Nu Metal

Warrior of Ice

short hair sucks...
Aug 19, 2002
Virginia Beach, VA
Why is it that bands with crap for talent end up being rich? I wanna know why so many Prog Metal and some Power metal bands never get the respect they deserve and yet stupid Nu Metal bands like limp bizkit and korn and are considered heavy. Is there anything metal fans can do cuz im in the US and and no matter how many people i get into metal there are more ppl that will bash it and be dicks.
Many prog and some power metal bands? what about death, thrash and black metal bands? and remember people only buy what they hear first (MTV) if metal bands don't get promotion they won't be able to sell. Btw some nu-metal bands are indeed heavy (soundwise) people should be able to notice the difference between heavy and speed.
Originally posted by Thorns of Sorrow
How many people out there do u really think can relate to elves, unicorns, and D&D themes? Now how many kids can relate to anger, frustration, alienation, and whining?

:lol: :lol: :)
Originally posted by Thorns of Sorrow
How many people out there do u really think can relate to elves, unicorns, and D&D themes? Now how many kids can relate to anger, frustration, alienation, and whining?
I can relate to many SX songs. For example:

The Odyssey (come on! It's the biggest hero-challege story thing of all time)
Actually, most anything off Damnation Game

And most stuff in the genre is the good ol' Good vs. Evil thing. Who can't relate to THAT?

And if I'm angry, I won't be listening to angry music. Likewise for frustration, etc.
Ya know, I think that HAVING money isn't all of the respect that the bands get. What about the fans respect?! I believe that prog bands like SymphoX are MORE than respected by its fans, that goes to all shows, buy all CDs, and stuff...
Originally posted by Skull_Punk
Oh boy!!! Another genre bashing topic, sure to rival Kant's Categorical Imperative in terms of sheer intellectual discussion!!
:lol: this is strange, this kind of behavior has been pretty common lately on the board (people bashing genres) but it's cool anyway to discuss this kind of things:D
You're all full of your arrogant selves.

I don't like pop music, and i don't go starting threads "Whinge Whinge Whine Whine Give Me Money Whinge", now do I ?

It's "Cool" to not like Nu-Metal. You're a conformist sheep. Conformist ELETIST sheep, which is much worse.

Not everyone has to like what you like... just as you don't have to like what they like.

and Chaotic Manifesto: That's a pretty stupid thing to say. Not ONE person who enjoys nu-metal plays an instrument" That's just plain ignorant... it IS possible to like things that aren't "Superman playing guitar" and "Batman on drums" and "Spawn on bass", hell, i love tech metal, and i still appreciate good bands like Days of the New, The Tea Party, Older Incubus, Faith no More etc.

Just let it be. Why don't you all do something positive for metal instead of whinging and alienating yourselves from people by being bitter and hateful to other's different tastes... spread the word about metal, but don't give it, and people like ME a bad name by being harsh and judgemental.


np - Atheist - Elements
For whatever it's worth, I'll put my thoughts into this one. I'm thankful there are options, there's music for everyone. Back to the 1st post of this thread...there are different ways to define "rich". The big money machine can promote any band or artist whose music and image shows potential to promote and manipulate for profit. If it proves to be a profitmaker, they can and will run with it for awhile. When the appeal begins to diminish, it's usually "bye-bye" to the band or artist. Talent has little to do with longevity and verse-visa!! To what extent can this "product" be manipulated in order to manipulate the "buying public"?? On this forum, for the most part, we are fortunate to realize and talk about the true musical talent of bands who have not had to be controlled and true talent WILL experience longevity and richness because of fans like us. And won't we, as well??? It's what REALLY matters.
Originally posted by Skull_Punk
Oh boy!!! Another genre bashing topic, sure to rival Kant's Categorical Imperative in terms of sheer intellectual discussion!!

Well, it still has to do with "the thing in itself" [das ding an sich] :D
Well it still bugs me that bands as complex as Symphony X never get the publicity of bands that yell about something and have a catchy beat. Plus i dont get why they call all thoose bands metal their is nothing metal about them it sounds more like rap or rock than metal. Is there anyway Symphony X can get as much publicity and be as "innovative" as linkin park or shit like that.
Originally posted by Trapped
You're all full of your arrogant selves.

I don't like pop music, and i don't go starting threads "Whinge Whinge Whine Whine Give Me Money Whinge", now do I ?

It's "Cool" to not like Nu-Metal. You're a conformist sheep. Conformist ELETIST sheep, which is much worse.

Not everyone has to like what you like... just as you don't have to like what they like.

and Chaotic Manifesto: That's a pretty stupid thing to say. Not ONE person who enjoys nu-metal plays an instrument" That's just plain ignorant... it IS possible to like things that aren't "Superman playing guitar" and "Batman on drums" and "Spawn on bass", hell, i love tech metal, and i still appreciate good bands like Days of the New, The Tea Party, Older Incubus, Faith no More etc.

Just let it be. Why don't you all do something positive for metal instead of whinging and alienating yourselves from people by being bitter and hateful to other's different tastes... spread the word about metal, but don't give it, and people like ME a bad name by being harsh and judgemental.


Yep...yep....yep again....and yep some more. There's absolutely nothing wrong with nu metal, in fact some of it is quite good. I think too many folks get hung up on just how skilled a musician is or needs to be and miss the point of music's simply entertainment. Whatever sounds good to me is what I listen to whether it's Metallica or Symphony X.
indiscussable is definately not a word.

regarding nu metal....
either you like it or you don't.

I love Mudvayne....
they play there asses off....great bassist.

most of it is AIDS though.