
there not deep shit. but they're better than average american crap. most us films these days make me wanna smash me tv with a baseball bat.
miranda B said:
i prefer to watch films that aren`t so heavy i mean i have enough to think about without all that deep shito_O

Maybe if you watched a couple of not-too-deep-shit films you wouldn't have to think about your own deep shit :) cause you'd have something else to think about.

After my last break-up I watched Amélie and it made me feel a bit better. Now when I watched it for the second time it was nice to observe how shitty I felt when I first watched it and how good I feel now. For example, Amélie is not deep shit, it's more like a girlie movie with a lot of sweet sarcasm.
i havent seen it but its just arriving to me with 26K so I may comment it soon :tickled:
IMDb user comments for
Eraserhead (1977)

Page 5 of 26Comments index for Eraserhead


Date: 1 January 2004
Summary: Etude in gross sharp

I always found it amazing, how very beautiful the pictures are in Mr.Lynch's films, how VISUAL a director he is. This time, I realized that the soundtrack plays an important role as well - disturbing sounds, noises rather, suggesting doom like those deep rumbles do - or feeling of anxiety, fear, like fingernails on the blackboard...

And the pictures are anything BUT beautiful.

There is in fact a story to the film, but I think the amazing thing is what can be done, emotionally, using only 2D B&W photography without computer generated effects and a (mono?) soundtrack.

In music, this piece would have been called "etude" - a practice piece - to try out some novel forms of expression; newer works like "twin peaks", "blue velvet" and "mulholland drive" use those same means in a refined (and much more enjoyable) manner.

For those who don't mind touching the RAW ingredients of a perfect meal before it is cooked and served on a silver platter - a very interesting film.​
Skeptic459 (
Auckland, New Zealand.

Date: 28 December 2003
Summary: The reason that I got into films in the first place!!!

In film school it is not cool to say you like David Lynch. Film students claim he is just a poor mans version of Luis Bunuel. Yes, I would say that Bunuel is more talented and is the king of surrealism. But Lynch is very good and his films do challenge the viewer. I actually have a deep affection for his films. When his films work, they really work! However, when they do not work, for example, Twin Peaks, Fire, Walk with Me or Lost Highway then they quickly launch themselves into self parody. Many people claim his material is too inconsistent and indulgent to be really liked very much.

What I find strange is that one reviewer here states that he feel duped by Lynch. Duped? Why? The films all have a story. They just have a narrative that works differently to conventional film making. If you look hard at the film and try to understand the subtext then you will pick up on what the film is about.

I saw this when I was 16. I knew nothing about films or film making then. A friend and I were bored so we decided to see a movie at capitol cinema. Capitol cinema used to be a cinema that played arty or small independent films. They used to play midnight showings of eraserhead. There was always someone smoking a joint in that place. However, you don't need drugs for this film. Lynch is drugs. This film just buzzes you out.

I had no idea what Eraserhead was about. I had never heard of Lynch and knew nothing about surrealism. I went in and was just totally blown away! Before this I had only really seen commercial blockbuster movies. Lynch gave me a whole knew perspective on what cinema is capable of. Eraserhead is the stuff of dreams. Lynch believes that watching a film is entering a dream state. Both my friend and I did not know what the hell was going on. I was fascinated...

Later I would learn this is a film about Lynch's own obsessions. His hatred of Philadelphia. His fear and anxiety at being a father. The film is just full of a kind of a compulsive, paranoid neurosis. It is a waking nightmare. He also seems to parody the nuclear family. 'Did you have sexual intercourse with my daughter?' Meanwhile that weird blond woman in his radiator seems to represent his escape. A way to transcend from his grim world. What I also find bizarre is that people then accuse him of having no sense of humor! What? There are always funny moments in his films. 'Did you have sexual intercourse with my daughter?'

Jack Nance is also very good as the main character. He seems to be playing the director and he gives a performance that is distant, spaced out and yet emotionally vulnerable. A really strange mix. The imagery is just brilliant. Black and white in an industrial wasteland. There is smoke here of course. It wouid not be a Lynch film without smoke! It also has a cool, grating industrial soundtrack that sets your nerves on edge. This is perfectly effective for the bleak tone of the film. It is so visually striking that the viewer will not forget the imagery quickly. There is a reason that this is a cult film. The other distinctive feature of this film is the long lingering shots. This reminds me of Jim Jarmusch and his movies like Dead Man and Ghost Dog. The length of the shots seems to have the effect of immersing the viewer in this strange industrial wasteland.

I have my own copy that I lend to friends. They then normally give it back to me saying that they only got through the first half hour. They also normally tell me that I am a weirdo for liking it. I think what frustrates people most about Lynch is that he will not give any explanations of what the film is about. So any interpretation is as good as any other. People want the film to be explained so they can understand it. Who said films must be understood or comprehensible? Why can't a film be abstract piece of art like a painting? Lynch's films are like an acid trip. To quote the great gonzo, Hunter S Thompson, 'buy the ticket, take the ride and if it gets a little heavier than what you had in mind, then put it down to forced consciousness expansion.'

So in other words, relax, stick it on and just run with it. Travel into someone else's nightmare for a change...​
Omaha, Nebraska

Date: 17 December 2003
Summary: Probably the King of Creep Films

Easy are either going to like this film or hate it, but I doubt you will ever forget it.

The first time I saw it - it was late - after I watched it - it was too late. Lynch was supposed to have said it was a comedy. I didn't know that until many years after my first viewing. I didn't laugh at anything. I simply felt the need to clean things afterwards. I certainly wasn't going to be able to sleep.

The imagery is quite striking very frequently. I winced uncontrollably a number of times. After I knew it was a comedy I could find some humor in it - but Lynch's idea of humor is a bit challenging.

Okay, bottomline - this film will be included in my library. I liked it! It gets under your skin and lingers. I have a flashback every time I see forks anymore. Ew.​

Date: 14 December 2003
Summary: The things dreams are made of

This is not so much a movie I like, it's a movie I feel compelled to endure once in a while. True story:

Eraserhead--A Dream of Dark and Troubling Things (always thought it was necessary to include the subtitle) used to come around to theaters in my area just about every Halloween. On two different occasions, in two different theaters an identical thing happened in the audience: just as the movie ended, an anguished voice from the back of the theater shouted "Good! It's over!"

Same person? Perhaps. But it really could have been the reaction of a lot of people: "I didn't want to keep looking at this but I did anyway and now I'm glad I don't have to look any more."

Is this the description of a good horror movie? Partly, but it isn't over yet...

Many people, probably the theater-goer among them, can't escape this movie by just not looking any more. Once you've seen the images, they stick with you for days. It's like recalling--a troubling nightmare! There's something awful about it, but I can't quite say what... and also something funny about it, but...

Why do some people, myself included, want to have this feeling once in a while? I don't know exactly, but I think it has something to do with finding a different way to enter a dream experience. It also re-arranges your head almost in the way that a potent drug can. You feel different afterward. Something HAPPENED.

If you don't know what people mean when they say that something literally makes their "skin crawl," and you'd like to find out what they're talking about... or if you enjoy that kind of visceral reaction once in a while, this is the movie that will deliver it. If not, don't watch it.​
utrecht, holland

Date: 25 November 2003
Summary: WARNING: could cause serious disturbance

seriously... i consider myself to be a reasonably sane person with a fair dose of intellect and imagination. i remember being gridlocked after exiting the theater in the middle of the night. this film really bothered me: i could not speak for half an hour... nor could my company. any comment would be superfluous but being silent and looking disturbed was something we wanted to break. but changing the subject was impossible. scary. the atmosphere in eraserhead followed us out and clung to us like body odour can: annoying, undesirable but part of what life is about. what a great movie. i saw A LOT of people exiting the theater throughout the film. i can fully understand it when reviewers underrate this movie: they can't deal with it, nor 'rationalize it into a corner'. as i couldn't. this is the horror of life in a weird jacket. you have to be strong to watch this OR abort and give it a bad review. which makes it simply fantastic. i mean it when i say that it should be rated ages 40 and over.​
utrecht, holland

Date: 25 November 2003
Summary: WARNING: could cause serious disturbance

seriously... i consider myself to be a reasonably sane person with a fair dose of intellect and imagination. i remember being gridlocked after exiting the theater in the middle of the night. this film really bothered me: i could not speak for half an hour... nor could my company. any comment would be superfluous but being silent and looking disturbed was something we wanted to break. but changing the subject was impossible. scary. the atmosphere in eraserhead followed us out and clung to us like body odour can: annoying, undesirable but part of what life is about. what a great movie. i saw A LOT of people exiting the theater throughout the film. i can fully understand it when reviewers underrate this movie: they can't deal with it, nor 'rationalize it into a corner'. as i couldn't. this is the horror of life in a weird jacket. you have to be strong to watch this OR abort and give it a bad review. which makes it simply fantastic. i mean it when i say that it should be rated ages 40 and over.​
New Zealand

Date: 24 November 2003
Summary: Once again Lynch robs me of time I'll never get back

I have tried so many times to like David Lynch. I like to think I have relatively good and wide-ranging taste in films, but I can never get over the strange sensation that Lynch's career is some modern equivalent of The Emperor's New Clothes. Finally, having seen the most recent complete waste of my time, his 1977 film Eraserhead (my fifth Lynch experience), I can conclude that the man needs to get a new day job.

The reason I have tried to like him is that there are elements to his directorial style that I like. I like directors that put an emphasis on atmospheric sound/music, visual tension, surrealism, and for lack of a better term, trippy imagery. Lynch has all that, but he never fails to screw it up by going way overboard. His films, of which Eraserhead is probably the worst after the (unintentionally hilarious) abomination that was Dune, always give me the impression that I am watching the pretentious meanderings of a self-indulgent film student that some fool gave a few million dollars to.

I have read criticisms of Jim Jarmusch which state that he is a Lynch wannabe, but in truth I think his film Dead Man exemplifies how to do right what Lynch always does wrong with his particular aesthetic tastes. Jarmusch is what Lynch would be if only he could reign himself in. I recommend Dead Man and Mystery Train for all those people that thought they might like Lynch but just couldn't sustain their enthusiasm. Almost structureless dull surrealism is how I would describe Eraserhead. Sound like fun you say? Not the way he does it. It largely reminded me of an almost impossibly boring acid trip. It had all the artistic merit of ten fat modern expressive dancers romping about on a stage dressed like McDonald's employees, to the sound of drilling noises. And it contained that level of logical progression too.

Lynch has bounced his way through Hollywood like Forrest Gump on mescaline, with a bunch of deluded devotees -some of my good friends included- following behind, all probably arrogantly assuming that any detractors most likely enjoy Charles In Charge reruns. The sad truth is that given a choice between Charles In Charge and any more Lynch films, I would actually have to pick the former.

I always feel like such a sucker when I go to see yet another of his excretions, but never again. DO NOT go anywhere near Eraserhead unless you believe that staring at jelly for long enough will eventually provide you with inner peace and satisfaction.​

Date: 10 November 2003
Summary: Either you like or you dislike it

I watched the movie with a friend of mine. After half of the film he stood up and went away. He didn't like the film, he found it too boring, not exciting and it was just too weird for him. That's what I want to say, Eraserhead is no entertaining movie, it is not funny (apart from one scene) and it is not very thrilling. If you are the kind of a guy who just loves entertaining, amusing motion pictures, don't watch Eraserhead because you ain't gonna like it.

But if you are a guy who likes movies that make him think, movies that are impressive, movies that have plenty of emotional clever shots ... then you'll probably like Eraserhead. This film doesn't tell a straight story, it rather catches the viewer. There are no obvious scenes, all the pictures that you see are wrapped in mystery. You have to decode the impressions and the shots to get a message out of the film. But of course there is not a sole message, there are plenty of messages dependent on what kind of point of view you try to decode the impressions the movie gave you.

Just enjoy the movie and let the pictures affect you.​
tampa, florida

Date: 2 November 2003
Summary: comes full circle to comedy

i've seen this twice now. the first time it made me sick (all the blood, pus, cottage cheese, worms, warts, industrial wasteland). this time it made me laugh. it gets so perverse that you know lynch is screwing with you. when the boy brings the head into the shop, and the desk clerk rings the buzzer 21 times (exactly) before his boss storms out and shouts in his face, "Okay, Paul!"--that's the beginning of the zaniness, for me. shortly thereafter, we get a clear view of that photograph on henry's wall: a mushroom cloud. this film is so bleak it becomes comical. but if lynch hadn't made me laugh a little, i'd think this was all indulgent melodrama. it's not.​
Algiers, Algeria

Date: 31 October 2003
Summary: Erase this from YOUR head!

There are basically two major camps of reviewers for this sort of artsy fartsy film: those who say it's crap and those who say it's genius. Either way, it's definitely NOT entertainment! It's dark, tediously slow, repetitive, and pointless to anyone who is not interested in Lynch's private impressions of his early married life in Philadelphia. Let's sum it up in a few phrases (ironically, the same amount of dialog that's in the movie!): dreary existence in an industrial world; boring relationship that is turned "permanent" by an unwanted pregnancy; fantasizing about the girl next door; awkward time spent with the in-laws. OK! That's it! I just saved you an hour and half of sheer boredom (assuming you could stay awake through it). And if you don't want the boredom to be exacerbated by disappointment, I'll clue you in: nothing happens, so don't make the same mistake I did by waiting for something to happen. I wish I could be more kind to this movie, but frankly, it doesn't deserve it. The only reason anyone would want to watch this movie in the first place is because it was made by Lynch, who subsequently made some excellent movies. Oh, and another valid reason for watching Eraserhead is that it makes Mulholland Drive seem logical and seamless by comparison.​
Kallista, Australia

