Exodus Record Release Party

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Deadly Embrace said:
Hey as long as you get the point across.......who cares about some spelling, puncuation, or grammar mistakes, this is a board, not English class......And Pyrus some of my shitty grammar is published!.........I'm not writing rough drafts, and then rewording posts to make them proper.......thats to time consuming.......:erk:

I for one care about this. Taking the time is worth it, but then again, *I know* how to spell!
Testament Legions said:

PM me. I'm not going to post stuff in public and compromise a good friend's privacy. I need to ask you something.

YAY! My underground spy network detected bogeys on the radar!!!!!
Will do.....
Pyrus said:
:grin: It's nothing personal or anything. I mean, just cause I want to flay the skin from your bones and turn it into a wall hanging while blowing open your brain for the worms to feast on with the sheer force of my jealousy doesn't mean I don't think you're cool.

Wow, that sounds really cool. I didn't know you were part sociopath :lol:!
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