EXODUS.....Record Release Party......Here's what to expect!

:lol: A point for DE. Maybe while I'm at Burger King, you guys can check him into the old folks' home to get his jello cup and mashed potatoes. :grin:

Woohoo, thanks, TL. I'd love to chill with any and all board members who are up to get blown away by my incredibly witty and charming dinner conversation.

Heheheheheh...I said "blown"...heheheh. ;)
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Pyrus said:
:lol: A point for DE. Maybe while I'm at Burger King, you guys can check him into the old folks' home to get his jello cup and mashed potatoes. :grin:

Woohoo, thanks, TL. I'd love to chill with any and all board members who are up to get blown away by my incredibly witty and charming dinner conversation.

Heheheheheh...I said "blown"...heheheh. ;)
=WOW=. Touche', kiddo!

You know it :lol:. My partners in crime need some "stimulating convo" for a change. OMG, I said "stimulating."
Deadly Embrace said:
Pyrus knows how I feel about him........he's alright in my book......It's a funny Mean!...........:loco: ..........he can't help when he was born......neither can I...:Smug:
Indeed a "funny mean," and yes that's true about his age.

Well, if I could possibly help his misfortune with a "cool distraction," I will. Py is a good egg in my book.
Deadly Embrace said:
Looks like I'll be working that night.......I've been asked to be The Lighting Director.......and will be attending some of their up-coming rehearsals, for prepartions!.......Back on The Slay Team!

Does that mean we need to get you a special chair with your name on it and a bull horn so you can order out your directions to the crew? (oh wait you don't need a bull horn your loud enough) will just get you the chair with your name on it. :loco:

BTW Why no cameras???????
Deadly Embrace said:
Pyrus knows how I feel about him........he's alright in my book......It's a funny Mean!...........:loco: ..........he can't help when he was born......neither can I...:Smug:

Indeed, dude, it's just banter. And we all know you're never too old to rock and roll. \m/

Heheheh..."stimulate"...like stimulating a PENIS!

Hot damn, I'm good.
metalmaiden said:
Does that mean we need to get you a special chair with your name on it and a bull horn so you can order out your directions to the crew? (oh wait you don't need a bull horn your loud enough) will just get you the chair with your name on it. :loco: .........
Ya that sounds good MM......Now wait for my que......ACTION *Mealmaiden starts her full nudity Striptease Act*.......Thats a take! :loco: :grin: :OMG: