Fave Anthrax video


Crustacean Grinds Inc.
Jul 12, 2004
Inspired by the "Who makes the best videos" thread...

What is your favourite Anthrax video?

I'd have to go with Got The Time.
It's dark (as a comeback from their Euphoria days, I remember being shocked how black it was when it came out), has a cool set,and they look like they're having a blast.

Although Indians is pretty awesome in a "mid 80's thrash golden age" kinda way.
I always thought the vid for Room For One More kicked a lot of arse - Bush is just downright awesome on that song and vid.
the_walking_dude said:
antisocial. I love the shorts!

"The coach of Iraq's tennis team and two players were shot dead in Baghdad on Thursday, said Iraqi Olympic officials.
Coach Hussein Ahmed Rashid and players Nasser Ali Hatem and Wissam Adel Auda were killed in the al-Saidiya district of the capital.
Witnesses said the three were dressed in shorts and were killed days after militants issued a warning forbidding the wearing of shorts.
Other Iraqi athletes have been targeted in recent incidents.
In this case, according to accounts, the men dropped off laundry and were then stopped in their vehicle by gunmen
." Taken from newsvine.com

This love of yours could be very dangerous these days, my friend.