european tour: reviews, comments, questions

Originally posted by The Grand Wazoo
I am known to growl sometimes as well.
Or some Dani Filth-voice. :D
I like doing voices..
But hey, enjoy yourselve tonight! (Not difficult at all, believe meee...) And if you get a chance, please say hi from the girl with the glow-in-the-dark-shirt who crashed off the stage, into the pit. :D From Holland, of course.

(I also got two T-shirts btw :D Had to pay for them though.. :p )
Hey Grand Wazoo :wave:! MadTinus here! You have the picture of us together already??

Yeah, the gig in Eindhoven was awesome, we didn't see Griffin, but judging by your report we didn't miss a lot... :D. Synergy was good, I am not at all familiar with their music, but the gig was nice, Kimberly is a good frontwoman and has A LOT of hair...

But DT were the undisputed headliners of the evening, a phenomenal performance from start to finish. The setlist was (sorted by which songs they played from which album):

- The Sun Fired Blacks
- ThereIn
- UnDo Control
- Wonders At Your Feet
- Not Built To Last
- Indifferent Suns
- Haven
- Hedon
- Insanity's Crescendo
- Zodijackyl Light
- Punish My Heaven
- Lethe
- Final Resistance
- Hours Passed In Exile
- Single Part Of Two :)rock: for the first time on this tour that they played it!!)
- The Treason Wall
- Damage Done
- White Noise/Black Silence

What a set! Except for the lack of Skydancer/OCAEN songs... but it was great. The interaction with the crowd was great, Mikael even crowdsurfed during one song (Indifferent Suns I think it was).

I got to talk to Anders Jivarp after the show, a totally cool and nice guy! I even got some pretty cool first-hand news from him, which was that CEREMONIAL OATH are still together with Anders on drums, Anders Friden of In Flames and Jesper of In Flames in the band, they will release an album on CM probably next year! No Villain probably comes in saying "I knew that..."... :D.
Originally posted by The Grand Wazoo
Oh Ormir! I got your greetings!!! Thank you! *greetings + hugs back*
And ohja, Martin wasn't very talkative, he wasn't even there in teh end. But I'll tell you next time. Later!
Well, I'm just a bit of a shy guy you know... hehe... and just walking up to a girl you've never met or talked to in your life to send greetings from a guy from Finland... was a genuinely new experience! :lol:

We did stay for a while after the show, I talked to Anders and Niklas (before and after the show), I don't know when we left but I do know it was very late (early.?) when I was home, about 3:45 AM. We gave Niklas a few DETONATION CD's, cause he did the art for it, he thought it turned out great! And so did we of course...

But hey, I thought it was nice, you were nice and we should stay in touch! :) BTW, how's your head..? I saw you crash, it looked... ouchy!
Originally posted by Hywel
If Mikael ever kissed me I wouldn't know whether to hit him or what... that'd be hell weird.. Hopefully he won't cause I'm a bloke.
Why wouldn't you want that? :cry:

Anyway, they had a really cute guitar player as well, with nice long blonde hairs... Ewww....
You must mean Alexi Laiho of Children of Bodom :p

Well, I'm just a bit of a shy guy you know... hehe... and just walking up to a girl you've never met or talked to in your life to send greetings from a guy from Finland... was a genuinely new experience!
This is the closest I've ever come to a DT gig :lol: And damn, that set looks really good :eek:
Sorry, dont really have time now..
I'll tell you about the convos later..

I miss them... :(
It was soo amazing..

Yeah, MadTinus, cool. Will I see you at the Effenaar with Arch Enemy, 29th of November?......
Oh, the sequence of that setlist is wrong. Cos, I know for sure that I fell during the last song (I planned it like that, well, not the falling, but crowdsurfing :rolleyes: ) And that was the Final Resistance!

"This is the - Final - Resistance!!!!!" *waaaaaah* *crash* *boom* FUCK!

Quote: You must mean Alexi Laiho of Children of Bodom.
Yes, they said he looked like him. I didnt think so, though..
Ohhhhhhh, I expected Freecard as an introduction. Auctioned is too... slow to play it live, but somehow I kept the hope of see them play Freecard. :cry:

Btw: I wonder how a girl behaves the same way both in a death metal gig and a Backstreet Boys (boring) show. Quite curious.

