Exodus Record Release Party

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Pyrus said:
Dude, she's spent most of her life in Europe. She wasn't educated by American schools, and to be honest, her sentences are lot more readable than those of a lot of native English speakers. Quit givin her shit.
Your A Knight In Shinning Armour.........To Uphold The Dignity Of A Ladies Honor........Commendable indeed!
Deadly Embrace said:
Your A Knight In Shinning Armour.........To Uphold The Dignity Of A Ladies Honor........Commendable indeed!

Doesn't hurt that he's upholding the dignity of your
new girlfriend either.:loco: :grin: :p :tickled: :Spin:
Did you know that the word Syrup is an anagram for Pyrus?

Pyrus said:
Dude, she's spent most of her life in Europe.
First of all, Most of Europe speaks English, and is taught English.
England, Finland, Ireland, etc,....you name it.

I post on a board where most of the board population is European,
Canadian, and Australian. All of them have better spelling and grammar
skills than DL. None of them have spelling and grammar as poor as hers.
So there goes the argument about Europe,.....hers and yours.

She wasn't educated by American schools
You could have fooled me. The American educational system is
terrible. Her grammar and spelling is very American, indeed.
Since she was not educated by our educational system, her
grammar and spelling should be much better.
There goes that argument.

Besides, you could argue, she lives in this country now, so there's
nothing wrong with sharpening her English skills. Moreover,
it makes her look like a more educated, more refined individual
than those "White Trash" folks she's always making fun of.
So, if not now, when? ....no time like the present.

Quit givin her shit.
That's the thing Pyrus. I'm NOT giving her any shit. Because I like Karen,
I'm correcting her sloppy posts, so I'm not giving her any shit, although,
she's seeing it that way because she's overly sensitive, overly defensive,
overly emotional, and terribly insecure. She's receiving my positive constructive criticism so poorly because she's only used to the endless
amounts of praise and brownnosing from all the horny males on the UM boards. Of course, after months of seeing such gross recklessness and
butchering of the English Language, it's become annoying to scan past
or read over those posts and have to trip over the fragments, incorrect
spellings and bad tenses.

Half of it is because she types way too quickly and carelessly on a laptop.

I'm doing the opposite of giving her shit.

I'm being a good friend by correcting it so she learns, but she's reacting
to positive constructive criticism like a 7th grade Cheerleader who's told
she has to read a book that doesn't discuss make-up or nail polish.

The worst I've done to Karen is tell her she was reacting ridiculously
and I've told her to lighten up. Not once, mind you, not once,
have I disrespected her as a person, a woman, or a human being.
Despite her reactions of snobbery and, seemingly, what I'd describe as,
overt condescension.

Now that we've got this cleared up, I must be on my way to buy
smokes before going out this evening.

You drank Bacardi Rum with Chocolate Milk? Jesus, that's guts. Yuck!

hey Officer, why are you harking on Karen??
anyway, for a number of wonderful reasons, its most likely me and my friends will be travelling to see this show...we will try to get tickets as soon as we can....
Why don't you get on Walter about his shitty grammar? (No offense, Deadly). Dude, some people just don't like to take the time to type out everything correctly. I do, because as a writer it's important to me to keep good grammatical and spelling habits; also, it makes me feel superior. :grin: But a lot of people don't. It's not that hard to understand.

I get what you're saying about trying to help her, but you're going about it in an incredibly patronizing and downright offensive way, man. IF you REALLY wanted to help her, you'd have sent her a PM instead of sniping at her in a public forum.

Just my $0.02. I'm sure Karen doesn't need my help, but since she ain't talking to ya for now, I figured I'd share my opinion. Always gotta do that.

OfficerNice said:
You drank Bacardi Rum with Chocolate Milk? Jesus, that's guts. Yuck!

Tasted great, but I paid for it later. Or rather, the guy who was driving alongside the 5 Fulton I was on paid for it.
Pyrus said:
Why don't you get on Walter about his shitty grammar? (No offense, Deadly).
The pecking order. I don't have the juice yet. When I do, I'll be in DE's
face too.

Dude, some people just don't like to take the time to type out everything correctly.
That's very shameful really.

I do, because as a writer it's important to me to keep good grammatical and spelling habits; also, it makes me feel superior. :grin:
That and taking pride in how you present yourself and having some pride
for your education I suppose. You'd be superior still if your writing was
as flawed as DL's.

