Fave Anthrax video

Interesting, It's pretty spread out as far as preferences go. Probably a good sign. It means all their videos are all pretty much as good (or bad) as each other.

So far, no one's gone for
- In My World
- Hy Pro Glo
- Taking the Music Back
- Deathrider (GO2E)

anything else?
nafnikufesin said:
Julio was never in that episode of Twilight Zone, but Shatner was. I suppose if they ever remake that episode of the Twilight Zone, they could use Julio as the passenger, and Hasselhoff as the pilot. :p

I beg to differ, but I think you'll find that Julio was in EVERY episode of the Twilight Zone. Sure, he can't be seen with the naked eye, but he was always there...... lurking.

When the Special Edition Box DVD set comes out, you will se Julio hitting on the stewardess.