Date: 27 October 2003
Summary: Most intense and yet at the same time coolest movie you'll ever see

Let me start by admitting, like many others, I have no idea whats happening in this movie. To this day it remains to me the most bizarre, intense, scary and at times hilarious mystery of a movie i have ever seen. That really sums it up for me as the movie the whole way through terrified yet at the same time compelled me. Every twisted image made me cower in fright and yet at the same time compel to exclaim, "damn that looks cool!" What really makes the movie amazing is David Lynch's extraordinary ability to recreate the same sense of confused fear we would have in a dream. The movie genuinely doesn't have a beginning or an end. The whole movie seems completely other-wordly but seems to make sense. The world portrayed here is absolutely insane but inside, to it's inhabitants, seems normal. This means the audience can appreciate both the artistry of this world created and our complete inability to grasp and understand it, which in my opinion sounds a bit like heaven.​

Date: 25 October 2003
Summary: What ?

Okay there were some interesting Artsy/Frenchesque sort of scenes placed next to each other as a sort of story kit for the viewer. I tried and tried to assemble these pieces into something entertaining but never could. When the film ended my only thought was "What the hell was that?" Then be a bit frustrated over wasting so much time on something that ended up with the same kind of plot I might have gotten from watching clothes tumble in the dryer for an hour.

I think people would rate this film better than 'junk' only if they're habitually pseudo-intellectual or otherwise irretrievably continuously trying to appear artsy or deep.​

Date: 14 October 2003
Summary: David Lynch=Insane Man

This is the weirdest movie ever made. The dialogue is very sparse and there are very slow set up shots ala Kubrick. It is simply about a man growing mad in a surreal world where he has been cursed with a mutant child. This movie is powerful, disturbing and unforgetable.​
sydney, australia

Date: 4 October 2003
Summary: Boooooring!

I'm sorry to all of you who sing this movie's praises but I found this to be one of the most uninteresting movies I have ever seen. The scenes in the house around the table were just plain tedious. I was waiting for something to happen and it never did. I probably missed some deeper meaning but the effect this movie had on me - just plain BOOOOORING! (and my names not Homer!).​
England, UK

Date: 19 September 2003
Summary: Essentially Crap

I understand that this is meant to be arty and some sortof personal statement, but I truely don't like this film. It doesn't make me think, it doesn't challenge my ideas, it isn't visually appealing, it doesn't inspire me, and it certainly doesn't entertain. It's not succinct, and I think that is why I don't like it. It's far too long and dreary (although I realise that that is his point), and within seconds I lost interest and couldn't concentrate on watching it - it just doesn't hold my attention. Ultimately, the special effects are amazing, but the entire thing is just... crap.​
Columbus, OH

Date: 12 September 2003
Summary: Nightmarish

Ever have one of those dark, bizarre nightmares that aren't necessarily terrifying, but are deeply disturbing, uncomfortable while they are going on, and don't seem to make a lot of sense once you wake up? This movie is basically that, put to film.​
At Coventry Towers

Date: 4 September 2003
Summary: The twisted world of David Lynch

I'm always a bit worried when I'm about to express my love towards this movie by the genius director David Lynch... I figure it's the perfect indicator for psychiatrists to claim that you're completely nuts :) ...

But, what the heck...they're a lot of nutballs on this website, so I can speak my mind freely. lol. Indeed, I love this movie...although 'love' may be a wrong term to describe me feelings towards it. This movie 'fascinates' me is a much better saying. Usually, a movie is something in wich you can live yourself order to escape the stress of real life. Eraserhead is the exact opposite of that ! When watching this film, you can only hope that you'll never awake in the wold like Lynch shows it here. The horrible noises, the colorless and tasteless locations and the insensible all hate to love it. Eraserhead takes a walk with your emotions, you don't know whether to be disgusted or intrigued by it. So you'll feel uncomfortable when watching it and that's a wonderful experience for a cinema freak !

Eraserhead is the ultimate cult film in my opinion and a must see for every fan of this delicious genre. In fact, I would go so far to say you can't call yourself a cult-freak if you haven't seen it yet.

David Lynch begins his highly impressive career with this one and it still lives on. Eraserhead isn't his best film at all ( certainly not when it comes to storyline ) but it's his most deep and personal tale. 25 years old and still the "weirdest" film ever. That's an achievement, certainly with all this artistic filmmakers lately...or, at least, they try to be...)

