Face Off 6: Anathema vs. Porcupine Tree

Who is nicer?

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according to me, so far anathema hasn´t released one single bad song.
and unlike the rest here, i think Afdte and And are nothing short of amazing..

PT made a couple of really good albums, but unfortunately, everything Steven does has a tendency to sound the same,
from PT to Blackfield, which, in turn, gets pretty dull after a few songs.
Porcupine Tree's discography is quite diverse! But Anathema's really is as well: they went from death metal on the demo's to doom-death, to pink floyd meets doom, to pure atmospheric rock, to more of an indie rock sound, all the way to the dreamy, slow band they are as of today (not even sure what genre to stick them in with the new album).

Indie Rock? I'd never put them in that category, but I agree with everything else.
A Fine Day to Exit and A Natural Disaster have more Radiohead influence than anything in my opinion. I don't quite hear PT.
A Fine Day to Exit and A Natural Disaster have more Radiohead influence than anything in my opinion. I don't quite hear PT.

I hear the Radiohead influence but I thought it was much more apparent on a Fine Day to Exit. A Natural Disaster had more of the classic Anathema sound in it (for me at least).

Ive liked every single release Anathema has produced.

I cant say the same for Porcupine Tree, I only like two of their albums; Deadwing and Fear of a Blank Planet.
omfg you simpleton try reading the post right after, here ill save you the trouble

. and that post is an just an EXTREMEly exagarated way of saying they are one of my favorite bands. not that everyone in the world should worship them, just to clarify.

and @ madtidus i know that hindsight is just a progified compilation, but Porcupine Tree was the influence to do it imo
omfg you simpleton try reading the post right after, here ill save you the trouble

and @ madtidus i know that hindsight is just a progified compilation, but Porcupine Tree was the influence to do it imo

Hindsight was an acoustic album, not a "progified compilation".
really? cause i think there's an electric guitar in every song.

A couple of songs yes, its more of a stripped back acoustic album rather than a normal acoustic album. The drums are played with brushes, an acoustic guitar is the main guitar sound and the cello as well, etc.
I had not been writing here since several weeks by now and you're driving me mad with all these polls.
My vote went to AnathemA, of course. Their 'Alternative 4' is one of my all time fave records.
Never been a huge fan of Porcupine Tree, but I must admite that they're great. I see them live often, already twice with AnathemA and the third time is coming, but I feel less interest for their music. With AnathemA I've been growing instead.