"Evil, brutal death metal".

Evil? wtf? that's the first time i've heard that. Anyway, here are some brutal death metal bands:

Aeternus (last 3 albums)
Evil brutal death metal? Immolation, God Dethroned, Behemoth, Abaddon Incarnate, Sinister, Spawn Of Possession.... Basically any brutal death metal band with anti-Christian/satanic lyrics.
Shiny McShining Rodriguez said:
Random question for you all... Someone says "evil, brutal death metal". What bands would you most associate with this description?

So I probably could have figured this out myself seeing as I am familiar with brutal death metal... it's just the evil part that threw me, as it seems to have done for most of you.

Okay so it was a pretty lame description... don't blame me I'm not the one who used it in the first place, hence the quotation marks. But yeah, I was just asked to think of names for an "evil, brutal death metal" band, and I was also like WTF so I thought I would ask just here for something to do in my endless spare time.

Contrabutions appreciated.