I think Munich was the best German show for us. It was very nice surprise for us. They day before we played in Vienna, and somehow that city has always been very dear to us. I will never forget the the Planet Music shows back in the day. One Man Man Army dudes invaded our bus in Stuttgart. They played the same city with Unleashed.
It was time to cross the channel. The Cliffs of Dover welcomed us to the rainy island. Weird is that its actually been much sunnier in UK than in Central Europe on this tour.
London was lots of drinking. Cardiff kicked some serious ass. The crowd really surprised us, and now it would be great to come over for headliner.
Yesterday we enjoyed a day off in Birmingham. I managed to get up quite early, totally hungover from the Cardiff tequilas. The game wasn't sold out so we got tickets to see Birmingham-Watford. What could be better cure for hangover than good company, beer and football.