I want to encourage as much people as possible to see this one, but it's for the best that some groups of people avoid it. Surely not recommended if you're depressed or suicidal...The image of Jack Nance and the rest of the cast could even put you more down, I think. The tagline of this movie - "In heaven, everything looks fine" - could become a stimulus, I'm afraid. Pregnant women and young couples in love should beware as well !! This film is the ultimate nightmare for that what should be the greatest miracle of life...The hideous but yet harmless "baby" ( I really don't know how I should call it, actually )is the purest form of horror that ever occured on the screen.

You must have respect for director David Lynch. If you imagine how hard it must have been to create and finance this production. But it worked...hell, even comedy legend Mel Brooks was deeply impressed. Based on this film, he decided to let Lynch direct "The Elephant Man" a few years later. By that, David's career was launched and of course he made a masterpiece out of it. For me personally, his highlights were the 80's with terrific movies like "Blue Velvet", "Dune" ( very underrated, in my opinion) and "Wild at Heart" at the end of the decade. And let's not forget the best TV-series ever made: "Twin Peaks".

Please, watch this movie !! Three times in a row if possible. I know a lot of people who just stopped watching it after half and hour ( or less ) and yelled "What the f*** is this ???". Real shame, if you ask me. It's an insight to a great mind and a unique event. If you really don't see the magic of it, at least try to admire the very stylish haircut of the main character. I'm thinking of doing the same thing with mine...​
Samuel Tombgatt

Date: 31 August 2003
Summary: Funnier The Second Time Around

The first time you see this it's so dark (literally and metaphorically) and disturbing you can't help but be overwhelmed by confusion and a sense of what it means to be insane. The second time around, it seemed to me to be a laugh riot (the scene where Mary is trying so hard to pull that suitcase out from under the bed especially stands out as it made me laugh so hard I almost cried). Another great set of scenes is when Henry first gets treated to dinner at Mary's house. Her smiling idiot father with the "man-made" chickens and bum arm is a comic gold-mind. This is essentially a black comedy about a slightly disturbed young man's inability to deal with impending fatherhood and husbandhood and the effect that living in a decrepit urban hell (Lynch lived in squalor in the worst section of Philadelphia with his first wife and baby daughter while making this classic romp) has on his escapist fantasies (love that girl with the cotton candy cheeks singing in the radiator). Takes on some qualities of a dream (in heaven everything is fine) and Lycnh fanatics should scream with delight at being able to spot the origins of all his usual tricks (curtains, electrical disturbances, stages, mystery women, hightened sound effects, ambient music, etc...) that have been used over and over again in his later classics. The epitome of uncanny and a hoot if you read into it rightly (quite rightly).​
Baltimore, Maryland

Date: 18 August 2003
Summary: Uh, yeah

Some groovy stuff man

head aches butt hurts eyes wander

confusion feels good

I have an extraordinary tolerance for boredom; i usually revel in it. But Eraserhead was just too much, or perhaps not enough, for me. I watched this movie in pieces, a few weeks apart. but at the end, I'm glad i saw it, because knowing the full vision (not that i necessarily understood it) i enjoyed. Hey, maybe i did understand it. I'll give it an odd 9/10.​

Date: 18 August 2003
Summary: Snakes, one looked at me!

Of all the films with a huge reputation, this is undoubtedly the worst.

I first saw it in 1977, shortly after seeing Close Encounters (a masterpiece next to this clunker). Even then I felt cheated of my ticket money. It's silly, it's weak. The plot is the sort of thing a group of adolescents would dream up - two teenagers save the universe. Technically the special effects were very good, but used almost completely unimaginately, and with endless incongruities.

Loved Harrison Ford, though. And Darth Vader - a great villain, splendidly played.

All in all, teenage space cowboys for people who know nothing about either film or science fiction.​
like i said, it was really wierd, i liked it more for it's atmosphere rather than the script or acting and that. i guess the point is the whole industrialized world thing but then again i might be wrong, you never know with lynch really. but compared to his later stuff, the film can't be rated as top, it was really raw and primal and that but elephant man, blue velvet, mulholland drive are deffo better films. eraserhead is pure fuckin cult, you know...
it IS cult of course, but it has so much to tell. and, yes the industrial background is part of it.

eraserhead touches on topics like marriage, sex (haha what a surprise), motherhood, child-bearing, unwanted children, death, heaven, dreams, family values, etc.

it's more like a picture...rather than a sequence of event. you're right there.


i looked into it and its f*cking ugly and disgousting so i dont wanna watch it :puke: sorry