Europeans must be pissed...

MyHatredforYouRunsDeep said:
Ahhh I somewhay agree with F.A. here...And Billy try to not go off and him because he did express his point of view respectfully.
thank you MHFYRD. It's not against America, i recently saw a report on the GI's in Iraq, and i almost cried at the end because it's such a waste of human lives, i can't believe it. They ignore whom they're fighting against!!!
Too sad.
@ French Anathemaman - you made baseless arguments and furthermore I hate your signature.

I detest the French/German leadership, but I think it would be foolish to say they're representative of the country... Their economies are going down the crapshoot and I think that people will soon wake up and smell the coffee. I'm also told by my friend, who has talked to people who have gone to France, that there are actually a lot of pro-Americans over there. It's a few bad apples (namely Chirac and his goons) spoiling the bunch.
I'm probaby just saying that because one of my favorite bands (Carnival in Coal) is French. BTW Billy, they mention 'Surfin' MOD' in their song 'Yeah Oystaz'.

Ahhh see when you make statements like that Sepsis you totally make your self look like an idiot....If you detest his sig that much then forgive him if you are "true christian"
Isn't forgiveness what Christianity is all about?????
MyHatredforYouRunsDeep said:
Ahhh see when you make statements like that Sepsis you totally make your self look like an idiot....If you detest his sig that much then forgive him if you are "true christian"
Isn't forgiveness what Christianity is all about?????
I can't forgive him if he isn't sorry.
Buzzard said:
First of all, No one, I mean NO ONE in the world will ever hold bush ACCOUNTABLE for ANYTHING. We are the economic pool of the world.

Secondly, Who do you think is calling the shots dipshit? It's a group of people called the BILDEBERG Group. Europeans welath, Royalty and Corporate heads with the rest of the worlds. Do some reasearch. Then come here and try to Blame Bush. This is only a religious war viewed by ISLAM. In their minds it's ALLAH against all, YOU are part of the ALL. ISLAM will eventually fall in AMERICA. I hope they get slaughtered by the millions here-THEY DESERVE it.
Though I fear that Europe will fall to Islam because it's citizens are in FEAR OF THEIR SAFETY. You have a problem with religion, so don;'t read that into it.

My problem with religion is that it wastes your objectivity and your own accountability for what could be eventually happening.
It's too much of a good excuse.
Would you have been in Iraq Billy?Do you envy those who are there?Would you share your warm couch in your house in the middle of America against a warm bed in the desert, waiting for an ambush to make you use a wheeling chair for the rest of your life?
You bash on me because i'm French, European, or whatever. You don't respect my opinion, i didn't call you an idiot, what you did, you're probably right for once ; i'll never post again. deaf and blind, luckily you still have legs arms and a mouth to spread your hatred. Some of the American soldiers have no lambs anymore, so feel "blessed" by your fucking God (for sure the best one)
His signature is great.

Christianity is for the weak minded that cant form their own opinions, and need to be spoon fed bullshit on a weekly basis. The catholic church is a front for pedophilia, and I hope the pope dies this week, what the fuck do you need a pope for anyway. If there is a god, why the fuck wouldnt he cure the pope. WHY BECUASE THERE IS NO GOD.

french_anatheman said:
or once ; i'll never post again. QUOTE]

Like MANY of the people here I'm not viewing this as great loss!!:heh:

Farewell and goodbye....maybe you and chirac can reach out to the dirty
camel fuckers and and trade your asses for oil. Oh guys already did that!!!
@ Muffy - Christianity is not for the weak-minded. To say so is to spit in the face of history, in the face of all the people who were tortured and executed because of their belief in God. I find it amazing that Christianity went from being a small, violently oppressed cult to become the most powerful force in human history. I don't thinkg it got there on accident. Also, check out and you'll see that there are a lot of people (hardly weak-minded) around the world suffering for their faith in Christ.
johnnieCzech said:
We are not pissed.
I´m more concerned about the pile of crap they call European Constitution...and I´m glad the Czechs said NO to it, along with the British-because that piece of shit is pretty anti-English too, I wonder what Nik has to say about this. Makes me think that we and British are the smartest Europeans (with no offense to the others)

