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don't think for me anything will ever top When. Prologue up to When is just some of the best stuff they've ever done.

>> i'd go fruther and say 'prologue up to amen corner IS the best stuff they've ever done'
[KOTNO]Narrot said:
Hey 123=7, great to see you over here :)

Yeah, since you are not that active on the musikinstrumente.de forum (well, as far as i read ;) ) it is great, to meet you here :) I will try to participate in this forum as good as i can.

Yeah, the first half of MAYH is definetly one of the greatest moments when listening to Opeth.
123=7 said:
Yeah, since you are not that active on the musikinstrumente.de forum (well, as far as i read ;) ) it is great, to meet you here :) I will try to participate in this forum as good as i can.

Yeah, the first half of MAYH is definetly one of the greatest moments when listening to Opeth.

i am reading there on daily basis. i just dont post too often...
[KOTNO]Narrot said:
don't think for me anything will ever top When. Prologue up to When is just some of the best stuff they've ever done.

>> i'd go fruther and say 'prologue up to amen corner IS the best stuff they've ever done'

As would I. People who don't think MAYH is the best Opeth album are not my friend :( Unless they say Orchid or Morningrise, then i might understand.

Oh yeah, my favorite song is When as well.
By album:
Orchid - In Mist She Was Standing
Morningrise - Black Rose Immortal
My Arms, Your Hearse - Karma
Still Life - Face of Melinda
Blackwater Park - The Leper Affinity or Harvest
Deliverance - Deliverance or A Fair Judgement
Damnation - Hope Leaves
Ghost Reveries - Ghost of Perdition

Of all time: Either The Leper Affinity or Deliverance
Demon of the Fall, hands down. The first time I saw them play it live, I freaked out. And my friend who was filming them put the camera down during the song. So later, I knocked her teeth out and had Opeth take turns raping her. I'm kidding! I'm terrified of women! And she was a goth and that's so scary! (This same girl is now married to Martin from Cradle of Filth).


"Toilets are in outer space"
[KOTNO]Narrot said:
i am reading there on daily basis. i just dont post too often...

is that signatureof yours, opeth pic with the gratest metal since slipknot an official promotion pic or just a made up one, because if its official i am seriously concerned?