Don Corleone said:and from which ass did you pop out you pimple? didnt your mother warn you about making assumptions about people you dont know?
put rests in? how the fuck is that progressive? or "overlyprogressive?"Don Corleone said:ad-hominem?? haha
derbeder did the best interpretation for "overprogressive". i put the word in quotation marks to express that it's a word i coined (but actually is a word that gets thrown around very often).
yes, ephel duath is overprogressive because they do not know when to stop or put rests between their music. and after a few tracks, it gets boring. other people have voiced the same criticism, too, so it's pretty down-to-earth and only natural. what part of this cant you get? i have a feeling you, localoadie and nothinggod can be the same person since they show the same traits in being a dumbass.
Nothinggod said:This guy obviously went to Julliard with that expert analysis. All the more authoritive in his analysis since other people have voiced the same criticism. It must be a fact. Fuck having an opinion on anything though. If this guy says it is right it must be.
Was that your response to my request for you to give me a definition of what "metal" is exclusive to all other genres?i aint play this said:lmao @ stating your opinions coherently being equal to ''rhetorical catchphrases''...there was clearly no intention of persuasion on Derberer's post, just his thoughts...Nothingodd fails like a retard infinitely.
derbeder said:now ephel duath is overdoing certain things - there are too many "jazzy" breaks that come out of nowhere and seem to be there just for the purpose of showing that somehow the band can fit such a moment into the song. if the band had used the "progressive", non-metal based, elements in their compositions with more taste (perhaps less often, fitting better with the rest of the music etc.), they would be making better music. and clearly music that is not tastefully done for these reasons will be boring. "overprogressive" may not have been the best word to use here, but it does take some effort to really overlook what is meant.
Nothinggod said:"No evidence of persuasion"? Note the sections in bold. These are stements of unequivocal fact, not opinions. He is stating that they are definitively overdoing things. He can't know that, he isn't the judge of what is and isn't overdoing things musically beyond all doubt. He is also stating that they should do things with more taste. Whose taste? His? Once again he isn't the arbiter of what is and isn't tasteful, though he has definitly used launguage that implies that he is. He also says they would be making better music if they followed his apparent guidelines. Better music according to whom? What makes him think he or anyone else is the arbiter of what is better than what?
Also he alludes to terms like "jazzy" for example. Now if you are going to say it is "jazzy" you might want to have some understanding of what "jazz" is about before you go using the term in an authoritive statement of fact like he was.
Basically he he presenting himself as the expert of all of these things like he is beyond repraoch in his opinion. I sincerely doubt given the language he has used and other things he has said in other posts that he really has much concept of the musical analysis behind what this band are doing and could therefore have no idea what their goals and objectives are. Even someone who is highly educated in musical analysis would have to concede that their opinion is only subjective and that whether something has too many "jazzy breaks" is only their opinion. Which brings me to the final point. Bands and composers don't write music so that people like derberder can be satisfied that they have been able to put thier music into the "overly progressive" pile or not. They really don't care either way.
Finally though I think it's about time you stop trying to undermine me with your childish rants about how I am retarded or gay or whatever witless insults pop into your head at the time. It only serves to make you look stupid and ignorant yourself.
Don Corleone said:have you ever actually read an album review in your entire life? or maybe an essay on anything at all? that is how criticism is printed on paper. one cannot go "in my opinion" before every sentence they write.
this will be my last response to you as i see you are lost. the reason for your being so arrogant is probably your antisocial personality disorder (APD). since you have written "sociopathic" under your name, you probably already know your diagnosis. get help, my friend
and one last thought: true knowledge and wisdom bring silence and modesty along. since you have none of the two, you obviously have none of the aforesaid. cheers