Ever meet any Nevermore boarders? If so, list them here.

Tee said:
great. one fucks up his hair w dreads...blah blah
Dead_Lioness said:
I agree 100%.
Why do people have dreds? its so disgusting........

i had dreadlocks for about 2.5 years, they were NOT dirty, they did NOT smell, they were NOT disgusting. they were of uniform thickness, i kept the sides and back neatly clippered, and even washed them with...get this...SHAMPOO?!@#$@ hippies have dirty smelly dreads because they are dirty smelly people. this wanton dreadlock prejudice MUST STOP!

neals not white.

That's only a disguise he uses to gain equal treatment in court, cinemas, stores, streets, schools, restaurants, buses etc etc.
equal treatments? naw nigga, dont you know? if yous white you get everythin fo free! das why i wants tha welfare, it just set it all straight. where my reparations?
neal said:

i had dreadlocks for about 2.5 years, they were NOT dirty, they did NOT smell, they were NOT disgusting. they were of uniform thickness, i kept the sides and back neatly clippered, and even washed them with...get this...SHAMPOO?!@#$@ hippies have dirty smelly dreads because they are dirty smelly people. this wanton dreadlock prejudice MUST STOP!


There is no such thing as "good looking" dreds!
I'm so happy you got rid of those neal.
you look so much better without!
Dead_Lioness said:
My point exactly.

and what is wrong with white people with dreads??I have some white friends having dreadlocks and I consider them ok...normal hair style->like all the others...and they care about their hair,they keep it clean and everything-even more than people without dreads-because they are afraid of stereotypes..:erk:

HalcyonHullaballo said:
and what is wrong with white people with dreads??I have some white friends having dreadlocks and I consider them ok...normal hair style->like all the others...and they care about their hair,they keep it clean and everything-even more than people without dreads-because they are afraid of stereotypes..:erk:


OH god, I know stereotypes are gay... I didn't mean it like that....!

I just personally hate dreds thats all.... like.. some guys hate girls with shaved head... ok ?
same thing.
Those guys will say: "i don't mind a shaved head, but on a guy not on a girl!"
well, I don't mind dreds.... if.... you know.
Wait, wait, Did I meet you Will? I seriously cant remember, I dont think I have yet though :lol:

P.S. I just realized your next show is during my spring break, so maybe if Im not busy I'll try to come up.
yeah dude, you came to the troc for some show, and i recognized you by your shirt... the meeting was like 4 seconds total, because i had to run

but yeah dude, come on up for the show. Derick, Laura, and Max are gonna be there
Will Bozarth said:
yeah dude, you came to the troc for some show, and i recognized you by your shirt... the meeting was like 4 seconds total, because i had to run

but yeah dude, come on up for the show. Derick, Laura, and Max are gonna be there
didn't someone say Karen was going to be there, too?
Dead_Lioness said:
There is no such thing as "good looking" dreds!
I'm so happy you got rid of those neal.
you look so much better without!

oh yeh? well my hot blonde friend (yes its a girl, jerks) liked them and was sad when i cut em off so :loco: