Favorite beer?

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Wow. You have the worst taste in beer so far

Konrad, I love you.

You say what everyone else wants to. :p

Ugh I still, for the life of me, can't understand why people tolerate that piss called Corona or Bud. Heineken is probably the only really popular beer in America that I can tolerate.
Hum :blush: I like smirnoff twisted flavored beers :blush:

:lol: i dont care they Taste good and i cna drink em fast Used to drink Keystone But i think id :Puke: If i had to Now.. Unless very extreamly dieing of thirst and it would have to be nice n cold even than thoue :ill:

Heh, you just broke about 15 hearts ;)
And since Im taken, Im afraid I'll have break yours, too :p

I'll be around to please the masses though :grin:

15, no.

But.... you're ruining me!

Just kidding. I still expect to booze it up with you at Wacken.

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