explain this paddy

Stormwatch said:
Admittedly that is true. If you have only seen one of his posts. After a few it loses it's charm and becomes oddly annoying.
true but you wait till you meet his sister from ireland metal biddy shit she is proper sad like you dude:kickass: :kickass: :kickass:
12 May 2006

A SCOTS schoolgirl is set to be Britain's youngest mum after getting pregnant at just 11 years old.

The girl, who cannot be named for legal reasons, is believed to have become pregnant on a drunken night out in Edinburgh.

She had a l ready left her secondary school near her home in West Lothian, where she was a first-year pupil, after a series of exclusions for fighting with other pupils.

She has been smoking since she was nine and drinking - sometimes a cocktail of Buckfast and vodka - since she 10-and-a-half.

The girl, who is due to give birth next month, told how she was drunk when she lost her virginity on the night out eight months ago.

She said: "We didn't use a condom but I didn't think about getting pregnant. I wasn't bothered at the time.

"I slept with him because I was drunk and because I wanted to. I don't regret it."

She added: "I can give up smoking any time but I don't find it affects my pregnancy.I also don't drink any more."

The girl said she thought she would be able to cope with a baby because she had lots of practice looking after her brothers and sisters.

She added: "I like feeling the baby kicking but the first time it moved I got a massive fright. I did not know what was happening until my mum explained it to me."

The girl's 34-year-old mother defended her daughter. She said: "I'm not ashamed of mydaughter - in fact I'm proud of her for keeping her baby."

The girl will be the youngest mum in Britain by a month when she gives birth - beating Jenny Teague, of Poole, Dorset, who was 12 years, nine months, when she had a daughter in 1997.
I don't know what to say, but that sure don't call for a laughing smilie...

What a waste of space. Paddy is not funny, and hardly ever was. It's probably the second account of some regular, or former user. I'm sure he gets a real kick out of how much mileage this is getting.