miss it.

Now the the music is available to everyone to hear, it would be nice if comments in this thread would be directed at the music itself and not past history. Another thread already exists if you want to discuss the later.


BTW, 10/10 for me and very, very likely my #1 album of 2013. Probably a 2013 top five disc for the major metal magazines out there.
I couldn't care less about Shaeffer politics or whatever he may or may not have done, said or wrote. This is good. It's not my normal listening, but it's definitely the best project/band I've heard Barlow in since Something Wicked, the last IE album I've liked or own. I can see this stuff going over HUGE in a live setting, so I hope they slay this weekend.
I like what I've heard so far (5 songs). Looking forward to this at PP....
Sounds fucking massive! I'm so glad I got to hear this before the show, I'm going to be listening to this non-stop for the next couple of days in preparation!
A fan’s heartfelt connection with the song, “On Warrior’s Wings” by Ashes of Ares
Photo by Frank Serafine, Metal Underground

Full story here

This song (not the video) will go down as one of my all time favorites. Matt Barlow at his absolute bluesy, melodic best. Best ballad he's ever recorded, IMO.

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