Expanding my musical horizons

Yeah that thing about no girl lyrics is tough. That's one of the things I noticed most about metal when I was first getting into it... pretty much the only music that isn't mostly about relationships. But I'm sure there's a lot of specific bands who don't do much relationship songs. There's probably a lot of punk bands that just sing about politics and destruction. The first badn that comes to my mind as far as non-girly lyrics is Pink Floyd. They do have some relationship songs but for the msot part that's not what they sing about, and for some reason they seem to be one of the most loved non-metal bands among metal fans.

Lots of people probably mentioned Pink Floyd already, but they fit. Most of their stuff is not upbeat, not relationship-based, not blues-based. I'd reccomend getting the Saucerful of Secrets album. I'd say it's up the alley of a metalhead. Not that it's heavy or anything but that its sound is fairly intricate and underground. It's also 70s prog which you said you might like (well, late 60s actually). And the title track is a 7 minute instrumental. If you like Saucerful or even if you don't and want to give Pink Floyd another try, you can go from there to albums like Atom Heart Mother, and Meddle. Lots of great downbeat and instrumental stuff on those.

You might like some Yes. I wouldn't say their music is about relationships, their lyrics are just totally abstract. But they could be called girly. Not ABOUT girls though. I reccomend the album Close To The Edge. Or even Fragile which is probably my personally favorite. I guess Yes is pretty upbeat though. Not HAPPY, but musically upbeat.
Have you listened to Elliot Smith?

Yep I have, he's good too bad he died :waah: Out of all the folk indie crap Iron and Wine is by far my favorite followed by Elliot Smith and I hate Suftjan Stevens or whatever that fuckers name is. Nick Drake, however, slays all. If you like Nick Drake check out Leonard Cohen!
Yep I have, he's good too bad he died :waah: Out of all the folk indie crap Iron and Wine is by far my favorite followed by Elliot Smith and I hate Suftjan Stevens or whatever that fuckers name is. Nick Drake, however, slays all. If you like Nick Drake check out Leonard Cohen!

And John Martyn!

Never quite 'got' Iron & Wine myself though, I have 'Our Endless, Numbered Days' but I'm not a huge fan. His album with Calexico, 'In the Reigns' is fantastic though.
I take it you meant "So not liking girly lyrics makes you macho?"

Well, no, I was asking if he thought liking girly lyrics made someone "macho" and "not gay" which is ridiculous unless he, like I said, subscribes to the Ben Affleck idea of masculinity.
Yep I have, he's good too bad he died :waah: Out of all the folk indie crap Iron and Wine is by far my favorite followed by Elliot Smith and I hate Suftjan Stevens or whatever that fuckers name is. Nick Drake, however, slays all. If you like Nick Drake check out Leonard Cohen!

You, sir, have good music choice. Though, I will admit I need more Nick Drake beyond a few cd-rs of random tracks.
If you like Nick Drake check out Leonard Cohen!

Oh gods, I was going to say this exact same thing earlier. Old Leonard Cohen, back when he still played acoustic stuff is very similar to Nick Drake (better, in my opinion). He went pretty cheesy in the 80s, but then again who didn't?

He has so many great songs:
Bird On a Wire
Chelsea Hotel #2
Who By Fire (awesome song)
The Guests

...to name a few.

Even some of his later 80s stuff is cool, if you don't mind keyboards and such.

And he wrote fucking Hallelujah... that's right Jeff Buckley fans!
Yeah that thing about no girl lyrics is tough. That's one of the things I noticed most about metal when I was first getting into it... pretty much the only music that isn't mostly about relationships.
That's also one of the things I really noticed when getting into metal. And it was one of the things I loved about metal aside from the music itself!
^Actually, I didn't think about that w/ the Cohen recommendation. He sings a lot about relationships. I was only excited because someone else mentioned him.

Tom Waits sings about relationships sometimes, be has a lot of songs that are just weird and fucked up too. Some are really dark.

And The Tea Party have hardly any songs about relationships that I can think of. They're a fucking awesome band.