Equator D5 tips from Ted himself

First thing that I noticed about these monitors is that it really showed how harsh all of my mixes were. Love them, I'm at the top of my mixing game now.
Sounds like they feature the high mids and highs a lot. I don't know if that's a good thing, though. If you hype those frequencies you can easily create the impression of clarity.
I did my first mixes on these this week, and one thing I noticed is that all my mixes translate a lot better than my old monitors (KRK rockit 5). It should be noted that I do use a sub.

I wouldn't call the hi-mids and highs "hyped", I would call them detailed.
Didn't see this particular thread, and that it was newer. I'm gonna ask the question here again instead (hopefully it's the only one answered)

How do you set up the sensitivity knob ? And what does it do precisely, there is just a "quick setup" guide given with them, nothing else ?
EDIT : oh it's actually written at the very end of it, so it's the volume. For some reason I thought it was something else because it doesn't sound like a volume to me, the amount of high frequencies information depends a lot on them. Blah, I'll see when they will smoothen up
Any recommendations for breaking these puppies in?


EDIT: I must say, these things are already a huge improvement over my previous setup (Altec Lansing gaming speakers). Even in my untreated room.

Just been playing music through Windows Media Player and I'm not quite sure what the problem is, but every once in a while the sound totally drops out of both speakers. Just running my Fast Track Pro. Never experienced this problem any other time though. Hope it's not something with the monitors.....

Also - these being my first real monitors ever, is there a proper sweet spot to have my Windows volume set to? I have Fast Track set to current sound device, and if I click the little speaker icon in my task bar, I am able to change the fader there. Wasn't sure if there was a "correct" position for this.
no correct position. just the whole "equilateral triangle with your head on the same plane" and listen at around 85db. they have phone apps to measure SPL. i dont like it that loud ALL the time but once in a while to hear all the frequencies mesh better. or i get in really close like a 2 foot triangle and to get the bass before it gets jacked up from my room. like set of 5" headphones... dont know why your sound drops. most likely not the monitors if you lose both of them simultaneously. probably your interface drivers or the interface itself
@bryan : I don't remember exactly on windows, but there should be a bar on the volume icon (value being 50 for example), and that's where you should put your volume IIRC because I think anything over is a digital boost just like a fader in your DAW, therefore there could be distortion for any audio information close to 0 dBFS. Then just play with your soundcard volume knob or your media player volume bar (which should be fine at max). I might be wrong though, but I remembered on the shitty speakers I had long time ago it was very audible (now that I think of it, it could have been just the speakers), while macos has a different volume bar where being a maximum level wouldn't be a boost so all my volumes are at maximum. Check it yourself, I might be BSing you or it might have changed as well :lol:
Thanks guys! Spent like over 13 hours on these things yesterday. Inside my DAW, the Windows Volume control does nothing anyway, as I suspected.

I'm pretty sure I can feel my mixes improving already, and I'm not even doing a whole lot different EQ-wise, but I can hear everything with more clarity and can seat it volume-wise better.

I'm going to find an SPL app for my phone right now.

As for the sound dropping out - I'm pretty sure it was just my interface. Everything inside my DAW was fine all day with a bunch of plug-ins running except for 12:00am, when I'm pretty sure my computer does some sort of update, because it hiccups then just about every night.
WTF its only 110v... :|
i need 220v :'(

Makes no sense to only offer 110v for a product with high demand, but I guess they are working on this and will offer it soon.
(I though I saw some European store selling these with 220v last year)
Great monitors and thanks for posting the tips man!

But just a few days ago I was mixing some brootalz tunes and suddenly my right monitor died. Anyone else have had this happen?

The LED light just faded away and won't turn back again.

It was strange 'cause I wasn't even listening that loud. Cranked to about 1/2 volume and then the monitor started to shut down.

I contacted them by mail and will post updates once they reply me.
DullElysium, do you use the 110v D5 Equators with step up volt converter in Finland?
Have you asked them about different volt versions?
Email them, request 220-240V, they'll do it. I'm in Australia and they fitted a pair of D5s out for me at no extra charge.