That is a damned amazing set list. As long as they play Lethe I'll go home a happy man. (I'll be a happy man anyway, its DT for fucks sake, but you know what I mean :D )
THe guy you thought looked like Alexi is Alexi! He is in both COB and SInergy and is Kimberly's husband (Sinergy's singer). Sinergy are such a great band, I'm suprised that no-one here really likes them, they are one of the best, genuinely fun metal bands around. Though I guess their music is very different to DT so I understand that lots of you aren't into that sort of power metalish stuff.
Anway the set list looks great, though there are a few too many songs off of Damage Done and nowhere near enough from Gallery. (Come on guys, it's probably your most popular album!)
Can't wait till the London gig on Monday, only 2 days to go!
Originally posted by The Grand Wazoo
Yeah, MadTinus, cool. Will I see you at the Effenaar with Arch Enemy, 29th of November?......
Oh, the sequence of that setlist is wrong. Cos, I know for sure that I fell during the last song (I planned it like that, well, not the falling, but crowdsurfing :rolleyes: ) And that was the Final Resistance!

"This is the - Final - Resistance!!!!!" *waaaaaah* *crash* *boom* FUCK!
I know the sequence is wrong, I just sorted the songs by album, couldn't remember the order in which they played 'em... But yes, Final Resistance was the last song (the last encore).

I can't come to Arch Enemy sadly, I've got 2 birthday parties that night... :cry:.
Originally posted by MadTinus
I even got some pretty cool first-hand news from him, which was that CEREMONIAL OATH are still together with Anders on drums, Anders Friden of In Flames and Jesper of In Flames in the band, they will release an album on CM probably next year! No Villain probably comes in saying "I knew that..."... :D.

Uh, I'm embarrassed to admit that I had no idea that Ceremonial Oath was still alive! :eek: Well, even the Doctor can learn something new these days, it seems...

Well, my friend 'nicked' the setlist, so I'll get the right sequence of the setlist soon anyway. :)

I think White Noise/Black Silence was the best song live.. Got stuck in my head.. Was the most energiek (...). (energetic? Dont think so.. Oww head hurts..)

*kills little brother for putting on Avril lagngine-something-bitch* Aaaaargh
Np: Wonders At Your Feet..

Everyone, enjoy the gig!!! :D
Just a few words, to say yesterday 's show in Voselaar (Be) was totally INCREDIBLE !!! One of the best band on stage I ever saw !! (I mean Dark Tranquillity, of course ! :D )
I'll post a report later... and I have hundred of pictures !!!!! :D
The show was totally incredible !! I won't talk about the 2 first bands, as they I don't care about them...
We were close to the stage, ready for the show... And it stated with "The sun fire blanks" !!! People were crazy in the pit, even between the songs we kept screaming and shouting... The band seemed to be impressed, and Mikael looked really happy to be there...
The best part of the show (for me) was "Therein", with the clean voice of Mikael... arrrrghhh !!
Every body could jump from the stage, there were no roadie, just us and Dark Tranquillity... Even Mikael jumped in the pit !! (see pics !)
After the show, Mikael stayed for a while to shake hand, sign stuff, and so on... I couldn't tell him more than "Thank you... great show, even better than Nile :D " ...sorry The Grand Wazoo :( I thought about your message, but there were too many fans in here !!

For 50's of pics taken by me, check on the album called "DarkTranquil" by a guy called solarfall59 !! enjoy !! I like them, even if there are some red eyes on some of them :mad:

they played these songs,as far as I can remember...

- The Sun Fired Blank
- ThereIn
- Wonders At Your Feet
- Not Built To Last
- Indifferent Suns
- Haven
- Hedon
- Zodijackyl Light
- Punish My Heaven
- Lethe
- Final Resistance
- Hours Passed In Exile
- Single Part Of Two
- The Treason Wall
- Damage Done
- White Noise/Black Silence
- Monochromatic Stains
Originally posted by Miolo
:cry: :cry: i seriously hope they'll play it in milan...

Miolo (worried)

I was also expecting this song, which is one of my favorite, but.. the show had to end, and they have so many great songs...

Somehow posted the track list from the show the day before the one I saw, and there are 2 differences : they played Insanity... & Undo Control 2 days ago, and not yesterday, but instead they played Monochromatic Stains yesterday... They seem to often change their track list, which is a good thing IMO...

Anyway, don't worry too much, the show will be crazy, with or without IC... I hope for you they 'll play it