european tour: reviews, comments, questions

The site doesn't work!! *cries*

Another link, please? :(

(I only got some pics with the guys apart, with me :grin: )

Oh! I saw Alexi, WildChild! I didn't recognize him at once!! :eek: And I got a photo with him and me, and then.. I realised, this Finnish guy.. I knew him, I knew him.. He wasn't just the guitarist of Sinergy.. He is the ***** singer of Children Of Bodom!!

I was standing outisde, hanging about, and Alexi and the other guitarist of Sinergy, were kicking the coach, cos the door wouldn't open, and Alexi said : Perkele! And I said: "Perkele! ..Ewww... bad worddd..." (Remember, I had been drinking..) And he said, "yes indeed"..and he looked kinda strange, not on this world-like.. Hehe.. If you know what I am saying :p) He wasn't even surprised I knew Finnish! :( I was proud of myself, but nooo.. No word from mister WildChild. Hmm.. Why would he care? :p *rambling*
They were sooooo amazing in holland.. But anyways, i'll help the Grand Wazoo with that set list i nicked cause she lured me to this place anyways:) .. According to it they played in this order..

-The Sun Fired Blanks
-The Treason Wall
-White noise / Black silence
-Punish My heaven
-Monochromatic Stains
-Undo Control
-Damaga Done
-The Wonders At your feet
-Insanity's Crescendo
-Hours Passed in exile
-Indifferent suns
-Not Build to last
-Zodijackyl Light
-Final Resistance..

At least, thats what the set list said.. But it could be they played 1 more song, cause once while they were playing, they where playing something else than they were supposed to.. i think.. or i banged my head to much and was just being stupid :)
And i kissed Stanne on the front of his head, not sure he experienced it like a kiss cause my teeth where in the way (he was holding my head far to close to his :) ).. BUt for me it was :).. Wonder if i am gay now for all my ramblin bout kissing a redhead :)
and for the rest, it was just awesome.. but Wazoo and the rest already made that clear :)
The first link had a , behind it, and she probably didn't see that..

and the pics are pretty nice anyways, nice and clear :)
but thatts my opinion :/
@Wazoo: What about your pics? It seems you took some too :goggly:

@Chaostar: Nice pics, although they could have been bigger :p

@Dreft: Go introduce yourself on the newbie thread you sick Dutch bastard :Puke:
Originally posted by Chaostar
they played Insanity... & Undo Control 2 days ago, and not yesterday, but instead they played Monochromatic Stains yesterday...
They played Monochromatic Stains in Eindhoven too, I forgot to mention it in my post...
Originally posted by Dreft
At least, thats what the set list said.. But it could be they played 1 more song, cause once while they were playing, they where playing something else than they were supposed to..
They played Single Part Of Two, for the first time on the tour, yay!