European tour with Slipknot

@COCOB: Actually...haven't seen those videos but i have to say for some periods of time Alexi's/band's playing has not been the best...end of AYDY tour was way off. Yeah dunno bout injuries but i guess you have a point. A example of Alexi playing badly is the Young guitar Demonstration January 2006 :lol:
The Phenom,

I think they're done after this year. I mean, mostly all of the members have their own bands. Corey and the rhythm guitarist will devote thier full time to Stone Sour.

And Nu-Metal has died down
@COCOB: Actually...haven't seen those videos but i have to say for some periods of time Alexi's/band's playing has not been the best...end of AYDY tour was way off. Yeah dunno bout injuries but i guess you have a point. A example of Alexi playing badly is the Young guitar Demonstration January 2006 :lol:

And an example of great playing is Namm 08 :lol: Just give the guy a break, I think injuries had a lot to do, cos as you've seen in the vids I've sent you, his playing is great atm.
^^I dunno but the original statement Corey had was "What good is a band that eats itself...?" but as far as i know that attitude is gone now so i have no idea. I like stone sour though...they are cool.

And an example of great playing is Namm 08 :lol: Just give the guy a break, I think injuries had a lot to do, cos as you've seen in the vids I've sent you, his playing is great atm.

yeah im not having a go at him. He is greater than i ever will be but i was merely pointing out that his guitar skeelz has not always been that good. Well i agree...the playing in those videos you sent was phenomenal :lol:
^ yeah i agree. when you play a bit of guitar you understand how much it's difficult to be good all the time, and that it takes a loooot of years to be good. so even if he's not always "perfect" he's still a great musician.
^Yup. Although before the accuracte playing squad flames me, I'll say that the playing on the last part of the AYDY tour wasn't the best, I know, but I must say something:

1st: Alexi had had that arm injury and it doesn't help to play more accurate, I can tell you that.
2nd: They recorded the DVD then, when they had been almost 2 years touring, and Alexi hadn't really practiced that much, and still they pulled a great show and made a kickass DVD. I think most of the general criticism towards his playing is influenced by the fact that he wasn't at his best shape during the AYDY tour (and, hence, on the DVD). Imagine that the DVD had been made around Namm 08 time. I think criticism would be way less. But, as always in this kind of things, put a size 7 IMO before all I said :D
First of all im a chick and not to keen on fighting any male slipknot fans or any metal dudes for that matter.

Im not a bitch, but I am realistic I can hold my own, but its not all the easy to out power a male when your female. I mean have u seen the size of some of these Slipknot kids? Screw that! If you want to fight a bunch of mask loving hicks be my guest.

BTW if Bodom is the most brutal gig u have been too, u need to get out more.:heh: Slipknot show's are pretty scary and emo is hardly the word I would use to describe any of their so called "maggots." Here in America their fans take them pretty serious, which I have no idea why. They wear mask and prison gear for fuck sake! Also why do they have 9 people !? Who needs that many in one band? Someone answer this for me! After awhile that many people turns into grinding noise IMO. Either way the only good thing about this whole situation is Bodom opening, which will be good exposure for them in the long run. Alot of bands have become alot bigger after opening for Slipknot. Stupid, but the truth none the less. :erk:

Hmmm... don't know who you are, but you seem to have some brains about you.

It's not about who your playing with on tour or whatever, but about getting to play for you all. It's not a job, it's a love!

Have a nice day!
^ Was that a compliment? I've been a fan for a long time of the band and this forum, but I've never really posted, b/c so many people jump on you anytime you voice an opinion they dont like. I'm way too old to argue with idiot kids. :cool: I also see your point about not mattering who a band tours with.
^ Was that a compliment? I've been a fan for a long time of the band and this forum, but I've never really posted, b/c so many people jump on you anytime you voice an opinion they dont like. I'm way too old to argue with idiot kids. :cool: I also see your point about not mattering who a band tours with.

Yes, that was a compliment for some of his or her points. And not everyone here is an ass. ;
^ okay thanks! I also didnt mean to imply everyone on the forum was an asshole, I know that's not true and the last thing I want to do is upset any of my fellow COB fans. So, if I did I'm sorry! BTW I'm a chick at least the last time I checked I was. :lol:
Indeed. But K-man, understand too that being things like they are, we're going to pay 40€ (I doubt Slipknot will go for a cheaper ticket) to see an opening act COB show, when we paid for AYDY tour (and hope to be the same for Blooddrunk) 20-25€ depending places for a headlining Bodom. That is the main complaint here. The time of playing (and, secondary, the fact that we'll pay more money for an opening tour than for a headlining tour).

Anyway, at least they'll come before 2009 (if Slipknot skip Spain as Unholly Alliance or Black Crusade did, I'm personally murdering all Slipknot members and their tour manager).

Hope you had a good Gigantour.
^ okay thanks! I also didnt mean to imply everyone on the forum was an asshole, I know that's not true and the last thing I want to do is upset any of my fellow COB fans. So, if I did I'm sorry! BTW I'm a chick at least the last time I checked I was. :lol:

Woops Sorry.
Indeed. But K-man, understand too that being things like they are, we're going to pay 40€ (I doubt Slipknot will go for a cheaper ticket) to see an opening act COB show, when we paid for AYDY tour (and hope to be the same for Blooddrunk) 20-25€ depending places for a headlining Bodom. That is the main complaint here. The time of playing (and, secondary, the fact that we'll pay more money for an opening tour than for a headlining tour).

Anyway, at least they'll come before 2009 (if Slipknot skip Spain as Unholly Alliance or Black Crusade did, I'm personally murdering all Slipknot members and their tour manager).

Hope you had a good Gigantour.

Well my opinion is- it's only money... If there is some thing I'm into, Even if I'm broke. I make it happen, It's only money (sell some chickens or what have you, what ever it takes).
:lol: That's not the point. I am actually going to the gigs if they come to Spain (not necessarily my town, I'm ok with Barcelona f.e.), but it just pisses me off they are opening and I pay more for that than for the headliner, cos I can't make money appear that easily. And also, USA gets Gigantour and headlnining, Japan and Australia get headlining, and Europe gets an opening act tour with Slipknot.

I'm glad for the band though, because hopefully they'll get loads of new fans and that's good for them.
+1 to K-Man (with beer on his hand). Yeah c'mon, you usually have better arguments Children Of COB ;)

:lol: thanks, but that's how I feel, because I'm a student and I don't work, and I get around 100€ a month doing stuff at home, and going to a gig usually costs me more than that, so a gig means a month and a half broke, and it pisses me off if I'm going to be a month and a half broke just for a short opening set.