"charlie's twitter says skisumtime: time to clean up from a Big Flood

guess that has something to do with it unless there is some flooding going on in the u.s. that we don't know.. nways if ppl don't want the public to comment then don't post it on twitter ya *****ing twats"

Does anyone have a link? Someone else claims that the European press is saying that they had a falling out. Can anyone confirm?

Karma is a bitch, if this is what I suspect it is.
Hope Dan isnt too bad off. "Serious Illness" carries a lot weight. Doesnt sound like the sniffles to me. Would be the luck of Anthrax though. Best Wishes Dan! Get well
Theorizing that there may have been a split is understandable. but are we seriously speculating that he's an alcoholic now? Come on people.
Theorizing that there may have been a split is understandable. but are we seriously speculating that he's an alcoholic now? Come on people.

Sorry, I didn't say that to slight the guy in ANY way. Shit happens on the road, I didn't mean that in any negative way on Dan. Was just trying to think of what else these cryptic messages could actually mean that could possibly be a better outcome for Anthrax.

But it appears I was probably way off, and the first thing we're speculating on is probably the case.
Okay, so we're less that 48 hours away from the next scheduled show...any bets on when we'll hear something? Surely if they're going to cancel, they have to give at least 24 hours notice to the promoter, right?!?
Norway is also cancelled. Dan Nelson is out of the band and they have to cancel the European tour.
Norway is also cancelled. Dan Nelson is out of the band and they have to cancel the European tour.

Well if this is the case, it is well and truly fucked. Dan was the best thing for Anthrax to happen in a looong time, and with a new record on its way you have to ask where the fuck that leaves them.

I gotta say, that after 20 years + as an absolute die hard fan, it's fucking tiring being a passionate fan. More ups and downs than a honeymooner, and smoke and mirrors everywhere. I was so damn pumped for Worship Music (see my other posts here) but I'm just feeling sick and tired of the bullshit. Sorry.... I aint going to sugar coat it.
Norway is also cancelled. Dan Nelson is out of the band and they have to cancel the European tour.

Whoa Whoa Whoa...where'd you hear this? If they really have to skip Wacken and Sonisphere, that's going to suck. And what on earth are they going to do about the album?!?
The norwegian promoter talked to their european booking manager: "the whole tour is cancelled, they are no longer talking to eachother and Dan Nelson is definately out of the band". so thats it then.
Just got mail from the ticket vendor - Prague show on June 29the also cancelled! FUCK!!! Five f*** years I have been waiting for Anthrax and now this...