favorite carcass album

favorite carcass album

  • Reek of Putrefaction

    Votes: 2 5.9%
  • Symphonies of Sickness

    Votes: 4 11.8%
  • Necroticism

    Votes: 12 35.3%
  • Heartwork

    Votes: 15 44.1%
  • Swansong

    Votes: 1 2.9%

  • Total voters


Jul 2, 2008
I just saw At the Gates in Hollywood which was insane. But since Carcass isn't coming around to Arizona (so far) i dont think i can make it back out there.:erk:

So i was just wondering what all your favorite Carcass albums are. My favorite is Necroticism.

There is no other way:notworthy
I don't know why I don't own any of these guys' albums, they're pretty awsome. I've only listened to a select few songs so I can't vote.

I just have to say that Corporal Jigsore Quandary has one of the most headbanginist first riffs ever. Was it Bloodbath that said "brutality through simplicity"?
Heartwork! Man, that album has alot of nostalgic value for me, I want to be 15 again! :(

I didnt hear Necroticism until a few years ago, I agree with you DinoB, that riff is insaaaane, doesnt get any heavier than that.
They need to get on that whole re-releasing symphonies business. Kinda annoyed that they did swansong first : /
its an amazing band... ive only heard heartwork (though now after this thread ill be getting necroticism), but its just amazing.
it sounds stupid, but it kills me to know that while was doing whatever a 3-years-old does, these guys did the most brutal shit (and listenable at the same time) up until now..