Extreme Body Modification: How Far Would You Go? (.....or have you?)

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The Winnipeg Warrior

The Winnipeg Warrior ®
Is there a limit? Or is nothing sacred anymore? When is 'too much' just too much? Give me your comments and perspectives. All opinions are welcome!





I think the measure of the action is defined by the reason behind it.

Some extreme bod mod could be considered art; some of it is a symptom of a Body Image Disorder or Controlled Self Mutilation.

~To be taken on a case-by-case basis
ARC150 said:
I think the measure of the action is defined by the reason behind it.

Some extreme bod mod could be considered art; some of it is a symptom of a Body Image Disorder or Controlled Self Mutilation.

~To be taken on a case-by-case basis


I have several tattoos. Mainly they mean something to me, or did at some point. I don't consider them mutilation, nor did I get them for self-confidence reasons.

I believe a persons body is their own, and providing they are of a sound psychological base, then I don't have any problems whatsoever what they do to it, no matter how extreme.
I guess I feel the same as the above comments, and I have considered getting some tattoos in the future, and have previously wanted several piercings (beyond the several ear piercings!), but I never made up my mind about it. The same thing will probably happen with the tattoos, I want something unusual down both of my arms, but something thin and not to big or bold, maybe an ivy strand or something similar. But I need to take into account whether it would suit me, how loong it will look good, will it affect my job prospects, etc.

I do think a lot of it looks quite cool, but I can't help but wonder what the above (and others with a similar collection) do for a living other than work in the Bod Mod industry or music industry. I know someone who has his tongue forked, a tattoo that encompasses much of his head, ball bearings embedded in his arm, and piercings under the skin on the back of his hands. He also has a selection of other piercings, such as his nose, septum, eyebrow, etc, and has his ears stretched. He works in a tattoo/piercing place, and I don't know where else he could get a job? Regardless of his appearance, he is a really friendly and helpful guy.
I work in the world of Academia, yet I have quite a few tattoos.

I have no problems covering them up, while at work though.
I think tattoos and piercings suggest a lack of respect for the body. Until very recently women with tattoos were virtually all prostitutes. They can look good on men, but I have an instinct against it on women in particular.
Historically, most tattoos had meaning and symbolism behind them, however. Although I don't think this is as widespread today, many people do still get tattoos because they represent something, like with Final Product. Many tribes of old tattooed, it was a part of their culture and religion. For example, the people of Samoa generally had tattoos, both men and women. The male tattoo was known as the Pea'a and covered from the waist to below his knees. They were usually dense, with geometrical patterns and shapes. The female version is known as the Malu, and covers the same area, although it is not as dense. These tattoos represented the fact that the person had become an adult, and to endure this process proved that s/he was willing to do anything for their tribe. The process generally takes about 10 days, although sometimes it can be longer. I don't think any more detail is necessary here, although it is obvious that the women did not face any adverse social stigma as a result of the tattoos, as they were a part of the culture.

Several Egyptians mummies have been found with tattoos, all female, and it is unclear if these women were prostitutes or not. However, the evidence does seem to point in this direction. Dancing girls with a tattoo of the God Bes on their thigh were found under Hathepsut's (also known as---) temple. As Bes was the God of orgies, and as such was represented by a 'mischievous' monkey on these women, it is possible that these women represent prostitutes or concubines. However, wall depictions of males with a tattoo of Bes have been found, so it cannot simply associated with female whores.

The mummy of an Egyptian Priestess by name of Amunet was found. She had parallel lines on her arms, thighs and stomach, and an oval shape below her navel. It is possible that they were intended to be of theuraputic benefit, as they resemble the tattoos of the Bronze Age Iceman found in the French/Italian Alps, and this is believed to be the meaning of his. It is also possible that the Priestess' tattoos were a part of a ritual, so had attributed magical meaning. It has also been debated whether they represent her sexuality, as the markings on her stomach reach her pubic area, and the oval shape under her navel may have been an attempt to relieve stomach pain or to induce pregnancy. The fact that she was referred to as the 'concubine of Mentuhoep II' indicates that they may have been a result of this.

This was basically a round-a-bout way of saying what I wanted to say, which is that traditionally many women with tattoos were not prostitutes, or regarded with any stigma whatsoever, as it was often a part of their culture and religion. And although it is thought that some females in some society's may have been prostitutes or concubines due to the nature their tattoos, it is not solely a female thing as men have been found with similar tattoos.

The same is true of piercings. Civilisations from all over the world practiced it, it was often a symbol of social standing or religion. For example, Aztecs would temporarily pierce their tongues as part of a 'blood ritual,' and only the aristocrats and very elite were allowed to do this. In Zaire, the Mangebetu tribe would pierce their inner conch (the part of the ear next to the ear canal), sometimes for decoration, and other times to part their hair and support their hair styles. These are just two examples from history that show piercings to be a part of their culture, not simpyl through disrespect for their body. Several piercings are also mentioned in the Bible, including ear and nose piercings.
i think anyone who does this to their body WANTS ATTENTION because they feel inadequate in society on some level. nothing wrong with a tattoo, but the people who completely cover themselves do it for ...well, i dont know why they do it, but i think its fucked up.
Final_Product said:

I have several tattoos. Mainly they mean something to me, or did at some point. I don't consider them mutilation, nor did I get them for self-confidence reasons.

I believe a persons body is their own, and providing they are of a sound psychological base, then I don't have any problems whatsoever what they do to it, no matter how extreme.

I definitely agree.

As far as my piercings go, they aren't very "extreme". I have my rook pierced (a part of my ear), and my ear cartilage pierced. Nothing that special, although I am very fond of my rook. I also have a tattoo that I got shortly after my dad died. It has no connection to him, but it was just something that I did for myself. I was actually surprised that my mother took me to get the tattoo done, because I'm sixteen. But, I think she understood that the tattoo is something that means something to me.

I mean, I don't consider my few piercings and my tattoo any form of mutilation. It's self-expression if anything -- decorating your body as you see fit. And, no matter how "extreme" it gets, I'm sure that there is still some meaning behind it. The work in those pictures is pretty amazing when you think about, though it is not in any way convention. But, those people are doing what many other people do in other ways -- they are expressing themselves, but using their body as the canvas.
There is a modern myth that Vikings had tattoos. They were very superstitious. If somone would have a rune on them that was lucky the right way up, it would have a different effect when lying down, etc. They believed in many spirits everywhere and that you had to be careful not to bring bad luck from the spirits. When approaching port, the dragons heads had to be removed from the boat. There would be a fear that pictures on a person's body were dangerous in the same way. Also there was a lot of discrimination against physical blemishes generally. The Vikings didn't like to alter themselves and liked their hair long for this reason also. (Rastafarians also don't have piercings, tattoos or cut their hair.)

The Romans never described the ancient Germanics as having tattoos, which they surely would have mentioned if they had them. And, in the detailed descriptions by Arabs of Vikings they also made no mention of tattoos.
I don't have any issues with people doing these things, although I find too many tattoos or piercings unattractive on women. I have no intention of ever getting a piercing. I've been thinking about getting a rune tattoo for a while, but I'd have to really, really look into the meanings first, as I wouldn't want to disrespect that culture.

BTW, the top left guy (The Lizardman) is pretty cool. He tours with metal bands and does some entertaining stuff in between sets, like having darts thrown into his chest, and picking up bottles with hooks in his eyelids. Much better than the usual sound check.
When I was younger I tattoed my own arm with a square that consists two X's, I have had it for 5 years or so and am now going to cover it up it has taken me that long to find a tattoo that actually appeals to me.
So I believe in Body Modification but not to an Extreme. A few tattoos here and there dont really give out any bad vibes to people before Tattoos used to being like Smoking, a taboo in society but now it has changed.
i'm gonna get my eyebrows tattooed on
but i'm gonna get the eyebrow hair permanently removed first
and i won't get that hair removed till i get my facial hair permanantly removed

i've already got a scarification mark on my left bicep just underneath the shoulder but it's just a horizontal line an inch and a half long, a fourth of an inch thick, i haven't decided whether to get it covered up with a tattoo or have it expanded into a shape yet
i think i got it really close to the same day i got the quarter inch by half inch oval scarification mark in the middle of the back of my left hand which i remember that i got the hand one on the day after thanksgiving 2001

if i get the bicep one covered up with a tattoo, it's gonna be the bat-signal because Batman has no super powers, he's just a psychotic guy in a mask like The Phantom, The Shadow, The Spirit, and those "pulp" fiction heros from "the golden-age" of superheros
i love Batman because psychologically Batman is the only thing DC comics has ever done that comes anywhere close to being as adult as Marvel comics except Smallville (but even Smallville gets childish in the scenes of Clark interacting with his parents)

after i get the facial hair/eyebrow hair removal/eyebrow tattooing
i'll start taking one or more of the large number of different hormone pills that my freinds are taking to get breasts that feel more natural than the un-pleasant hard feel of breast implants
there's several hormone treatments that will allow me to continue to have erections/ejaculations because i don't feel comfortable with the genitalia alterations although i will prolly will actually have all my pubic hair permantly removed (which i've seen on several she-males)

there's a whole 10 or 12 seperate surgeries to make a males face look more feminine, but i don't really need any of them, i can already "pass" without any make-up

i'll get my ears done all the way up
and my belly button/tongue pierced with a Wiccan Star wraping around my belly button

alot of guys get a full-back tattoo of demon(s) fighting angel(s)
but i'm not a Christian so i'll get Spiderman fighting Venom but i cant find a well done "david vs goliath" looking pic of Spiderman vs Venom so i'll prolly just have the tattoo artist use the Spiderman fighting The Lizard pic from the 2006 Spiderman calendar (month of June pic) as a template
the Spiderman vs Sandman pic could easily be altered to be Spiderman vs Hydroman which i'll prolly get as a smaller tattoo on one of my arms or legs

and even though there's alot of Juggalo-haters out there (www.insaneclownposse.com) i'll prolly still get "the riddle box" and a full-color "the wraith"
"the riddle box" could be done black/white but "the wraith" would have to be full-color so it won't just look like just another "death" or "grim reaper"
LRD I know you mean everything you said, but the funny thing is that could be exactly the answer someone could give to take the piss out of this thread!
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