Fates Warning Performance?

Sure I'm going to get plenty of flames for this, but I wasn't impressed. Another instance of not-doing-my-homework that came back to bite me: haven't been a FW fan before now, and hadn't heard much of their music; I just hoped that since they were supposed to be headliner quality, they would hook me instantly, which didn't happen. I was tired, and got bored with them during their second song, so I left... maybe someday I will re-discover them and regret not sticking around - it's happened before. But for now, I say they were just a lack-luster headliner act - showmanship and interest-drawing intensity just wasn't there.
Many people know, that this was the first time I have ever been able to see them play live (yes, my Fates curse has lifted)!

Woo hoo!! All is right with the world now. :headbang:

Hope your daughter enjoyed her first PP!
I have been fortunate to see Fates twice before this. They have never let me down. But, this show was the best yet! The band set out to give a ProgPower worthy performance to show their appreciation for us the fans and they gave us everything they could give. If anyone in Fates (or anyone who knows them personally) is reading this post, please note, we got your message loud and clear. If this happens to be the last live performance of Fates Warning, it was a performance that will remain with me for the rest of my life. Thank you guys, thank you very much. :headbang::worship:kickass:
Ultimate highlight


About my favorite track from them and it really has a real special connection for me

Freely admit I started to get a little choked up during it

Positive we don't have the same connection for this song, but I too had a tear halfway through the song. Nothing like crying at a metal fest. :p

Fates brought it and then some!! For me, it was the best headliner ever!!
I really love Ray's voice when he is "on", and actually thought he sounded a lot better than this time than the last couple of times I've seen Redemption. I agree that he started out strong but seemed to run out of gas later....maybe it was the drink he shared with Glenn and the band? But, he has great emotion and you can hear it come out...

Those 'drinks' were shots of milk. That's why he made the joke about not having a voice when they started back up again after that. ...since singers should not be partaking of milk products before singing.
But for now, I say they were just a lack-luster headliner act - showmanship and interest-drawing intensity just wasn't there.

I never get the compaint of no 'showmanship'. And it seems to come with every REAL prog band performance. As far as Im concerned, its just a reference to running/dancing around the stage. And I dont care for that at all. Especially when it seems like youre trading showmanship for musicianship.
FATES WARNING kicked ass!!! What a set!! Yeah There were a few songs I'd have rather heard, but that's always the case with bands that have been around forever, but there were also so many gems, Ivory Gate Of Dreams was a dream come true!!
Jim Matheos is a machine... dude is perfection with a guitar! Frank, Joey and Jarzombek!! My my my... The perfect PP Headliner!

Thanks to Glenn for getting these guys here this year!
I thought they were amazing. Im fourteen years old and i never really listened to them but my father loved them. and for not listening to them i thought that they were great!!!
That's awesome. I'm 22 and I thought I was the youngest guy at the fest.

I only got into this type of music around '04, and I thought I'd never get to see Fates live. They're my favorite band in this genre, by far, so when I saw the announcement that they'd be headlining I knew I had to do whatever it took to see them. I flew in from NY alone (I was the blind dude with the cane). I felt kind of out of my element when I first got to the venue on friday; if any of the guys who I was hanging with sees this, it was cool to meet you.

It was super cool to meet the band, and their set was almost perfect. They played my two favorites from Perfect Symmetry, and the APSOG stuff blew the shit out of the studio versions. I'm very glad they're finally working on a new record.
I flew in from NY alone (I was the blind dude with the cane). I felt kind of out of my element when I first got to the venue on friday; if any of the guys who I was hanging with sees this, it was cool to meet you.

Eric, I will say this here in public... on this forum...I am so beyond sorry that we were not able to hook up with you sooner. I thought about you ALL weekend but had no way to contact you. I feel like a real asshole man. I too want to thank the guys Eric said he met and were helping him around the venue. Thank you so much for being his friend and helping him out. You did more for him those two days than his actual 'friends' did. And thank you to Glenn for taking care of Eric as well. What you did really meant a lot to him.

I am glad that we did finally run into you on Saturday. I've not talked to Reno, but I am assuming he was able to escort you to the airport Sunday morning and you got home ok.

I am truly sorry Eric and am glad that you had a blast despite all of us. :)
No need to apologize. I've been to metal shows alone quite a few times, and I'm sure you were busy. I found some people who had fairly similar musical tastes to mine pretty quickly (shortly before Cage came on) and things got better from there.
Metal Priest-- I believe you met Ben, Mark, Jason, Jeff, Brian, Stan, and others. A couple post here from time to time, but mostly stick to a couple other boards.

Glad you had a good time.
Eric, I will say this here in public... on this forum...I am so beyond sorry that we were not able to hook up with you sooner. I thought about you ALL weekend but had no way to contact you. I feel like a real asshole man. I too want to thank the guys Eric said he met and were helping him around the venue. Thank you so much for being his friend and helping him out. You did more for him those two days than his actual 'friends' did. And thank you to Glenn for taking care of Eric as well. What you did really meant a lot to him.

I am glad that we did finally run into you on Saturday. I've not talked to Reno, but I am assuming he was able to escort you to the airport Sunday morning and you got home ok.

I am truly sorry Eric and am glad that you had a blast despite all of us. :)

Eric hung out with our Posse, especially my buddy Jeff!!!!!
I was blown away at parts of Fates' set. Not terribly familiar with their entire body of work, I was still impressed with the musicianship of all members. I was especially enthralled by the playing of Bobby Jarzombek, who was probably pound for pound the best musician at the entire festival. Jesus Christ, that guy wasn't just hammering out monstrous drum beats, he was just effortlessly playing some of the trickiest stuff I've ever seen live as if it was elementary. I was surprised to see him wipe his face with a towel a few times, he looked like he was hardly breaking a sweat up there. Simply incredible.

Also, worth noting, was Ray's long hair. Glad to see it back.