Extremely worried here...

It's true. Every five years you have to burn your cds in a pile out back. Then buy 'em all back!
Faaip De Oiad said:
/me slaps you

That doesn't answer my question, my Opeth CD's are my most prized possesion, I can't bear to think of it that their going to rot in five years...
How am I supposed to preserve this precious music???
The Greys said:
It's true. Every five years you have to burn your cds in a pile out back. Then buy 'em all back!

Youre just giving me sarcasm right, if all this is true I will never be able to sleep again...
i really doubt it, thats probably based on the average fucktard who rapes their cds by not being careful with em, i have morningrise original cd pressing from 1996, thats what 9 years ago, its still mint as is the playback...
basically, the stupidity of our answers should be a valid enough response. It generally means that no, this statement is wrong. I have had Fuel-Sunburn since the year 1996 and it still works fine. Unless your a dick, your cd's should last for a longer period of time than 5 years.
bangadrian said:
well, if you are like most people your age, you take horrible care of your cds, and they probably won't last more than 5 years

Trust me, I am so careful with these CD's that I wll put them on nothing that might scratch them, that means injectable car CD palyers and flat computer disc holders, only the wheel type deal will do for me, so far I have succesfully kept all my CD's completely scratch free...
haahahahahahahaahahahaha. brilliant thread.

as for the state of my cds and dvds - they are all mint, with only a few exceptions. it's quite easy to keep them nice. i dunno how some idiots get them scratched beyond belief.
ænimated said:

But I have read that cds do start to wear down uh...naturally after 15 years or so.

thats why we sell them before then with the description, RARE OUT OF PRINT!!!!111, its old it must be fan-fucking-tastic! come on whose got 100 dollars for me? anyone? :tickled:
If you're that damn careful with them, I'm sure they'll last for many more years. Seriously, that is going a bit overboard though, I think. Just as long as you don't stack them in big piles and keep them protected when not in use, you should be fine.
Sanzen said:
This thread fucking sucks.

I would NEVER admit this under any circumstances.

It's what got me into music, i don't give a fuck if you don't like them, but i happen to like them. It was the first cd i ever got, and it made me pick up the guitar, and if i had not picked up the guitar, i would not be able to appreciate great bands such as Opeth, or Dream theater. They aren't one of my favourites anymore, but i don't care.
Trey Parker said:
dream theater is a step down from fuel

haha, typically though, Dream theater is musicians music, the ability of every member (yes, even the faggy James LaBrie) is unmatched as a band. The song writing leaves a little to be desired, but still, musicianship is great.
To answer all of your questions,

My father owns the Black Sabbath records from his teen years I guess.. Still listens to them. Just take care of your stuff.
the damned precautions on the fucking cds say if you take care of them and keep them free of scratches they should provide a LIFETIME of enjoyable listening.

im assuming they mean a little longer than 5 years when they speak in such terms as lifetime.