Expose Bootleggers Here:

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If you need to find out about more bands, try magazines, webzines, record label websites and stuff like that...

Sorry brother, but the excuse of using bootlegs to find out about bands just doesn't work on my book (Not that I'm making you give an excuse).
AngraRULES said:

If you need to find out about more bands, try magazines, webzines, record label websites and stuff like that...

Sorry brother, but the excuse of using bootlegs to find out about bands just doesn't work on my book (Not that I'm making you give an excuse).
Magazines, webzines, and record labels are useless. Words on paper don't dictate and express music as the musicians express them to be. They are conveyed by half-assed journalists trying to make a name for themselves. Stories, band bios, and interviews are just the same as to me as with millions of articles written about thousands of other bands out there. It's not the same. It's bland and trite. It's not the same as feeling, hearing, and seeing the band themselves via music or live performances. And trust me, I'm not the only person in the world that discover music by means of obtaining bootlegs.

And kudos to Harvester for being such a vindictive person as to "get even" by banning people on this forum for something not related to this forum. OHH NOESS!! She bootlegged, let's get her back by banning her here on this forum. LOLZ!
Arch said:
Magazines, webzines, and record labels are useless. Words on paper don't dictate and express music as the musicians express them to be. They are conveyed by half-assed journalists trying to make a name for themselves. Stories, band bios, and interviews are just the same as to me as with millions of articles written about thousands of other bands out there. It's not the same. It's bland and trite. It's not the same as feeling, hearing, and seeing the band themselves via music or live performances. And trust me, I'm not the only person in the world that discover music by means of obtaining bootlegs.

And kudos to Harvester for being such a vindictive person as to "get even" by banning people on this forum for something not related to this forum. OHH NOESS!! She bootlegged, let's get her back by banning her here on this forum. LOLZ!

pretty much all bands these days have audio samples available on their website. these excuses are really getting bad people.

I aggree that the best way to get hooked on a band is by listening to them... But a nice way to find out about bands that MAY interest you.. Then you can try to check them out by visiting their website and checking out their music if it's available, for instance. That's what I meant to say.

Regarding your comment about journalists... I am one of them... Have been writing about music (metal) for nto too long (almost 3 years now), but I got work published in many popular magazines and webzines in South America. This year, I covered ProgPower for Valhalla Magazine, from Brazil, you've probably heard of it. Believe me, as an insider I guarantee you that people that talk about bands, ESPECIALLY UNDERGROUND METAL ONES are not trying to make a name for themselves. Besides a few of those, most of them do it because they love what they do AND because they wanna see bands getting more exposure, gaining more fans. I'm sure a few other people in this board (including AMBR and DaveBEC) share my opinion on that instance, as they are reporters as well. Keep in mind that most of these journalists barely get paid to do it, so it wouldn't make sense just doing it for the sake of their own names..
I think you should end some of this general bashing of "bootlegging." In the context of Prog-Power, Glenn doesn't allow bootlegging, so it shouldn't happen, and if someone does it and gets caught, they have to accept the consequences and unfortunately we all suffer because of people insistant on doing it here. I think more of the "tapers" at Prog-Power should understand that this isn't the House Of Blues or something, it's a one man event, and Glenn puts up the money for this, so they should respect his wishes.

That doesn't mean that taping concerts in general is bad. It's a big community, and people are generally respecting of the artists either supporting or being against people taping their shows. If an artist doesn't want their shows taped, the online trading sites don't trade recordings of their shows. Believe it or not, there are a whole ton of artists who are supportive of it. Bruce Dickenson is one of the most notable ones. Dream Theater also are (they even have a bootleg section on their forums). Collecting them is a hobby for me, I have 200+ gigs of bootlegs, and the only money I've spent on them is on getting a DVD burner so I can burn shows.

So basically, don't bash in general because there are some disrespectful tapers who try to tape shows at Prog-Power. I think signs or something at the venue might be helpful, I don't think I saw any that were really obvious. Of course that won't make a difference for the serious people, but might cut down on some of the people who are just being stupid.

Edit: I think some of you may think that "bootlegging" refers to people recording a show and selling it. It doesn't. It just means it's a recording "by the fans, for the fans." People who sell the things are always shitty.
In this post I am in no way condoning bootlegging but.......As a music fan I am an owner of many bootleg videos(which I have bought at cd shows). And I am willing to bet many of you are too. If you had a good chance of getting away with video taping a show (even PP!) you would take it.
Even just to show your friends or for personal consumption. Or an opportunity to buy such a video. If someone said " I've got propower on disc for 25 bucks" I'd say hell yeah! Those of you that say you wouldn't are hypocritical liars.
I'm sorry that bootleggers have made the greatest festival in the US a pain in the ASS! for Mr. Harvester. He has made more strict rules this year against video taping and there were more caught than ever. Isn't that a sign. Nothing is going to stop bootlegging. With todays technology it's a losing battle.
No digital photography is no problem with me I have an excellent 35 mil. camera. Next thing you know there will be no extended lenses ala' "Pro-Photography". Where is it going to end?
You can flame me all you want. But those are my feelings on this subject.
rockyracoon said:
pretty much all bands these days have audio samples available on their website. these excuses are really getting bad people.
I'm not saying that bootlegs is the only way of promoting a band, some methods work well with people and some don't. Certainly not all the bands I discovered are from bootlegs. It doesn't really matter, someone's (probably) poor recording of OL won't cut away any of the profits from selling ProgPower DVDs. Besides, I'm sure as hell people will rip the ProgPower DVD and distribute them online for free on P2P networks.
raiderdeath1 said:
In this post I am in no way condoning bootlegging but.......As a music fan I am an owner of many bootleg videos(which I have bought at cd shows). And I am willing to bet many of you are too. If you had a good chance of getting away with video taping a show (even PP!) you would take it.
Even just to show your friends or for personal consumption. Or an opportunity to buy such a video. If someone said " I've got propower on disc for 25 bucks" I'd say hell yeah! Those of you that say you wouldn't are hypocritical liars.
I'm sorry that bootleggers have made the greatest festival in the US a pain in the ASS! for Mr. Harvester. He has made more strict rules this year against video taping and there were more caught than ever. Isn't that a sign. Nothing is going to stop bootlegging. With todays technology it's a losing battle.
No digital photography is no problem with me I have an excellent 35 mil. camera. Next thing you know there will be no extended lenses ala' "Pro-Photography". Where is it going to end?
You can flame me all you want. But those are my feelings on this subject.

I totally agree. And besides, that person wasn't even trying to sell the bootleg performances of Orphaned Land and I know she didn't tape the whole show. It's not eating anyone's profit, so what the big deal of it? Go to ebay or go to Japan, you'll find a few million bootleg CDs, tapes, videos and other merchandises for SALE.
Arch and raiderdeath1 both have viable points. Everyone will do something illegit from time to time for the experience of it. And especially the more it's emphasized, the more people are going to be tempted. As in: no matter how many times and how vividly someone talks about the buzz and tremendous headache they got from huffing gasoline, eventually it's going to eat away at you until you experience it yourself. It's those that don't know when to stop huffing that become problematic :D

And likewise with any obsession... the more you focus on something, the more of it you're going to see. The more they focus on cracking down on bootlegging, the more they're gonna catch.

I've done my share of bootleg viewing/listening in the past and was so underenthused by it that any 'addictive' tendency was never borne, so now it just becomes a moot point for opinionated debate :)
enki3600 said:
I've done my share of bootleg viewing/listening in the past and was so underenthused by it that any 'addictive' tendency was never borne, so now it just becomes a moot point for opinionated debate :)


Seriously now, I agree with ya. The more we look for them, the more we'll find. It's a never ending thing, unfortunately.
It's this "rock 'n roll" attitude, where the rules were meant to be broken. For example, I never smoked pot in my life nor have I been to any other places where people smoked pot. But whenever I go to a rock show, there is bound to be someone near me toking up a joint or two. Same deal with bootlegging or prohibiting people from moshing or stagediving. People will do it.
AngraRULES said:
Believe me, as an insider I guarantee you that people that talk about bands, ESPECIALLY UNDERGROUND METAL ONES are not trying to make a name for themselves.

Oh fucking horseshit.

Music journalists, ESPECIALLY UNDERGROUND METAL ONES, get fuck-all as far as money for their work, and the free CDs get cumbersome and smothering in a very short while. It's only that ego masturbation that keeps people in the game. "ooohhh look at me, I'm so important!"

As an insider, I guarantee you.
Matter of Opinion ahead WARNING:

I do not care for Bootleg DVD's or CD's. Never really been my thing. The reason being:

A. If it's something that the person gives to me, or has me watch. It's like being stuck on an airplane watching a family vaction on fucking slides of some random family. Great you were at the show, you taped it. Can I give you a cookie and leave?

B. If it's something I'd be looking at buying: Same as above, fucking sound is shitty, and I can't really tell between the 100 fucking people between you and the stage if that's Trent Reznor or Cher.

Also, some places don't care if you record or not. Glenn does and he has a reason for it. He said no video taping, then no taping. Because of all the bootlegging going on, the rest of us have lost the right for digital cameras. It sucks.

It's not "metal" to break the fucking rules then bitch about YOUR rights being infringed upon. You knew going into the game there was a chance you'd lose. Glenn puts his ass on the line for us year after year, and because of a few small dicks, he could at any moment say FUCK IT and not do it anymore.

Technology isn't an excuse to do it either. It's about RESPECT. You don't respect him, then don't go to the fucking show. If you don't, then he'll respect you enough to take your shit away. Fair?

No means no. As far as the "little bit"... who cares? It was still done. Want to give me a "little bit" of penicillin or a little bit of shrimp and tell me it's not going to hurt me? Yeah, we'll see how that works out from the hospital bed. It's extreme, but same basic princapal. (Dammit, can't spell today)...

I have to agree with Metal, bootleg stuff has never really been for me. If possible, I will borrow a cd and give it a listen, and if I like it, I'll go buy it or download it off of iTunes.

Fact is, Glenn said no taping. End of story. You don't like it, don't bitch when you're caught and have your ass thrown out on the curb. You want memories of the concert, take pictures.
freakchylde said:
Fact is, Glenn said no taping. End of story. You don't like it, don't bitch when you're caught and have your ass thrown out on the curb. You want memories of the concert, take pictures.

Very well said. Don't try to be the big shit doing something wrong, you know you're gonna end up getting caught anyway.

It's good to say that if you want memories of the concert, don't get piss drunk just as the second band starts. Not that I did it, but there was this moron completely wasted as Circus Maximus was coming on stage. I feel bad for this people.. hahahaha

At ProgPower III there was this guy during Blind Guardian who was soooooooooo fucking wasted he kept on singing Nightfall during the whole concert... I can remember as if it was yesterday...

Hansi : "Thank you very much ProgPower!"
Drunk guy : "Niiiiiiightfaaaaaaaall....."

See, that's the kinda shit people should be taping... Not the fucking concert! LOL
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