Favorite album?


Torment and Glory
Jun 2, 2003
I know this has already been done 1000 times here but I didn't see a thread so here it is...

I really can't decide for the life of me between eternity, judgement or enigma...

But I guess it would have to be the version of Eternity with the bonus tracks. The Live version of "Angelica" (best Anathema song ever, btw) is astounding.

Such a pretty song/lyrics...
I can't really say which one is my favourite right now since it depends highly on what mood I'm in. As for what I said in the last "Favourite Album"-thread, it's Alternative 4. Not only do I feel it's brilliant and undescribable good, but it's also a bit of mysterious to me (or at least that is how I feel).
it's all about the mood... imposible to choose one single album, it changes from time to time, right now i supose its AND
The Wet Preggies - Pro Choice Pro Test

a real punk rock 'n roll classic!!!!
The Silent Enigma and A Natural Disaster (Vinnie just couldn't believe when it came up, as they're so different. maybe that's why I have two favs)
I often say I don't have any favourite one, but to be straight if I think it over I always come to these two :)