Favorite beer ?

I'm afraid of any beer with the word bitter in it. All I can think of the god awful Keystone 'Bitter Beer Face' commercials...lol

As for me, I'll have to go with Pete's Wicked Winter Brew, though Hacker Schorr (sp?) Weisbrau and Guinness are damned good as well.

Of course, 99% of the time, I'm drinking Bud Light, so what the hell do I know...?
Lately, I've been drinking Pete's Strawberry Blonde and Blue Moon (thanks to TD....it's probably my favorite beer right now). The pub down the road has a very limited selection, but thier bartenders are drop dead gorgeous, so when I'm there I usually drink Sam Adams. Right now, I'm sitting on my patio watching the sun set and trying to finish off a bottle of Bacardi 8, which I'm drinking on ice. I have company coming later and we're going to watch Legend: Ultimate Edition on DVD, so I have the fridge stocked with Coors Light....

Originally posted by ImmortalCorruptor
I was going to make this a poll but there are too many different kinds of beer for a poll. Anyway, name your favorite beer here.
Coors Light
As far as beer goes I like Becks' dark best. I've never been a big fan of liquor, but this past weekend on vacation I learned the joy of tequila shots. Lick the salt, take that shot, suck that lime. I could learn to live with that ona regular basis.
Alexander Keith's Pale Ale
Molson's Blue Dry
Labatt's Classique
Unibroue's U (Quebec exclusively I believe...)

as for the others well if you wanna get drunk sick... there's always Guiness... which shouldn't be mixed with Molson's Blue Dry under any circumstances... :puke: believe me... :puke:
I'm glad to see I've turned someone onto Blue Moon. Blue Moon used to have several varieties, but now they are only making the Belgium White. It is a damned good summer beer! It hasn't taken off in Columbus yet, but last time I was in Indianapolis, it was everywhere. Indy is where I learned to garnish Blue Moon with an orange, like you would a Dos Equis or Corona w/ a lime, so give it a try!! I haven't stocked up on Blue Moon for a while, so I'll have to settle for Sam Adams summer (a similar style). Peace out!
Originally posted by TD
I'm glad to see I've turned someone onto Blue Moon. Blue Moon used to have several varieties, but now they are only making the Belgium White. It is a damned good summer beer! It hasn't taken off in Columbus yet, but last time I was in Indianapolis, it was everywhere. Indy is where I learned to garnish Blue Moon with an orange, like you would a Dos Equis or Corona w/ a lime, so give it a try!! I haven't stocked up on Blue Moon for a while, so I'll have to settle for Sam Adams summer (a similar style). Peace out!

Actually TD,

I myself went through a Blue Moon Phase, and guess what? It was even Belgium White! But, for whatever reason I grew old of it. But that's just the way I am,(I'm weird like that). My current fluid favorites (beer wise) is Steel Reserve(high gravity 8.1% kick your ass beer) and Henry Winehards Blue Boar Ale. I really like the Henry Winehards Blue Boar Ale for it is a dark tasting beer with a light effect on your stomach. Currently this is the perfect beer for me cause I love the dark beer taste(aka home brews, guiness, saipora) but I never liked the nasty gutt aches I would get. I'll bet right now that since TD talks about this beer so much that I'll end up buying some this week. Ahhhhh, the power of suggestion can be a good thing sometimes.

Maybe I'll add a orange to it


My uncle makes beer at a brewery in my city, and the "Wry Stout" there is the best. Love that beer. If I can't have that, anything dark. Guinness, hey, what's the liver for besides to poison?