On a night where a lot of things which could have gone wrong, did actually go wrong (the whole of the Victoria line being closed for example), seeing Threshold perform somehow made everything right!
THANK YOU Damian for coming to greet us at the door and stay out in the cold for a chat. The fact that he actually recognised and acknowledged me was a humbling experience. At the end of the show whilst waiting to catch the bus home, I saw Damian hang out with some fans outside the venue. That's when it struck me that this is the kind of hospitality one gets treated to when invited to friends and family. One is greeted at the door, invited inside to have a good time and bid goodbye on the way out...Threshold somehow always felt like family!
THANK YOU for the TV screen. That was a welcome enhancement to a usually empty stage as far as special effects go. There's so much going on that screen that it needs to have a gig of its own!
THANK YOU for the Essence of Progression tour. The full appreciation of the tour title is only acquired after witnessing the number of epic progressive live performances on show: Consume To Live, Fighting For Breath, Part Of The Chaos, One Degree Down, Critical Mass, Art Of Reason, Long Way Home, Pilot In The Sky of Dreams...phew!
THANK YOU for the incredible guitar solos. I remember saying to Karl after the gig that I would have to kill him if he didn't play the inspired outro solo on One Degree Down but since he did, I can die a happy man! Karl Groom is a man who wears his heart on his sleeve. This comes across in his performance both on record and live. His music connects and speaks to me on a unique level. Karl does not play the guitar...he bleeds!
THANK YOU for adding 'Smile At The Moon' to the set list. It worked like a charm!
THANK YOU for playing 'Critical Mass' in its entirety. The keyboard parts on 'Lucky' coupled with the images of the TV screen was an out-of-this-world experience!
THANK YOU Threshold for another memorable live performance! More of this kind of performance on future tours please!
PS: Richard growling in the shadows on Slipstream was nothing short of frightening!

PPS: The only complaint was that the drums were way too loud, overshadowing the keyboards many times. Johanne is without a doubt a power house but last night was like a stampede of wild elephants running amok. Calm down Johanne!