Expose Bootleggers Here:

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I don't believe you, but I see no need to continue with the ban as you have said your piece and the area remains grey. I don't figure I'm going to get any Christmas cards from you, but I have learned a lesson in how to handle things. I apologize for the way it was handled, but not for my rationale.

Besides, the only thing a ban is going to do in the specific situation is going to make Arch blow more smoke out his ass.

Glenn H.
Frankly, I think Glenn is fighting a losing battle.

Major labels and all their millions of dollars can't stop downloading and copying cd's ( which in a sense is the same thing ). Technology is getting better and better and harder to control what goes on. Really when you get down to it boots really don't take any money away from bands or the promoter of a show since most people that buy boots already are fans anyway.
I would rather see the RIAA go after the downloading problem and cd copying that after the bootleggers.

I understand Glenn feels personally violated since it is his fest - and I believe he has every right to throw out people not following the rules - but it isn't going to stop whether he bans digital camera or not. It has been going on for years and will continue to go on especially with changing technology. If someone wants to bootleg a show they will get creative, regardless of whatever rules are in place.

I really don't see what the appeal is of an audience recording on audio or video. I think they sound like shit, look like shit and even the new technolgy really isn't going to make them sound any better since you rely on the mix for the FOH, where you stand, and the acoustics of the venue. It is a losing battle from the start.

One thing I can say is that the tape trading network in the old days really helped get the word out on underground metal bands like Metallica, Megadeth and Mercyful Fate.
Those "bootleg" recordings helped Metallica sell 60,000 copies of Kill Em All and eventually got them on Elektra because of the buzz in the underground. So I guess there is a plus side to having a great performance circulated. I am against selling, but I really don't see a problem with trading.

I hope this isn't taken the wrong way - but I think I could find better ways to use my time than searching out people who bootlegged the show. I have been taken advantage of before ( long story ) and they got what they deserved
(without any of my help).
Karma is a motherfucker.
I'd send you the video (which no one even asked me for oddly enough) but I doubt it would make a difference. Plus it makes me look like a stalker or something. I understand your need to crack down on bootleggers, and I appreciate your apology.
Arch said:
I know she didn't tape the whole show. [...] Go to ebay or go to Japan, you'll find a few million bootleg CDs, tapes, videos and other merchandises for SALE.


"Oh, I didn't rape her... I just put the tip of it in. besides, go to <insert place here>--you'll find thousands of horny bastards who don't know what NO means."

I'll keep this short and sweet (maybe)...

Until you run a label, distro, event, festival or any kind of other venture where you have invested money into it, then really you don't realize the impact stuff like this has. This isn't the 80s any more. Whether it is digital video, mp3 or whatever...if you want to see what stuff like this really does then put your money where your mouth is and try out a venture of your own. I've been there done that, and I am tellin ya things get worse by the year as far as affecting income for both labels AND bands.

And for the record...Glenn is the man! And no I have no need to kiss his ass. There's hardly another promoter out there that goes the extra mile like Glenn does to protect the interests of labels/bands that participate with this festival. I'll grow a friggin tail before you'll read about a band or label person ripping on Glenn for anything he has done, or the way he has gone about doing it, when it comes to this festival. My 2¢.
thesungoesdown said:
Frankly, I think Glenn is fighting a losing battle.

The bottom line is that it's Glenn's battle to fight, & if people don't like the rules that he's chosen to put in place, then they ought to just stay home rather than ruining it for the rest of us.

But that just makes too much sense, right?
Jax said:
The bottom line is that it's Glenn's battle to fight, & if people don't like the rules that he's chosen to put in place, then they ought to just stay home rather than ruining it for the rest of us.

But that just makes too much sense, right?

Did I say it was right? I defended his right to do what he wants - it's his show. I just stated my opinion that people will get more creative as technology changes.
here's a suggestion: BAN EVERYTHING media related. people wanna bitch, piss off. people wanna argue, piss off. people wanna split hairs, piss off. no more pics, no more anything. make it just like any other commercialized concert that sucks ass and just let everyone eat their own fucking words. i guarantee you people will regret opening their mouths about something as stupid as bootlegging. i mean, you give people an inch, they take 3 feet. take away the inch and screw them all if they couldnt care less about screwing you. as long as the music is still there, which is the main focal point, the respectful fans will keep coming. bottom line is this is Glenn's show, if you dont like it, go see Conception, Strato, etc. someplace else.
MetalAges said:
I'll keep this short and sweet (maybe)...

Until you run a label, distro, event, festival or any kind of other venture where you have invested money into it, then really you don't realize the impact stuff like this has. This isn't the 80s any more. Whether it is digital video, mp3 or whatever...if you want to see what stuff like this really does then put your money where your mouth is and try out a venture of your own. I've been there done that, and I am tellin ya things get worse by the year as far as affecting income for both labels AND bands.

And for the record...Glenn is the man! And no I have no need to kiss his ass. There's hardly another promoter out there that goes the extra mile like Glenn does to protect the interests of labels/bands that participate with this festival. I'll grow a friggin tail before you'll read about a band or label person ripping on Glenn for anything he has done, or the way he has gone about doing it, when it comes to this festival. My 2¢.

How does a video of the show take away from anything Glenn has done? I don't condone it - I am just trying to figure out how monetarily it affects his show? If he has pro shot video in the works I understand.
Things get worse year by year because people think everything should be free - and they download and copy cd's.
I used to look forward to going out and buying a record, looking at the artwork, reading the lyrics and looking throught he credits. A lot of people today don't care aboiut artwork or the sound ( to a certain point ) since they will download an inferior sounding MP3 of the whole record and live with it.
Bootlegs have been here since the 70's. Sales haven't gone up or down because of bootlegging, they have gone down because of technology and attitudes that music should be free.
thesungoesdown said:
How does a video of the show take away from anything Glenn has done? I don't condone it - I am just trying to figure out how monetarily it affects his show? .

The bands do not want to be recorded. Period. End of story.

It takes a lot of assurances from me that they will not be. When videos get out of any nature, then it is my reputation that suffers and the bands will not trust me again in the future.

In this business, reputation is EVERYTHING.

Glenn H.
Harvester said:
The bands do not want to be recorded. Period. End of story.

It takes a lot of assurances from me that they will not be. When videos get out of any nature, then it is my reputation that suffers and the bands will not trust me again in the future.

In this business, reputation is EVERYTHING.

Glenn H.

I think your reputation speaks for itself. My point is you can only do so much. Just ban everything them.
freakchylde said:
I have to agree with Metal, bootleg stuff has never really been for me. If possible, I will borrow a cd and give it a listen, and if I like it, I'll go buy it or download it off of iTunes.

Fact is, Glenn said no taping. End of story. You don't like it, don't bitch when you're caught and have your ass thrown out on the curb. You want memories of the concert, take pictures.

I totally agree with you and Metal. Glenn always puts on a great festival every year and treats everyone will respect. How much more can he ask for in return is a little respect himself and just follow a few rules?

I have a high end digital camera which takes great video clips and the sound comes out pretty clear but I would NEVER go against Glenn's request because I have respect for him and the bands requests. Besides taping at any show where no cameras are allowed is not worth being kicked out of a concert, missing the bands that I want to see and getting my camera taken away.
thesungoesdown said:
I think your reputation speaks for itself. My point is you can only do so much. Just ban everything them.

Yes, he can only do so much. And that so much means that he's harsh on people taping (or people who he thinks have taped). The number of people taping is going up, so he's banning digital cameras to try to do SOMETHING about it. Makes sense to me.

Bottom line: Taping shows isn't bad, or necessarily illegal, but taping them against Glenn's (coming from the bands') policies is.
rockyracoon said:
here's a suggestion: BAN EVERYTHING media related. people wanna bitch, piss off. people wanna argue, piss off. people wanna split hairs, piss off. no more pics, no more anything. make it just like any other commercialized concert that sucks ass and just let everyone eat their own fucking words. i guarantee you people will regret opening their mouths about something as stupid as bootlegging. i mean, you give people an inch, they take 3 feet. take away the inch and screw them all if they couldnt care less about screwing you. as long as the music is still there, which is the main focal point, the respectful fans will keep coming. bottom line is this is Glenn's show, if you dont like it, go see Conception, Strato, etc. someplace else.

RIGHT ON!!:headbang:
MetalAges said:
I'll keep this short and sweet (maybe)...

Until you run a label, distro, event, festival or any kind of other venture where you have invested money into it, then really you don't realize the impact stuff like this has. This isn't the 80s any more. Whether it is digital video, mp3 or whatever...if you want to see what stuff like this really does then put your money where your mouth is and try out a venture of your own. I've been there done that, and I am tellin ya things get worse by the year as far as affecting income for both labels AND bands.

And for the record...Glenn is the man! And no I have no need to kiss his ass. There's hardly another promoter out there that goes the extra mile like Glenn does to protect the interests of labels/bands that participate with this festival. I'll grow a friggin tail before you'll read about a band or label person ripping on Glenn for anything he has done, or the way he has gone about doing it, when it comes to this festival. My 2¢.

Glenn is the man for putting ProgPower USA together, but he is a complete coward and an idiot for not confronting the so-called "bootlegger" himself. A total pussy. What, he can't take her words for it so she's still banned? Cute. Start humiliating people with this thread and can't even get the facts straight, so he puts out a half-assed apology to her. As repeated before, she didn't tape the show. She taped the Orphaned Land guys at the merch booth. Again, she was not bootlegging the show. Glenn has absolutely no respect from me whatsoever. None at all. That is no man but a total asinine coward.

Do you know who Glenn reminds me of? Peter Grant, former manager of Led Zeppelin. There was this story where this guy was taking his sound recording/measuring equipment in a Led Zeppelin concert. Peter Grant approached the guy with the equipments, thought he was a bootlegger and started beating him up. It turns out that the guy with the equipment was an employee paid to make sure that the sound area had the right amount of decibels.

The irony of this thread is that Glenn is the one humiliated, not BlackwaterNymph. Kudos!
Arch said:
Glenn is the man for putting ProgPower USA together, but he is a complete coward and an idiot for not confronting the so-called "bootlegger" himself. A total pussy. What, he can't take her words for it so she's still banned? Cute. Start humiliating people with this thread and can't even get the facts straight, so he puts out a half-assed apology to her. As repeated before, she didn't tape the show. She taped the Orphaned Land guys at the merch booth. Again, she was not bootlegging the show. Glenn has absolutely no respect from me whatsoever. None at all. That is no man but a total asinine coward.

Do you know who Glenn reminds me of? Peter Grant, former manager of Led Zeppelin. There was this story where this guy was taking his sound recording/measuring equipment in a Led Zeppelin concert. Peter Grant approached the guy with the equipments, thought he was a bootlegger and started beating him up. It turns out that the guy with the equipment was an employee paid to make sure that the sound area had the right about of decibels.

The irony of this thread is that Glenn is the one humiliated, not BlackwaterNymph. Kudos!

if you have no respect for Glenn, then why do you continue to post on this forum?
Arch said:
She taped the Orphaned Land guys at the merch booth. Again, she was not bootlegging the show.

This is not what I remember seeing.

But maybe I just wasn't paying too much attention or am remembering wrong, but I don't think I would have given her the "they will kick your ass out" warning after being shown merch booth footage.


I did not remember wrong. She had video of Orphaned Land on stage. :p
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