Exclusive interview with Peter Lindgren!!

Come on people ! he had a good job anyway :p !! even tho it would be better if he recorded the whole conversation.

There would only be one problem, it would be in swedish. Not a problem for me off course, but as kind as I am, i am thinking of all you fellas out there.
Thank you for the interview, i thought it was great.
I did not like your interview, or just the way you put it on your website. It's just irritating me. "blablabla says Peter, blablabla reveals Peter, blablabla replies Peter, blablabla explains Peter". Oh my god. Well... intesting but like some of us, I was hoping for more. The video tape thing was something that had to be asked. Anyway, good job for at least making an interview with him.:kickass:

You mean audio tape right?
Point taken. I will try to write the next interview in a more tradtional way.
Probably gonna have to use a recorder then.

I´m gonna try to interview all the members (and former members!) individually so I hope I can improve my writing...

Until then...hope you can stand my first conversation/interview with Peter!
Good work and interviews with former members sounds great!
I noticed that some of you thought that the interview felt kind of "childish"...I apologize for that. I´m not a journalist/writer, just a doctor, specialized in childpsychiatry. Maybe that´s the reason...I work with children all days...hmm...yes, that has to be it!

And while we´re at it...why don´t I try to get an interview with Lopez?
Would that be of any interest....?


Thanks for the interview with Peter, I thought it was interesting he had a master in philosophy and science (physics) fascinating topics; he's a nerd like me!
An interview with Lopez???
YES PLEASE!:notworthy
March 11th right here :D We are all Pisces!

I hope Peter and Martin don't go through the same transition as Defarfalla who later on became a Christian democrat politician, haha.

Maybe Defrafalla, Lindgren, and Lopez could make a counter-band! Like Gn'R and Velvet Revolver :P
It was me!!

Did you notice the short bit near the end of the interview?!!

"I ask him if he gets recognized often? - No, says Peter, not often. [---]
A couple of minutes later a fan comes up to Peter and talk to him for a while!"

Yep that fan was me! :cool:

I had a really nice chat with Peter, who was sweet as ever!
He is a really down-to-earth kind of guy! Just as we've seen
him in video-interviews, etc.

And then the "president" gave me his camera and asked ME to take the picture of Peter and him which is featured along with the interview!

Of course I also asked the president to take a picture of me and Peter! Here it is, taken with my simple mobile phone camera:

Work on it man! Cant wait!

I fucking love Peter. I dont know why, he has a fucking great charm between playing in the best band in the world and having 2 kick ass degrees and looking mighty fine, im hooked :D