But a lot of people don't. It's not that hard to understand.
Nevertheless, it's still very excruciating to read. If she's just making mistake
after mistake typing too quickly to give off one of those profound little
quippets or prose, including "You go girl" or "thanks a million DE" or "great
pics" ....I find even less excuse.

I get what you're saying about trying to help her, but you're going about it in an incredibly patronizing and downright offensive way, man.

There's always several ways to look at it. I'm German and English, I'm just
blunt. It comes off as patronizing and offensive, but I'm being direct and

IF you REALLY wanted to help her, you'd have sent her a PM instead of sniping at her in a public forum.
Sniping? I haven't started sniping yet, I'm just being honest. It's not
personal, but she's taking it as such. For that, I don't care. She can huff
and puff all she wants and I just laugh. LOL. Those things just illustrate
even further how insecure and immature she really is.

Just my $0.02. I'm sure Karen doesn't need my help, but since she ain't talking to ya for now, I figured I'd share my opinion. Always gotta do that.
I very much respect your 2 cents. If you don't have the first Imagika
disc which is out of print and want a copy, holler. Even the European
bonus tracks......heavy. If she's so friggin immature that she's 'not talking'
to me, I could give a shit less about her and she can bugger off.

Tasted great, but I paid for it later. Or rather, the guy who was driving alongside the 5 Fulton I was on paid for it.
HA HA! Next time, just use cokes.
Alright, dude, it's your argument, I'm stepping out. But if it bothers you that much, there's gotta be a better way to deal with it than accusing her of being immature or something. So she's touchy about her grammar, big deal, we've all got our buttons and they're easy to push.

I don't like Coke, unfortunately. Or anything with caffeine besides tea. I think I'm gonna try to find a chaser directory webpage, to avoid any further embarassing moments on MUNI.
Pyrus said:
I don't like Coke, unfortunately. Or anything with caffeine besides tea. I think I'm gonna try to find a chaser directory webpage, to avoid any further embarassing moments on MUNI.

Pineapple Juice.
I don't like Coke, unfortunately. Or anything with caffeine besides tea. I think I'm gonna try to find a chaser directory webpage, to avoid any further embarassing moments on MUNI.
AHAHAHAHAHAHHA Poor stinky MUNI bus! did you honk on the bus dude?
Pyrus said:
Why don't you get on Walter about his shitty grammar? (No offense, Deadly)
Hey as long as you get the point across.......who cares about some spelling, puncuation, or grammar mistakes, this is a board, not English class......And Pyrus some of my shitty grammar is published!.........I'm not writing rough drafts, and then rewording posts to make them proper.......thats to time consuming.......:erk:
Deadly Embrace said:
Hey as long as you get the point across.......who cares about some spelling, puncuation, or grammar mistakes, this is a board, not English class......
Well, some will tell you that if you want to be taken seriously, you'll take
what you write seriously. I'm an educated man and instances of really
shitty English ANNOYS me. If one does not care whether their post is
written well, then by the same logic, that person shouldn't care if I come
along and constantly correct it. By writing well, you're making your posts
easier for the next person to read and understand clearly what you're
writing and what your intended meanings and messages are.
With piss poor English, you may not be getting your point across, in which
case, your wasting your time and everyone elses as well.
Gossip rags carry no credibility and neither does really piss poor English.
I'm speaking in general, DE, not specifically in regards to you.

And Pyrus some of my shitty grammar is published!.........I'm not writing rough drafts, and then rewording posts to make them proper.......thats too time consuming.......
Who said anything about having to proof read?
So, uh, TL....

I've been hearing noise from my spies in the underground that some of
the Never-dudes...Warrel and Jim and Fr00t of the L00mis are gonna be
hangin out at the Exodus Release Party.

Have you heard this too? Are they gonna be in the house? maybe jam
with Exo on stage?
OfficerNice said:
So, uh, TL....

I've been hearing noise from my spies in the underground that some of
the Never-dudes...Warrel and Jim and Fr00t of the L00mis are gonna be
hangin out at the Exodus Release Party.

Have you heard this too? Are they gonna be in the house? maybe jam
with Exo on stage?

Yes, no, maybe so. I can't say. That would be fucking awesome as hell, though. Warrel told me he loves the new Exodus.

As for the jamming... I doubt it. Knowing them, they'd enjoy the tunes, headbang and throw back a lot of firewater :grin:.
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