Favorite Italian bands...

Don Corleone said:
well im not the most enticing person when it comes to opinions, true. but i mean, come on, doesnt painters palette get tiring after track 4-5?

My opinion is, no, it doesn't. I don't expect that you should agree or disagree either way though. My point is more along the lines of; can you think of a more arbitrary and irrelevant comment than "overprogressive"? Firstly, how do you definitivey call something progressive? Secondly, how can it be overprogressive? Unless you are going to give me a synopsis of compositional construction, and tonal and rhythmic construction, don't bother telling me that they "overplay" or "try too hard" either. You have to really know what you are talking about to quantify an opinion like that. Even then you would best just to say something like "it's too polytonal and is rhythmically too busy for my taste". Even at that you can only speak for yourself in a vague sense.
Don Corleone said:
yeah i forgot about ephel duath...they're fine, but they can be overprogressive at times...and thus, BORING!

what the fuck is "overprogressive?" and how is that BORING? and by the way, don't respond with some "feel" nonsense i want a concrete response.
Nothinggod said:
My opinion is, no, it doesn't. I don't expect that you should agree or disagree either way though. My point is more along the lines of; can you think of a more arbitrary and irrelevant comment than "overprogressive"? Firstly, how do you definitivey call something progressive? Secondly, how can it be overprogressive? Unless you are going to give me a synopsis of compositional construction, and tonal and rhythmic construction, don't bother telling me that they "overplay" or "try too hard" either. You have to really know what you are talking about to quantify an opinion like that. Even then you would best just to say something like "it's too polytonal and is rhythmically too busy for my taste". Even at that you can only speak for yourself in a vague sense.

the bottomline is that idiot doesn't know his head from his asshole. he's just some cunt who wants to voice that he doesn't like something, which is fine i guess. but he's trying to appear like his taste is a "credible" source. hence he'll use some keywords like "overplay." you know shit that really has no meaning, but the other dumbshits who know nothing about music will accept
it doesn't take that much time to figure out what don corlenone meant by "overprogressive". the band is attempting to make some sort of progressive metal. perhaps there isn't a definition of what progressive metal that will satisfy everyone but for all intents and purposes by progressive metal we may understand music that is metal based but which also incorporates instruments and techniques from other genres of music, such as jazz, 70s prog rock etc. now ephel duath is overdoing certain things - there are too many "jazzy" breaks that come out of nowhere and seem to be there just for the purpose of showing that somehow the band can fit such a moment into the song. if the band had used the "progressive", non-metal based, elements in their compositions with more taste (perhaps less often, fitting better with the rest of the music etc.), they would be making better music. and clearly music that is not tastefully done for these reasons will be boring. "overprogressive" may not have been the best word to use here, but it does take some effort to really overlook what is meant.
derbeder said:
it doesn't take that much time to figure out what is meant. the band is attempting to make some sort of progressive metal. perhaps there isn't a definition of what progressive metal that will satisfy everyone but for all intents and purposes by progressive metal we may understand music that is metal based but which also incorporates instruments and techniques from other genres of music, such as jazz, 70s prog rock etc. now ephel duath is overdoing certain things - there are too many "jazzy" breaks that come out of nowhere and seem to be there just for the purpose of showing that somehow the band can fit such a moment into the song. if the band had used the "progressive", non-metal based, elements in their compositions with more taste (perhaps less often, fitting better with the rest of the music etc.), they would be making better music. and clearly music that is not tastefully done for these reasons will be boring.

i think the problem here is we have a bunch of dimwits who have never studied music in their lives (beyond a fundamentals course) yet are so arrogant that they think they have some insight. but all they can do is say some arbitrary bullshit like "progressive" or "jazzy"
derbeder said:
it doesn't take that much time to figure out what don corlenone meant by "overprogressive". the band is attempting to make some sort of progressive metal. perhaps there isn't a definition of what progressive metal that will satisfy everyone but for all intents and purposes by progressive metal we may understand music that is metal based but which also incorporates instruments and techniques from other genres of music, such as jazz, 70s prog rock etc. now ephel duath is overdoing certain things - there are too many "jazzy" breaks that come out of nowhere and seem to be there just for the purpose of showing that somehow the band can fit such a moment into the song. if the band had used the "progressive", non-metal based, elements in their compositions with more taste (perhaps less often, fitting better with the rest of the music etc.), they would be making better music. and clearly music that is not tastefully done for these reasons will be boring. "overprogressive" may not have been the best word to use here, but it does take some effort to really overlook what is meant.

