Can't remember where I found the link to this instructional guitar video, think it was here somewhere anyhow it is this hilarious home video with these two guitarist Fat Mr. Crab and his side kick Chilli Con Carne Deville (or something like that) the guys are absolutly horrendous but... For you guys who have seen this video, obviously recorded in Finland... Who the are these guys. CC Deville (or who ever he is) is close to amazing (skinny as shit too probably has aids or something?). It is a 608Meg download something like 19 minutes. My guess is that they must have attended GIT or something similar to it in Europe 'cause they are bashing conventional teachings GOOD! SSJ4SephirothX I think you know what I'm talking about. So if anyone remembers this old thread LINK IT! Plus what is this about the Alexi video, Young guitarists? You got that? Link that shit too! Happy fretboard ripping!