Favorite Genre

Favorite Genre

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Yeah well my poll sucks LOL, can't have a poll withut Thrash and Doom...Anyways being that only 9 people vited for that catagory anyways makes the point moot. The interesting this is that both Prog and Power have 47 each...Slit right down the middle....
It's all in good fun. It reminded me of that Simpsons where Homer's barber shop quartet won the grammy in the category of "Soul, Spoken Word, or Barbershop Album of the Year," where a bunch of stuff was lumped into one category :)
Yeah well my poll sucks LOL, can't have a poll withut Thrash and Doom...Anyways being that only 9 people vited for that catagory anyways makes the point moot. The interesting this is that both Prog and Power have 47 each...Slit right down the middle....

Good poll, but Thrash and Doom are 2 main genres w/many sub-genres in each. Doom would be near the top for me. Not surprised that you got the results you did considering the forum you posted in. I'm sure a similar poll in a "doom" forum would have generated completely opposite results. As for Avant-garde, that would be bands like Arcturus, early Therion, mid-era Voi-vod and Celtic Frost, etc. Like someone else here said, completely outside the box.