Blah blah blah just a bunch of rhetorical catchphrases. I love how you just post your opinion though like it's the be all and end all. Seriously though what can you really offer in the way of subjective synopsis? Do you even understand the most basic premise of jazz for example? Know about Lydian Dominant theory? Have a clue about how the II V I progression implies the circle of 4ths? Who cares really what you like and don't like, your opinion isn't really worth much at all to be honest. If it was you wouldn't be telling anyone what is and isn't being overdone like you even have the first clue about what is going on there.
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Nothinggod said:
Blah blah blah just a bunch of rhetorical catchphrases. I love how you just post your opinion though like it's the be all and end all. Seriously though what can you really offer in the way of subjective synopsis? Do you even understand the most basic premise of jazz for example? Know about Lydian Dominant theory? Have a clue about how the II V I progression implies the circle of 4ths? Who cares really what you like and don't like, your opinion isn't really worth much at all to be honest. If it was you wouldn't be telling anyone what is and isn't being overdone like you even have the first clue about what is going on there.

nothinggod, you're being too "overprogressive" there.
i think the real problem is that we have a couple of idiots who go around saying "oh that's arbitrary", "oh that's subjective" to essentially everything without having any idea about what they are saying themselves. vague expressions like "progressive", "jazzy" do have a use, just like other vague expressions like "bald" or "table". there are certain things to which these expressions correctly and definitely apply to (these may be the paradigm cases of such things perhaps) - eg. opeth is progressive, gorbachev is bald. there are other things, however, which the expressions do not clearly apply to and there may be reasons to think we draw some arbitrary lines in applying the expressions. discussing music with less vague expressions drawn from music theory does have a purpose, it allows us to analyze the composition in much more depth. and if it can be done, all the better. that's how one may appreciate certain details in, say, a brahms symphony that one might not otherwise. but it can't be done all the time. there are more important things to do than analyze an ephel duath song in detail. metal in general is not worth too much analysis.

edit: whathave you two posted in the way of a detailed analysis of any song here?
I don't need to. I'm not the one making uneducated rants about things I know nothing about here. I'm not saying this is too so and so and that is too such and such. Honestly it's pretty clear that you only know about things you read in some liner note of some record or what you read on this forum. Really, you have no idea who you are talking to. Which is your whole problem. You clearly are out of your depth here and if you weren't and actually read what I have said you would know that you are only making a complete retard of yourself. You couldn't analyse anything theoretically if you tried. You are like the idiot at the Art gallery who stands there and says "Jackson Pollock's work looks like a bird shat on it. Now Rembrandt was a real artist". It's not like you are qualified to say either way, is it.
i aint play this said:
Nothingodd is one annoying fart
Yeah I guess you find anyone annoying that reminds you that you are a knownothing imbecile. As if you have anything of interest or importance to say ever.
Clearly, and that is why I have outwitted you on at least two occasions now to the point where all you can do is say 'ur un idjut'. Run along now loser you are making me feel embarrased for you.
Nothinggod said:
Yeah I guess you find anyone annoying that reminds you that you are a knownothing imbecile. As if you have anything of interest or importance to say ever.

Knownothing at what?Like you do you uh? you pseudo-intellectual ridiculous dumbfuck
that you think you outwitted anyone at anything is a clear sign you have no idea what's going on
and by the way, you always start with the insults. don't be surprised when they come back to you.
Oh yeah like how I am still waiting for you to tell me what ditatonalism, chromaticism and even tempering are. I won't hold my breath there genius, and I won't even bother asking you to explain the relevance of lydian dominant theory or the II V I progression when you rave on arbitrarily about jazz. Like you could even tell me definitively what metal is, though I am sure you will tell me you know beyond a shadow of doubt. By the way shitforbrains, I only tell you when you are being an idiot. Your insults are fucking childish rants about completely arbitrary nonsense that make you look even more stupid. I'm not as thin skinned as shitbags like you anyway. As if I could be insulted by the likes of you either.

Actually I don't even tell you when you are being an idiot. I merely challenge your worthless opinion. It's not my fault you take it personally. Then again I guess knowing that you have been called out on it and still wanting to be taken seriously what else could you do?
derbeder said:
i have nothing more to say to you. you are not worth one more word

I would shut up if I was you too. It's ok I understand you can't answer me.

derbeder said:
allows us to analyze the composition in much more depth. and if it can be done, all the better. that's how one may appreciate certain details in, say, a brahms symphony that one might not otherwise. but it can't be done all the time. there are more important things to do than analyze an ephel duath song in detail. metal in general is not worth too much analysis.

You really are that idiot at the art gallery, aren't you. Like when you bring up the subject of how fractalism relates to Pollock's work or mention that Rembrandt was running a shop where he had his novices completing half of his work they look at you like it has nothing to do with anything. Why on earth would Brahms' work be more worthy of analysis than the work of Ephel Duath or for that matter the work of Milli Vanilli even?