EVERGREY on Headbangers Ball USA , this Saturday !

SunlapseVertigo said:
In Flames
Arch Enemy

It pisses me off that good videos and music are actually getting on MTV again and people can't think of anything else but to bitch.

The above are the only bands I like from your list, and sad to say that HBB hardly ever plays them. The only reason I watched was to see Evergrey because that show sucks now.
Djeezus people what the hell are you all nagging about.. At least you have a metal show.. We have nothing, ziltch, rien du tout.. We had two metalshows, but they cancelled one and the other one has turned into a nu metal oriented one. Soilwork, Nevermore, Hatebreed on TV.. Here in Belgium we can only dream about it.

I'm wondering which bands you want them to play then?
I doubt the show would run too long if they only played underground metal videos,so there's not much sense bitching about the videos.
There's a bunch of good,or at least pretty metal, bands on that list which is very good considering that it's,after all,MTV.

It's good that bands get coverage on mainstream channels too. Of course the bad thing is that most of those bands have gone pretty stale,but as I said,what do you except to see on MTV? Emperor?
"what do you except to see on MTV? Emperor?"

No, Winds! :grin: Really, there's no reason to complain about it, atleast it's there, just mostly not my tastes, so, again, I'll just ignore it.....deja vu.....Anyway, what I am going to complain about is how Hatebreed only assisted the stereotype that metal requires no talent at all by answering that question the way in which they did.
Anneke said:
Djeezus people what the hell are you all nagging about.. At least you have a metal show.. We have nothing, ziltch, rien du tout.. We had two metalshows, but they cancelled one and the other one has turned into a nu metal oriented one. Soilwork, Nevermore, Hatebreed on TV.. Here in Belgium we can only dream about it.

I'm wondering which bands you want them to play then?
Thats my point. People should stop bitching, its better than nothing, and the fact that those bands have videos that are getting played on MTV is amazing. but apparently thats not gonna happen unless every single video played is by a band they like.
No, it's just that I do not want to waste two hours to see two videos.....seems kind of pointless when I can just go grab the cd and listen to the song. Although, if they ever play Blind Guardian, I'll watch it evermore, because I have yet to see a Blind Guardian video on any metal music video show. :(
