european tour: reviews, comments, questions

You go!!!!!!
I am going to post a report of yesterday night and it was fucking GREAT!!!!!!! :D :D :D I got hugged by Niklas and kissed by Mikael!!!!!! The music was great, they were great, the performance was great. YOU GO! YOU ROCK!
Originally posted by The Grand Wazoo
You go!!!!!!
I am going to post a report of yesterday night and it was fucking GREAT!!!!!!!

I'm waiting for your report !!!

I didn't saw them on their last tour with In Flames, I don't wan't to miss their show once more !! :D
Dark Tranquillity, Sinergy and….Griffin.

Woow. Finally.. Walked to the Effenaar, bought a T-shirt, and off we went. Griffin totally sucked. Sorry, but the performance was nothing. N-o-t-h-i-n-g. It just.. Ah, the music was quite good, but... He said: “Hey, I want you to baaaaaang your heads on the songggg!” And everyone went like: “Yeah, suuure.” He kept saying how fucking great we were, as public. Maaan, we totally sucked. We didn’t do anything. :rolleyes: Ah well.. Then.. Finally, after saying “This is the last song!” like, five times, they went. *phew* After a short break, ..suddenly they came running on the podium again. SINERGY!!!! \m/ Hell yeaH! (Oh btw, I was standing in front, right up to the podium, all the time.. Except for some time during Griffin, but who cared? I mean....Grifffffin. :p) This girl was great... Really, ...amazing. So enthusiastic.. Well, I dunno. Anyway, they had a really cute guitar player as well, with nice long blonde hairs... Ewww....:D
And, during their performance, Stefanie (a friend of mine) and I started screaming, yelling, etc, like HELL. And then the girl stopped singing and she asked, who did that? And Stefanie pointed at me, SHE did that :p And I pointed back, no Stefanie did it! Just, to play along, really, I don't care if they picked me to scream.. :D So she said, well, SCREAM then! And she gave us the microphone. God, never ask ME to scream. Cos, I will. Heh, my friends were so proud of me.. :D We screamed! Hehe.. Then she said all the _girls_ should scream. (About.... 5 girls....:rolleyes: ) Good, good.. That was an excellent performance. Far better then I expected, the music I have of Sinergy sounds a lot crappier. Good.
They went offstage, ...and the podium was being rebuilt. (Something..)
15 minutes later. I was freaking out. Definitely. Oh god.. Gonna see DT, like, less then half a metre away from them! Woooooow.
Then! The lights went out! The crowd exploded! ...And one by one, they came on the stage.
Everyone was there.. Except for MIKAEL. Then! The music started playing! (Me = freaking out) AND THERE!!!!!!! MIKAEL JUMPS ON THE STAGE!!!! The crowd is WILD!!!!! I more or the less get squashed. But HEY! Did I caaaare? Noooo! (COMPLETE) DARK TRANQUILITY WAS LESS THEN FIVE METRES AWAY FROM ME!!!! God! Satan! Whatever! Of course, I sang along. And everyone tried to touch Mikael. I didn't, actually. I kinda knew I would, later. :p Heh, the party had just started. The Sun Fired Blanks! (First song..) (I'll write down the playlist somewhere later..)
Mikael kept coming really close to the podium, fell into the crowd once as well.. and I sang along with him. Which he liked, I think. :p :rolleyes: Well, most people were singing along, of course, but still.. Ah. I'm just rambling.
Well, I was being squashed against the podium, since I was standing right in front, with all the crowd wanting to come near Mikael.. So, I looked up to Mikael, and pulled this face like: "Mwjah, that is what you get.., Poor me" And while singing, he went to the back of the stage, and got my a tin of beer. ME! A tin of beer!! From Mikael! Everyone was fuuuucking jealous!! HEheheeheh :D You could say I was kinda happy... God, that certainly was an amazing night. Woow.
Right. Then we just had this amazing night, evryone was great.. Oh and Niklas Sundin.. Hehehe. :D Well, I can't help he's so.. Hot? Goodlooking? Whatever. (I even told him this, after the performance. Cliche eh? ..Tell ya later about it). The music was great, they were great, the performance was great....!!! Waaaaaaaaaaargh! :D
So, we had lots of fun, and when I saw they were going to play the last song, (Final Resistance), I climbed on stage with the intention to go CROWDSURFING. Hehehe long expected..
Moi, crazy enough to do it. But what happened? ....I am not sure, but I got dizzy (Stanne's beer :p ) And I fell, backwards. Right into the... PIT! Some people caugth me, but I slammed right against the floor. With my head. Such a big bump.. God, what a shock. Everyone was concerned and pulled me up immediately. (HEeheh I kinda used it, I confess, got me some attention ;) ) But I jumped up again, dizzy and fuck, I fell haaaard, but nothing could stop me. This was the last song and I jumped up, even headbanged a bit, but that really hurted so I quit with that, and then they threw the drumsticks to the crowd. And YES! I caught one! Maaaaan this was the luckiest day of my life! Sorry if I am very.. Cliche, but.. hell yeah! Then the guys gave everyone a hand, so I gave them all a hand. (Grabbed Niklas :p ;) ) And of course, Mikael as well. And he walked further and then came back. Cos I was suffering, cos of the bump. (??) It really, really hurt. And I am not someone who.. is afraid of pain, to say it like that. I can be pretty agressive sometimes. Anyway, Mikael came back, touched my head, and kissed me on my forehead. ........................... Wow. ..............That was, definitely cool. :) Man.. Talking about bliss. I am sorry to sound like a groupie, cos I am really not a groupie, but hey, you know what I am talking, right?
Then, this helping guy started throwing the four (!!) drumsticks around, and yes people. I got ONE!!! :D I told you this was my luckiest day for a loong time!

Heh. Then we waited outside, to see the artists, well, DT-guys, I mean. Instead, we talked to the Sinergy guys + girl, who were all concerned about my head.. :) And then we saw Mikael jumping up and down inside. So, we ran inside, and talked to them and took photos!! Next time:

..Talking with the band and making pictures.
I'll talk to ya later.

Oh Ormir! I got your greetings!!! Thank you! *greetings + hugs back*
And ohja, Martin wasn't very talkative, he wasn't even there in teh end. But I'll tell you next time. Later!
I am known to growl sometimes as well.
Or some Dani Filth-voice. :D
I like doing voices..
But hey, enjoy yourselve tonight! (Not difficult at all, believe meee...) And if you get a chance, please say hi from the girl with the glow-in-the-dark-shirt who crashed off the stage, into the pit. :D From Holland, of course.

(I also got two T-shirts btw :D Had to pay for them though.. :p )
I can't wait to see them, especially after this account :D

If Mikael ever kissed me I wouldn't know whether to hit him or what... that'd be hell weird.. Hopefully he won't cause I'm a bloke.
Originally posted by The Grand Wazoo

But hey, enjoy yourselve tonight! (Not difficult at all, believe meee...) And if you get a chance, please say hi from the girl with the glow-in-the-dark-shirt who crashed off the stage, into the pit. :D From Holland, of course.

:lol: ok, if I manage to talk to them, I won't forget it !! :D

and like Hywel said, i hope Mikael only kiss girls !! :lol:
@The Grand Wazoo: Great report, your enthusiasm really rubbed off :lol: Good thing you got my greetings, I wasn't so sure if MadTinus would notice you, but after that account it's probably hard not to have :D Let us hear more about after the gig!