Favorite beer?

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Fosters, Stella, heineken, Kronenberg... basically most beers you can get hold of anywhere n are downable.
scitzo said:
Widmer Brothers Hefeweizen
:kickass: just polished off a case of that tonight. excellent.

my schedule has me drinking newcastle tonight, and budweiser on friday. after that i'm free to drink whatever comes along.
For getting drunk, it doesn't really matter as long as it's easy to drink and cheap. With food a dark czech lager, for a hot day a good hefeweizen. Just for taste I'd say Fuller's ESB, Jämtlands Hell, Guinness Special Export Stout, Sinebrychoff Porter or Chimay Blue. Or a ton of others. There's too much good beer in the world.

Yeah, I'm a beer nerd.
Coors Light, bitches! :kickass: \m/

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