Exodus Record Release Party

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Pyrus said:
Eh, not worth the risk...wouldn't want you guys to get kicked out too.

Maybe I can hide in the bass drum case! :tickled:

You can have my ID Pyrus. Just grow a goatee and they'll think it's you.
Pyrus said:
Been trying. Got chin pubes. :erk:

Well Dead Lioness is crashing at your pad right? Just grab one
of her old wigs and cut it into a goatee and use some costumers wax
to glue it on and you're in bangin and thrashin to Exodus.

Dead_Lioness said:

"one of my old wigs"
have you been looking in my suit case???
nothing but thongs, sorry for the disapointment.


Yeah I have actually, but girl some of those thongs could use a wash.
They was stanky :hypno: :ill:

Dead_Lioness said:
then stop looking in your mother's suitcase, fool :D


You said " *my old wigs...are you looking in my suitcase again?
only thongs you'll be disappointed."

so I said "yeah I have actually and girl those thongs could use a wash.
they was stanky"

so now *magically* your suitcase has changed into my mothers?
uh-huh-oh-ok. And if you wanna bring mothers into this, be warned,
I've got excellent skills at that. maybe we should get off mothers,
after all, I just got off yours.
OfficerNice said:

Who is right....Officer Nice
Was that the Slims show or the Pound that they were gonna make the DVD? Or was it the Sacto show? :err:

*doesn't remember
Dead_Lioness said:

for several days now, im toying with the idea of going to that party.

First letters capitalized.
Capitalize your propers.
And use your tenses properly.


For several days now, I've been toying with the idea of going to that
Dead_Lioness said:
ON, you just *have* to have some attention, dont you.
After several months, your posts are annoying me because your spelling
and your grammar sucks and it's obvious you slept through school.

Your sentence should end in a question mark.

ON, you just *have* to have some attention, dont you?

The answer is, I don't need any attention from you. I get all
the attention I need from the women I date in real life.
If you didnt make so many spelling and grammar mistakes,
I wouldn't be posting.
my god ON.
you suck.
you suck so bad.

i annoy you? i annoy you because my grammer and spelling suck ?

jees. how could i.
maybe because my english is rusty?
maybe because i havent lived in an english speaking country all my life ?

im not even going to respect you with a decent answer.

Dead_Lioness said:
my god ON.
you suck.
you suck so bad.

i annoy you? i annoy you because my grammer and spelling suck ?

jees. how could i.
maybe because my english is rusty?
maybe because i havent lived in an english speaking country all my life ?

im not even going to respect you with a decent answer.

My God, ON.
You suck.
You suck so bad.

I annoy you? I annoy you because my grammer and spelling suck?

Jees. How could I?
Maybe because my english is rusty?
Maybe because I havent lived in an english speaking country all my life?

I'm not even going to respect you with a decent answer.


You are so ridiculous. I said your posts are annoying. I didn't say you
were annoying. Now, you're gonna take the knock again. DL, lighten up
and pull the stick out. From where, I'm not going to say.
Dead_Lioness said:

no. im not going to "lighten up."

you need to learn to keep your mouth shut, sometimes.

thats the last thing im going to say to you.

No, I'm not going to "lighten up."

You need to learn to keep your mouth shut sometimes.

That's the last thing I'm going to say to you.

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