Expose Bootleggers Here:

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The Promoter
Sep 16, 2001
From the SOT2 forum:

Posted by BlackWater Nymph:

"Yes I took video"

"I mean, uhhh, I didn't take any video."


"Seriously- Can we talk about Orphaned Land now? If anyone wants the video clip I took (shhh...), PM me.


Your account will be banned in a few hours once I speak to Deron.

Glenn H.
For those wondering what happened to the other posts, Morticia has been absolved and did not video anything. The language barrier can cause false assumptions and I'm just as guilty as the rest for jumping to conclusions in some situations. My apologies to her.

As for the rest, *bring* it on.

Glenn H.
Harvester said:
For those wondering what happened to the other posts, Morticia has been absolved and did not video anything. The language barrier can cause false assumptions and I'm just as guilty as the rest for jumping to conclusions in some situations. My apologies to her.

As for the rest, *bring* it on.

Glenn H.

Right on. Thanks for clarifying the Morticia NL case, Glenn. My apologies to her as well. On the same note, I hope that actual instances of bootlegging isn't a result of people not understanding what that term means when reading the rules. Hopefully after all of this is over, everyone will understand.
I dont think the person I caught posts here on the board... I could give descriptions... Tall, hispanic looking (no offense to anyone, he was hispanic indeed), long straight black hair, wearing a purple stratovarius shirt.

And if you, bootlegger I'm talking about are reading this, let me tell you something : GO FUCK YOURSELF.
Sh0kr0k -

Anyone not understanding the bootlegging rules won't be the ones selling it on EBAY. After all, if I took video for myself out of ignorance, it would be breaking the rules but not really harming anyone else. If I took video and packaged it up to make a profit, I most likely wouldn't change my mind if I saw a sign saying "No Video."

Steve in Philly
Steve, I completely aggree with you...

But then again, it may be helpful if people at least would try to get informed regarding rules. The bottom line is (as much as sometimes this is a pain) rules are made to be followed. Nobody would like to get kicked out of the show because of their own ignorance. I think if you see a sign saying "No Video", or if you know that recording the show is absolutely forbidden and it could get you kicked out of the venue, then a little bit of common sense may be used...

In other words, fuck you bootleggers. LOL
The video I have running in my head of the entire weekend is better than anything I could have taken at the show and it would have distracted me from having the phenomenal time that I enjoyed with everyone ... I just don't GET people ... :confused:
Glenn, are we allowed to physically attack bootleggers should we see them next year, without risking getting kicked out of the venue?

AngraRULES said:
Steve, I completely aggree with you...

I think if you see a sign saying "No Video", or if you know that recording the show is absolutely forbidden and it could get you kicked out of the venue, then a little bit of common sense may be used...

...you would be surprised as to how many people have no common sense...
The worst is when the venue itself is the sketchy bootlegger. I'm going to see Kamelot when the come here but I'm really not looking forward to BB Kings. They're on EBay selling the Nightwish concert they played there from a little over a year ago. Plus they sell tickets for $25 or $50. $50 gets you in early and a free item (usually a poster). They also sell a certain number of tickets for about $35 at the door which they pocket. I'm hoping Kamelot puts some more shows on their tour and one happens to be in the Boston area. Both drives are about the same for me though Boston is honestly easier to get to without paying a lot of money for the train or parking. Quebec is a possibility but I don't know if I want to go to the festival that's a part of that show.
Yes, video isn't allowed, and she deserves whatever punishment she has coming, but in this case "yes I took video" obviously means she took a thirty second to couple minute clip on her digital camera.

I'll definitely let you know if I see any *serious* as in like whole set bootlegs pop up.
I can't understand how anybody could get a video worth a damn with a regular digicam. I had a buddy take vids of us playing a gig back in Feb with my camera, and the sound was so overblown by the sheer volume, you couldn't make anything out. Not to mention it only takes 10-15sec of 320x240, hardly worth a damn.

If people have cameras that can take minutes worth of video and good quality sound, they must be spending big $$$ on them. Glenn, next year post a sign on the way in: "Videocameras will be confiscated" That should serve both as a deterrant and as a form of income! (Ebay their cameras!)
Harvester said:
For those wondering what happened to the other posts, Morticia has been absolved and did not video anything. The language barrier can cause false assumptions and I'm just as guilty as the rest for jumping to conclusions in some situations. My apologies to her.

As for the rest, *bring* it on.

Glenn H.

Excellent to hear. :)
I wish I knew what kind of equipment these bootleggers use to film from cameras.. my canon S50 or whatever can't take concert footage for shit. I tried grabbing like, 15 seconds from a nightwish show a while back just to try it out, and the sound was like a train running over a stampeeding herd of cows.

There seems to be a lot of 'video taking' at progpower in the front row, like in front of the 'crowd' bar, every year. Not that I think much of THEM doing it, since I don't know if they're press or have some kind of explicit ok, or what have you.
Seriously, without "illegal" MP3s and bootlegs (the free bootlegs that I download from the net), I wouldn't be turned on to these types of bands and paying good money to see these types of shows and buying up bands' CDs, T-shirts, bedsheets, and flamethrowers. It's good publicity for the bands, promoters, venues, and so on. I collect bootleg videos and I also buy official concert DVDs. I know the difference in quality of recording from someone's $200 digital camera and professional cameras costing over $2,000. Not that I care about banning anyone on your forum, but you're really starving these starving musicians from getting any good exposure.
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