Evergrey on TV-4 this morning


New Metal Member
Sep 22, 2002
I crawled out of bed at 6:30 this morning so I could catch the band's appearance on TV4 here in Sweden.

They played Waking up Blind (pretty appropriate for that time of day), then later an interview with Tom and Mikke. The two interviewers mentioned how freaky that timing was with the album's subject and those Knutby church murders. I laughed at the question about whether Mike has anything on under that leather skirt ;) Then after waiting another hour, the band closed the show with A Touch of Blessing.

Great performance guys! Did you try out any of that Italian sushi?

I got it on videotape. They had Rikard's mic and Henrik's guitar mixed quite low on the first tune. On the second song, there was an audible echo for the first couple lines, then they got it fixed. Now I just need to figure out how to transfer it to digital. Something I don't have a clue of how to do.

Suzanne (zzzZZzzZzzzz)
Yes it was great to see some good music on Swedish television for a change. Not much to add actually. The interview was sort of meaningless as it didn't really state anything new but hey, Evergrey was on TV :)
MetalBanger said:
Someone said it's available at www.tv4.se
but i'ts swedish so I don't understand it
Haven't tried it myself since you have to become a member (which is free) but this should work i guess.

http://tv4.se/nyheterna/ Then click on Webb-TV on the right-hand side. Then click on the picture with the two reporters. A new page will open. On this page you shall click on the link Nyhetsmorgon on the bottom of the page. Then click on the link Musik. You will now be able to access Evergrey but first you have register your account. This is done by clicking on the link below 'Ännu inte medlem?' and then follow those steps.

I hope that made some sense and good luck.
Strahd said:
Haven't tried it myself since you have to become a member (which is free) but this should work i guess.

http://tv4.se/nyheterna/ Then click on Webb-TV on the right-hand side. Then click on the picture with the two reporters. A new page will open. On this page you shall click on the link Nyhetsmorgon on the bottom of the page. Then click on the link Musik. You will now be able to access Evergrey but first you have register your account. This is done by clicking on the link below 'Ännu inte medlem?' and then follow those steps.

I hope that made some sense and good luck.

Someone was kind enough to create a login and password (on "news" section of www.evergrey.net) for those who cant bother to do it themselves,

Login: Ever
Password: Grey123

and it works :)

*****EDIT PART******

Unfortunally it's only one song (ATOB) and it doesnt include the interview, but, wtf, at least something :headbang:
Strahd said:
Haven't tried it myself since you have to become a member (which is free) but this should work i guess.

http://tv4.se/nyheterna/ Then click on Webb-TV on the right-hand side. Then click on the picture with the two reporters. A new page will open. On this page you shall click on the link Nyhetsmorgon on the bottom of the page. Then click on the link Musik. You will now be able to access Evergrey but first you have register your account. This is done by clicking on the link below 'Ännu inte medlem?' and then follow those steps.

I hope that made some sense and good luck.

Hey! Thanks man! I really searched everywhere on that site :loco:
Now I've finally seen it!
thank again :kickass: