Extreme Metal and Nu-Metal fans.


Oct 1, 2002
Louisiana, USA
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This is going to sound really weird, but I think extreme metal is slowly working it's way to nu-metal fans. I can't believe I found some people that are just... weird. What I mean is, I met some people on the internet that listen to horrible nu-metal bands, but like some extreme metal. IE:

One guy said on the limp bizkit forum his favorite albums of 2002 were:

Korn - Untouchables
30 Seconds To Mars - S/T
Queen of The Stone Age - Songs for the deaf
Foo Fighters - One by One
Opeth - Deliverance

He apparently also likes limp bizkit, being thats where he posted that.

I discovered someone else who said his 2 favorite bands are Korn, and Dornenreich. Dornenreich is you don't know is a band from Austria, kinda black metalish I guess.

Have any of you met any people like this? And if so, please post what they listen to. I just find it amazingly weird that limp bizkitt fans love opeth and other extreme metal bands.
cos its 'FuCKiNG HEaVY MAN!@!#$!@ like KORN BUT NOT AS HEVY!'

i know a dude who like korn, hes funny. i asked him how heavy his band is (as a joke) and he said 'oh fuck man.. as heavy as korn.. no.. heavIER than korn... you know Good God by korn as heavy as that man. *JUDG JA JOOJ JOOJ*" but he wasn't joking, he was trying to give me a truthful description. he's only 15 tho so i don't tease him too much =P oh he also brags that his bands guitarists tune to drop A, so they're pretty heavy.


On the board.

They are everywhere.

So fucking what.

I like numetal.

I like all the other genres of metal.

So what.

How is that weird.

That's as simple minded as the Prog Metal fans saying that Proggers can't like Black and Death because "why growl when you can SING BEAUTIFULY".




Best you could do is try to educate them.

Talking shit about them wont do much.

My friend thinks Slipknot are Death Metal.

I am trying to get him into some non-numetal stuff, but so far no luck.

Except for Blind Guardian.
I don't care what a music is labelled as, as long as it's inspired and has some quality, I like it. I don't care if you call Incubus, SOAD or RHCP nu-metal, I wouldn't care if you called them polka or baroque, the point is I like em and that's all there is to it. Fuck labelling (when it's used against music, it's good when used to describe bands to people who havent listened to them)
I don't think this is a problem. I really can't imagine how a Limp Bizkit fan can like Opeth, but everyone's allowed to have their own taste, and I personally think it is better when there is a "spectrum" from nu-metal to extreme metal than when there are two or more strictly divided groups that can't stand each other. And I honestly don't think an Opeth concert will ever attract an audience constisting of 12 years old Limp Bizkit fans.

But @Thared: I actually don't think the list you gave is that weird: This (except Korn) could easily be the faves list of my best friend - he listens to the better bands in the rock/alternative genre (Tool, QOTSA, Refused etc.) BUT he also stated he likes Opeth and Dark Tranquillity.
Damn I was hoping that you were going to suggest a few different bands to check out!

While I haven't given Korn or Limp bizkit the time of day I found more then a few Nu-metal bands that I like and this is coming from a "proggy" who puts Opeth in the top 5 of my listening preference.
hehehe this might be my doing.... :S i've kinda spread Opeth out to a lot of Nu Metal fans muahahhaa a couple of them post here now :p

and i agree most Nu Metal fans (i mean pretty much exclusive ones) are complete morons who TyPe LiKe ThIs and stuff and never have anything interesting to say. And as for how you could really LIKE Limp Bizkit and Opeth.... i don't get that in the least. BUT i mean who really cares if the band gets the exposure it deserves? I mean sure i bet most people who are huge Limp Bizkit fans or something most likely aren't "getting" what makes Opeth so special, but they like the superficial noise they make haha so that's enough i suppose.

Oh and BTW in the last 2 years Opeth has exploded so rediculously huge... for a band with growls i really REALLY can't believe the buzz about them lately... it's EVERYWHERE! hehe

oh and BTW i like a few Nu Metal bands too. So don't TOTALLY ignore the style, there are some good bands.
Originally posted by Thared
One guy said on the limp bizkit forum his favorite albums of 2002 were:

Korn - Untouchables
30 Seconds To Mars - S/T
Queen of The Stone Age - Songs for the deaf
Foo Fighters - One by One
Opeth - Deliverance

:eek: No!!! Three of those are my favorite albums! (Opeth, FF, and QOTSA)

To be perfectly honest, I'm kind of torn on this issue. We all had to get into extreme metal at one point and if that's via Nu-metal, fine. Although, a part of me doesn't want to see Opeth on TRL or whored at Hot Topic. :erk:
Originally posted by ham
cos its 'FuCKiNG HEaVY MAN!@!#$!@ like KORN BUT NOT AS HEVY!'

i know a dude who like korn, hes funny. i asked him how heavy his band is (as a joke) and he said 'oh fuck man.. as heavy as korn.. no.. heavIER than korn... you know Good God by korn as heavy as that man. *JUDG JA JOOJ JOOJ*" but he wasn't joking, he was trying to give me a truthful description. he's only 15 tho so i don't tease him too much =P oh he also brags that his bands guitarists tune to drop A, so they're pretty heavy.

:lol: :lol: :lol: Oh my ...

:eek: Double post.
Although, a part of me doesn't want to see Opeth on TRL or whored at Hot Topic.

Speaking of Hot Topic my friend was at the mall the other day and saw an Opeth shirt at hot topic. The first reaction he got when he saw it was(he's into emo/emocore) oh god it's his kind of music in hot topic, I can't believe it.

Hey before you know it, entire high schools will memorize the lines to Deliverance ;).
I remember a guy from the Cannibal Corpse forum(R.I.P.) that loved ska,korn,limp bizkit and all the brutal florida scene
that was very weird
and I remember playing some Unleashed songs to a friend and he said: well it's not heavier than Korn
of course he is not my friend now and I kicked him out of my house after that
Unleashed kicks ass
I don't know how that idiot said Korn was better
I remember he even said: well if you want harder stuff check out life is peachy
I remember that we could argue for hours about metal and nu-metal
we were at a bar talking and arguing about what was better,and he kept saying Linkin Park was the new Nirvana that was gonna give the music world a twist
Originally posted by random_phil
Nu - Metal is FALSE!!!!!


Let every note that I play be an arrow through the heart of those who would play false metal! :headbang:

Sorry, needed to get that off my chest.

HAIL the self proclaimed kings of metal!!! :D by the way it's "black arrow of death" :p

Yep, I know people like that. I'm one of them. And so is my boyfriend and two of my friends. So there. :p
Everyone's tastes progess, I think. I mean, when I was a teenager the 'in' bands were Poison, Def Leppard, Bon Jovi etc..., and I've since moved on to get into the heavier stuff I like now (though old Def Leppard still rocks :D ). Nu metal is just the current equivalent of all those old bands I mentioned, so it's understandable that people start to branch out.
So I guess no-one here liked shitty music before they found bands like Opeth? I remember thinkingn Linkin Park used to be hard metal..and now? Well my head is currently bobbing away to the new Immolation album and one of my favourite bands is "Converge".