Face Off 6: Anathema vs. Porcupine Tree

Who is nicer?

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New Metal Member
Apr 27, 2006
The battle royal you've all been asking for!

Porcupine Tree has a tendency to be within my top three bands at any given time so obvious choice is obvious. Everything from Stupid Dream onward is about as good as it gets. As for Anathema, they've got a little underrated gem known as, "A Fine Day to Exit." Easily the bands finest moment in the songwriting department. "A Natural Disaster" is pretty nice too, but other then that I could care less about their disco. So there you have it ladies, and gents.


This guy agrees.
How anyone could NOT like Alternative 4 is beyond me (although my favs are Silent Enigma, Pentecost III and Eternity, but I can see how they're not for everyone)
So TC's opinion is now invalid.
A Smart Kid ... (*deep breath) Don't Hate Me, Russia On Ice, Even Less, Shesmovedon, Feel So Low, Trains, Heartattack in a Layby, Collapse the Light into Earth, I Drive the Hearse, all strongly disagree with you.
PT have some amazing songs, but i only really got into them about a year ago. And Anathema is made of perfection and pure win.
I need to get more into Anathema, I've only heard Hindsight and a bit of The Silent Enigma or w/e it is once and then Alternative 4 and Judgement a lot. Imo Judgement is better than any PT album bar Lightbulb Sun, but then I still like pretty much everything I've heard from them besides The Incident, some of Fear, and a bit of old material.
Anathema are good live performers IMO (judging from their live vids), I'm not a doom fan so almost half of their disco doesn't interest me at all, Anathema gets me depressed whenever i listen to them (maybe because of the bad memories they bring to me).
I think PT are way better than Anathema, Steven Wilson and Gavin Harrison are one of the best musicians I've ever heard.
PT > Anathema
there should be a Muse face off too :p [ame]http://vids.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=vids.individual&videoid=104720086[/ame] FULL FREAKING GIG
definitely Anathema, Steven Wilson is a genius and I love his little project Blackfield way more than Porcupine Tree.
as Porcupine Tree, no one would doubt that they has very fine musician working together. especially Steven Wilson and Gavin Harrison(one of my favorite drummer at all time)
but for me.. Porcupine Tree just has only few songs that works for me. :( (similar case to Dream Theater, top musicians but the music they made not exactly great to me)