everything sounds dead weak and out of tune...

I kind of like it, both versions (I love the cleans, more info on that would be appreciated), although I also think that the guitar tone is kind of week. I think it lakes some bass and highs, it sounds overall flat. And maybe the song needs some more things going on, more leads, synths, etc.
I honestly don't think it sounds boring at all, I actually really like the style of it. I also really love the intro clean tone, sounds really good.

I feel like @ 2:31, the guitars become really thin, I also feel like the guitars sometimes get buried in your drums
i am working on several tracks atm, new and older ones,
this one belongs to a bunch of songs i have to complete finally,
surely it's not a hit but i just can't "throw it away" for some reason.

yeah, i've heard it about a hundred times in the last days
and it really starts to annoy me, i think putting more into it
to make it less boring, will make everything worse :lol:
any hints on the playing/mixing, what could be done better?

i like synths but as soon as i put any
of them into my tracks they sound displaced.

about the clean sound, i have this track in the rate my mix section also,
i uploaded a few pics with processing settings etc. check it out! :)

yeah, something strange is going on with the guitars,
the drums are vconstant in volume but in some parts they seem to crush everything else,
i'm getting more and more lost in this all, wrong hobby for me i guess! :lol:

yeah, i've heard it about a hundred times in the last days
and it really starts to annoy me, i think putting more into it
to make it less boring, will make everything worse :lol:
any hints on the playing/mixing, what could be done better?

Mixing: just crank up the low end. When it's too loud in your opinion, it's most likely fine in my opinion. :D

Playing: I like to listen to actual music. The "super tight" edited stuff that has been coming out in the last 10-15 years has been quite boring to listen to. There is nothing wrong being tight, I would almost kill to be as tight as Jeff or Ola for example, but when it goes to the point that you everything is really calculated and edited so much that there is no nuances, it becomes really boring. Put some quirky stuff in there.

For example I am really sloppy player on this forum's standards, but if I would've edited out all the quirky stuff from this (if you listen closely you can hear me accidentally making some string noises etc) and made everything sound the same and keep the volumes really static without new elements on each section, it would've become really boring, like it does on this version. The first version is older where I have I think 5 different guitar tones and I paid a lot more attention to drum programming and automation, on the second one I only have one and no automation of any kind and the programming was super straight forward and everything is static. Which one was more interesting to listen to?

So, think about it: Use automation, add different kind of sounds, let small quirks like accidental sounds come thru, make music not execution ;)

And digital silence is always boring, never let that happen.
i still live in my parents apartment, very shitty room acoustics and no chance to make anything about it,
that's why i always kill everything that sounds boomy or too low. that's where i cut of the tracks balls i guess! :lol:

i will take a little break from this track, then i will try to get it more natural, without editing and stuff.
also realized that the track structure is shit, the celan parts come directly into the distorted, sounds choppy and displaced, meh.

i still do not get the automation thing, i guess automation has to be made at the very end.
i automated the rythmic guitars in this track, and then i thought that the guitars were too low...
i thought i could just raise the fader and the automation will "follow"...BS, had to do everything again :lol:

couldn't listen to the 2nd track, link seems to be broken.

@all thanks a lot for the hints guys, feel free to continie, i have a lot to learn! :)

So, think about it: Use automation, add different kind of sounds, let small quirks like accidental sounds come thru, make music not execution ;)

And digital silence is always boring, never let that happen.

I know this thread's a bit old and this is a little off topic, but that was a pretty awesome post imo ahj. We really are obsessed performance and recording freaks in the metal genre. It's all got to be absolutely perfect and clean and like a machine. I think all of our music could use some of those little accidentals every once in a while to remind us that we're all human.
i don't know if i do just suck at playing/recording/mixing
but everything i record sounds, weak and lifeless.


Hey Soultrash, I actually like your uploaded song. Sure that doesn't mean very much coming from someone with extremely little mixing experience, but I've got a pair of ears and I've been using them for the last 22 years of my life. My recordings sound like chicken scratch compared to yours, so I personally like what you've done and don't think I can say ANYTHING negative even if I wanted to, since I can't do any better!

Keep up the good work.
I haven't read this whole thread, but I did listen to you examples. It sounds to me like you are lacking any dynamics is the newer version. I the older recording the clean guitar at the beginning was drastically quieter than the heavier riffs, and that made the heavy parts have a lot more impact. I don't know if it has to do with over compression in the mix, or pushing the master too loud, or if it is just your levels in the mix. That was what was most noticeable to me, even though i only listened on laptop speakers.