Ever been rejected by your Girlfriend/Boyfriend?

Hah, I saw my ex today at the mall where she works (No I didn't go hunt her down..I went to FYE and bought the new Brainstorm CD, it was the most appealing thing there). It was her day off, and I ran into her, and here's the kicker...her new b/f was with her. Now half of me was happy for her, and half of me wanted to beat the everloving CRAP outta him. But, since I'm not a violent guy, I shook his hand when introduced, came home, and have been blasting the hell outta my stereo since. Metal is my release from the crap of everyday life. Searching The Betrayal was the first song that went in.
"Searching the Betrayal" is perfect for feeling sad and melancholy about your ex....."Kill for Metal" is the perfect soundtrack for when you're done being sad and you're thinking of ways to inflict revenge!! hehe
NvmbrsDoom5 said:
You're forgetting the ultimate ND song about rejection, "Searching The Betrayal"....not only did I help create that song, but I had to record it THE DAY AFTER my ex-wife told me she wanted a divorce. Ironically, the lyrics (which had been written beforehand) bore a striking resemblance to my situation and what was said to me on that dreary day. So let's just say that in that instance, life imitated art, or vice versa, and I was definitely in a negative frame of mind perfect for recording some miserable music, LOL
That song is fantastic !!!! Paul wrote some memorably lyrics then, very nice and mature. And the music shows the perfect mood for a broken heart, now we know why ! cheers Larry !
By the way, when I broke after four years with my girlfriend ( now we are together again, life is long... or short, who knows ) I used to open www.novembersdoom.com during the lonely nights and listen the background music, that was the central part of "Suffering the red dream" in the year 2000.
When I listen now that song I want to cry, hope you people find the love again like I did, and keep metal of course.
There are actually so many songs that work for me. Last saturdaynight (maybe sundaymorning; heheh) I played "A Natural Disaster" by Anathema which I played a lot during...ehm...my darkest hours so to speak :yuk: . It brought back a lot of emotions, not in the last place the fact I missed my kids very much at that point. Don't worry though; I see them regurarly, but they are still missed a lot at those moments.

I think music can be part of the healingprocess that is actually a mourningprocess after a relationship breaking up. And it's not a bad thing that music puts you in that kinda mood, because you're confronted with what slumbers within you. As long as you, like I said before, don't keep on dwelling in it and feel sorry for yourself. That's in fact just your crancked ego.

I am in a lucky position that my ex and me can get along reasonably, very important when kids are involved, and are on speaking terms so to say. But hey, life goes on and everything is possible. I look towards the future and try to learn from this experience. Because it is part of life and what happens to people. And yeah; STAY METAL, haha!!!!!!
This may sound wierd but the Animatrix dvd is perfect for being depressed to. It's so full of desolation and unescapable doom. At least thats the vibe I get from it.Even if you're not a fan of the movies its worth a try, see what you think. I'm not a fan of cartoons or anything, but its really deep stuff.

My story is that I loved this girl for ten years, she was the only one I could see, but things never fell into place. She broke my heart so many times without even knowing it, but nothing could stop me from loving her. She recently got pregnant and had a child by some guy that could care less about her or the child. All I can do is supprt her now, things are grim. I love them both, but its just a situation that could never work out. Even if things could miraculously work themselves out, something holds her back from accepting me as anything but a good friend. I hate how there is something inside me that wont let go of her, and how the undying loyalty to her wont die. All I can say is Novembers Doom is good for the tormented soul.
Animatrix dvd huh? Interesting! What I have seen of it, it is very dark and moody so I can see where you're coming from somewhat....

and don't hesitate to admit to watching any cartoons, you'll find that we are fond of cartoons and other crazy shit here too, hah!
oh man, the story of my life... i have written 2 albums about this subject matter. I so feel what you all are going through. and this is indeed an awefull time to go through. i think the hardest part is finding someone to except you for who you are and, support your dreams/goals
i have had my heart broken throughout my life because most women can't except that music is more important than them. i would imagine that this happens to all musicians. thankfully i have found a great girl and we are to be married.

let me suggest some great music that will make you want to slit your wrist in these times of sorrow

Anathema- fragile dreams and lost control on the album alternative 4 and the entire judgement album
dan of bereavement said:
(...) think the hardest part is finding someone to except you for who you are and, support your dreams/goals
i have had my heart broken throughout my life because most women can't except that music is more important than them. (...)

BINGO! so that's one of the things i did wrong...:erk: or maybe she wasn't the one. anyway, for songs filled with feelings, i would recommend eva cassidy, can't go wrong there. kudos.
God damn am I lucky: I met my current girlfriend in the Moonspell bulletin board so automatically I knew she had good taste in music. For so long I said I would never date online, and here I am now in love with a girl 2200 miles away...until she moves here during July.
dan of bereavement said:
yeah man it's very hard to find the right one, especially one that likes metal.

but, you didn't do anything wrong, you were just being yourself.

yeah, guess so, this stupid part of me still blames me and her for what went wrong, must face the fact that is over... the obsession is over and from now one the path is done merely by one. thanks for the compliment on the site.