Favorite books


professional cannibal
Dec 26, 2005
Yeah a thread of favorite books.
Mine is crime and punishment(Преступление и наказание)by Dostoyevski.
I Am Legend-Richard Matherson
george Orwell-1984
Interview with a Vampire-Anne Rice
Where the Red Fern Grows-Wilson Rawls
Carlos Castaneda - The Teachings of Don Juan
Anthony Burgess - A Clockwork Orange
James Joyce - Ulysses
Illiad/Odyssey - Homer
Open Veins of Latin America - Eduardo Galeano
Todos los fuegos el fuego (All fires the fire (?)) - Julio Cortazar

I'm missing lots of books, I'll add them when I remember
George Orwell's 1984 and Animal Farm
J.R.R. Tolkin's "The Hobit"(strangely enough I loved it more than the lord of the rings trilogy...the two towers book was rather boring too)
J.D. Salinger's Catcher in the rhye
Paulo Coelho's the Alchemist and Veronika decides to die.

you know...the classics

and some books by hebrew authors you probably never heard of...
but I'm not much of a reader
Lately I've just been reading Terry Pratchett's Discworld series. Everyting written by him so far has been very good, so I won't bother choosing individual books. My all-time favourite however is The Hitchhiker's Guide To The Galaxy by Douglas Adams.

I don't read much nowadays, since I don't have enough time.
All lord of the rings/Silmarrillion/hobbit/lost book etc.etc.etc.... by Tolkien..
I just love them (i think it´s like 7 or 8 times i have read every single one..)

also, as just said, Hitchhiker is just so incredibly funny.. as is the other Douglas Adams book i have read (dont remember the name... starship something..)

And a shortseries i can recomend (if it exists in translated form..) is the series about Arn by Jan Guillo.. realy good books about the forming of sweden, and..err... damn i got to learn english... those medieval knights with red crosses on theyre shields..
Hobo said:
also, as just said, Hitchhiker is just so incredibly funny.. as is the other Douglas Adams book i have read (dont remember the name... starship something..)

Starship Titanic. The book is actually written by Terry Jones. I think Adams made the script for the computer game, and the novel was written afterwards. I read it as well, but didn't like it that much.

Got to add some comics to this discussion: The Sandman -series by Neil Gaiman. These are simply the most amazing comics ever written. Anyone who likes books and thinks comics are for kids or somehow lesser literature, will change his/her opinion after reading these.
Androz said:
Anthony Burgess - A Clockwork Orange
it's great as long as you don't read the last chapter. there is a reason why they left it out of the movie cuz it totally ruines an amazing plot.
I'm not thát much of a reader, though I try sometimes (mostly I fail due lack of time)

But I'm reading Kim Philby's 'My Silent War'
And I'm about to read H.P. Lovecraft's 'The Call of Cthulhu and Other Weird Stories'

I'm also willing to read 'Middlemarch' by Mary Ann Evans in the near future
Really love the Lord of the Rings series, including The Hobbit.

Another of my all time favorites is Gates of Fire by Stephen Pressfield.

I read quite a bit so there are many others, but those are the ones that really stand out.
BlueSky said:
it's great as long as you don't read the last chapter. there is a reason why they left it out of the movie cuz it totally ruines an amazing plot.
Yeah, I know, even the first editions of the book don't have the last chapter, god, what was Burgess thinking???
wow, how you people read alot! o_O

hehe I don't read cuse I have reading problems so if I do it must be a simple book.... eh like children books.. haha yeeeah, if I'd read a long book it would take some years I think

but I like one book, it's about fairies.. I love fairies.. hihe <3
and I must add

The Giver by Lois Lowry

it's even mentioned in Tool's Lateralus

"Black then white are all I see in my infancy.
red and yellow then came to be, reaching out to me.
lets me see."