Me and about 60% of the sheeps here said "no" even though 90% of the politicians and economy-experts who got air-time on TV and spent a fair couple of milions on advertising told us to "understand the privilege of freedom but only if you vote "yes" - if you vote "no" Al-Queida will come for you, the stock-market will hit rock bottom tomorrow, grasshoppers and frogs will destroy all plants and remeber. RESISTANCE IS FUTILE". Well, their arguments were so shitty that my slogan here could have passed. And when the votes were counted all I had to do was sipping on my Red Bull and watch the fucking circus-seals howl and blame eachother... DEMOCRACY FUCKING ROCKS! :worship:
The wisesest of all always remain silent untill the ignorant walks in and pushes them around, sad to say, the ignorant didnt know that the wise one knows more than he does and shall destroy him by a simple move!
History will repeat itself untill mankind dies!
CoverUinOil said:
The wisesest of all always remain silent untill the ignorant walks in and pushes them around, sad to say, the ignorant didnt know that the wise one knows more than he does and shall destroy him by a simple move!
History will repeat itself untill mankind dies!

People can go to school and learn as much as they want, when it comes time to get a job school doesn't mean shit when laziness was your major!
Buzzard said:
People can go to school and learn as much as they want, when it comes time to get a job school doesn't mean shit when laziness was your major!

here's the word's of wisdom i grew up on...........DONT EAT YELLOW SNOW.
:rock: Ohhhhhhhhhhh and.............................ALL WOMEN & I MEAN ALL WOMEN WILL FUCK YOU UP ONE WAY OR ANOTHER. :grin: :grin: .

PEACE, RICE & PEA'S, non alco BEER(yeah right)........
nik said:
here's the word's of wisdom i grew up on...........DONT EAT YELLOW SNOW.
:rock: Ohhhhhhhhhhh and.............................ALL WOMEN & I MEAN ALL WOMEN WILL FUCK YOU UP ONE WAY OR ANOTHER. :grin: :grin: .

PEACE, RICE & PEA'S, non alco BEER(yeah right)........

Yellow snow is the one which has been pissed on?:grin:
you know what, i think you can go fuck yourself on this one bcs all your fuckin knowledge doesnt make any fuckin sense, As far as getting a job i'm doing quite good thank you. I dont go around bitching at my boss why someone with 20years experience is getting paid more than me, unlike someone else i know. As far as education, at least i'm getting some, some real valuable information not bullshit i read off of some dumb website. And when it comes to economy i think that maybe you should chill out bcs your record doesnt show much knowledge in that area. Before you try giving lessons to people you should go and inform yourself from people that actualy know what they're talking about.
And since i seem to be so lazy i guess maybe you should go find someone else to go finish your dvd, oh but wait, real video editors dont get paid $500 a week to do that kind of shit and even kids fresh out of skool get paid more than that so good luck finding your little bitch slave.
The French are pissed because nobody cares about their opinion anymore, and they are nolonger a true "WORLD POWER"

And the Germans are afraid to act in any agressive manner because of world opinion, and being accused of becoming "nazified" AGAIN
There's other places that we can go for Wine, Cheese & dirty women

FUCK FRANCE!!! There opinion Hasn't, Doesn't & Won't mean shit!!!!

And honestly now....They've never been a World Power in modern times!!
Just a bunch of scared pussies who surrender at the 1st sign of conflict and then turn their backs on those who ALWAYS seem to be there to fight their war for them.

Oh Yeah, I'd be proud to be from france:rolleyes:

DeathsHead said:
The French are pissed because nobody cares about their opinion anymore, and they are nolonger a true "WORLD POWER"

And the Germans are afraid to act in any agressive manner because of world opinion, and being accused of becoming "nazified" AGAIN
T_man357 said:
There's other places that we can go for Wine, Cheese & dirty women

FUCK FRANCE!!! There opinion Hasn't, Doesn't & Won't mean shit!!!!

And honestly now....They've never been a World Power in modern times!!
Just a bunch of scared pussies who surrender at the 1st sign of conflict and then turn their backs on those who ALWAYS seem to be there to fight their war for them.

Oh Yeah, I'd be proud to be from france:rolleyes:

Dirty Women..........ITALY

Fuck ITALY is the 'new' FRANCE..................they even give up as fast :grin: .
little note to COVERME feeling any deja vu here???????? and please put you rattle back in your pram, i'm of to shag my sis