Euphoria Re-appraisal

it was the first album i ever heard from them,probably my first exposure to heavy metal,classic album full of chunky riffs,i think the only reason the anthrax guys say they dont like it is because it did recieve a backlash of some sort by fans aorund he world,i dont understand it,i musta listened to this record for about 2 years straight lol.
I think it was an image thing. They got a LOT of stick for the 'cartoon' image at the time. I think they also said the record was rushed. I've read lots of interviews where they said the songs needed editing. Too many ideas isn't such a bad problem though

Also my first exposure to Anthrax was SOE - I still love it apart from the fact that it contains my most hated Thrax song ever - Make Me Laugh.
POT is my favorite Joey album but I really like SOE a lot too. Its the Stomp 422 of the Bush era. Its heavy, fast, Intelligent lyrics and the drums and bass area awesome! Its a shame they only play Antisocial. Who cares Wins is a better choice.
Onslaught said:
Make me Laugh hated song?? and why? I love that song, I love the entire album!!! :rock:

Parts of it are cool (the intro riff, the "preacher´s words" and the pre-chorus), but overall it´s one of the weaker tunes for me... Scott said in an interview that "Make Me Laugh" was unfinished as they recorded it and he thought that SOE in general could have been better if they worked longer on it. However, SOE was my first one too and I somehow liked the snotty "plug in and go" attitude and the fact that the band came across as quite down to earth. I loved the cartoon and the Not Man too, IMO it showed that they didn´t take themselves too seriously while still covering serious subjects - I was really touched by "Who Cares Wins" and the video they did for it.
I always thought SOE was a good album !

Be All, End All and Antisocial come from that album and they are still being played live all these years later.
Make Me Laugh is a bit blah. It was the lead single from SOE which I always thought was a bit weird. My favourite/least favourite line is "God says be a real prick"'s just soooo bad!! You can almost picture Scott in the studio, A4 notepad and pen in his hand while Joey is waiting in the vocal booth!
Be All and Now Its Dark are worth buying the disc alone for, and of course introduced everybody to Antisocial, which I suprisingly haven't gotten sick of. Probably because I sing it every week at karaoke...

The rest of the album doesn't have any smashing "classics", but all are decent enough for me to not have to skip at all...Sort of like STD, but I LOVE every tune on that one...POT comes close...And suprisingly, ATL has grown the least on me. I only listen to four tunes off of it...Maybe with was the last of the Joey/Spitz era I got (although technically the last was the FOM/AAD dual disc that just got put out. I held off on buying either because I heard about it and waited months, almost forgetting)...
I totally understand where Scott is coming from on SOE:

To me, the albums music is the strength. I remember about a year ago a friend had a copy when we were playing cards and drinking some brews :Spin: , and I remember hearing the songs for the first time in about 5 years or so and I was totally blown away. I think the real problem is with Joey's vocals. Although they are not bad, in places the vocals sound rushed. The lyrics are great, it's just the delivery on the vocals in places but still another great Thrax album. However, for me, it is the worst Anthrax album with Joey.

Joey albums:
1-Among the Living
3-Spreading the Disease
