error on still life


New Metal Member
May 4, 2001
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i recently got the still life cd and found that at the end of serenity painted death the guitar outro suddnely cuts off without finnishing and then there are a few seconds of silence before the actual end of the track. has anyone else found this? is that how the song actually is or is there a problem with the cd?
I've noticed another error on Still Life and since I notcied it, it has started to annoy me ALOT. :(
Just after the lyrics goes 'no joy would flicker her eyes' on Face of Melinda, there's a little damn sound which could best be described as 'BOING'. I didn't notice it 'til lately, listen carefully at high volume and you'll hear it, it's at least there on my copy.

I've never managed to hear that coughing that everybody is talking about though...
Ahhhh, damn you instinct666! I hadn't noticed that until you mentioned it! The song is forever ruined! Well... not really, it's just too damn good :)

Good ear though...
i just heard the "boing" in face of's kinda funny...:D ....k, what song is the faint cough in......i remember hearing about it but i dont remember the location on the album....thanks....=)
Originally posted by GwEn
what song is the faint cough in......i remember hearing about it but i dont remember the location on the album....thanks....=)

Supposedly it's in "The Moor" at 10:09. There's also supposed to be another one at 1:43 on "White Cluster".

And also, if we're trying to name errors on "Still Life", I've found a good one. In "Face of Melinda" there are lyrics written in the booklet that say "All faith forever has been lead astray" ... yet on the album it is sung "All faith forever has been washed away" ...

That is no cougth! I know this sound! It comes after you drink agood glass of Cola and need to relese the gas slowly. It is not burping, it is the sound of pleasure. Pleasure driven from that glass of Cola.

The sound in White Cluster is [again] Cola-based, this time the gas-releasing procedure was preformed too fast, ending in a small burp.

As for the boing... it is wierd... Don't know what this is.
I had no idea that this was such a mystery...

...but the sound that happens on 'Face Of Melinda' after Mike sings 'no joy would flicker in her eyes' is Martin Mendez moving his hands across his bass. It's a HUGE coincidence, though.
Since the bass strings are bigger than guitar strings, that 'slip' sound you get when you move your hand along the strings is much more clearer and pronounced on a bass. Not to mention I think he used an acoustic bass on 'Melinda'...

It might also be Mike or Pete moving their fingers along the string, but a bass seems more logical...
i agree with The Death.... it's more of an exhalation than a cough. It's probably supposed to be a sigh.... and it fits contextually too, since at that point, the music is moving from heavier to a light bridge melody.
Now I know we've covered this a zillion times, and a zillion more times on the now-slow board, but wasn't the cough a janitor at the recording studios?

I forget all the details, but I think it was a janitor, coughed, and creeped Mike and the band out for a little bit when listening to the recording?

Anyone know where the details of this story are written down?
Yeah didn't someone on the darkwood board say that? I don't know how true it is though, I have never read anything like that from a concrete source.
the only error I noticed on still life was in the moor, some sort of malfunction of some channels(left speaker, pay attention to the guitars, somewhere in the middle of the song when the distortion comes in or something).

Originally posted by Raven777
I had no idea that this was such a mystery...

...but the sound that happens on 'Face Of Melinda' after Mike sings 'no joy would flicker in her eyes' is Martin Mendez moving his hands across his bass. It's a HUGE coincidence, though.
Since the bass strings are bigger than guitar strings, that 'slip' sound you get when you move your hand along the strings is much more clearer and pronounced on a bass. Not to mention I think he used an acoustic bass on 'Melinda'...

It might also be Mike or Pete moving their fingers along the string, but a bass seems more logical...

Yeah, i also think that evil's coming out of the strings. Inevitable if you play acoustic intruments, I think.