Favorite Italian bands...

Nothinggod said:
I would shut up if I was you too. It's ok I understand you can't answer me.

You really are that idiot at the art gallery, aren't you. Like when you bring up the subject of how fractalism relates to Pollock's work or mention that Rembrandt was running a shop where he had his novices completing half of his work they look at you like it has nothing to do with anything. Why on earth would Brahms' work be more worthy of analysis than the work of Ephel Duath or for that matter the work of Milli Vanilli even?

well, i'm willing to bet the farm that that idiot couldn't perform an analysis on either. so he's not really in a position to say what is worthy of analysis and what isn't.
Nothinggod said:
Oh yeah like how I am still waiting for you to tell me what ditatonalism, chromaticism and even tempering are. I won't hold my breath there genius, and I won't even bother asking you to explain the relevance of lydian dominant theory or the II V I progression when you rave on arbitrarily about jazz. Like you could even tell me definitively what metal is, though I am sure you will tell me you know beyond a shadow of doubt. By the way shitforbrains, I only tell you when you are being an idiot. Your insults are fucking childish rants about completely arbitrary nonsense that make you look even more stupid. I'm not as thin skinned as shitbags like you anyway. As if I could be insulted by the likes of you either.

Actually I don't even tell you when you are being an idiot. I merely challenge your worthless opinion. It's not my fault you take it personally. Then again I guess knowing that you have been called out on it and still wanting to be taken seriously what else could you do?

wow, you are really beyond any help.
localloadie said:
i think the problem here is we have a bunch of dimwits who have never studied music in their lives (beyond a fundamentals course) yet are so arrogant that they think they have some insight. but all they can do is say some arbitrary bullshit like "progressive" or "jazzy"

and from which ass did you pop out you pimple? didnt your mother warn you about making assumptions about people you dont know?
House of Seance said:
Areknames is Italian, yes?


a few other decent modern (but classic sounding) progressive bands from italy are Standarte and Wicked Minds. Standarte being semi similar to Areknames, but less of an italian approach, and more of a british vibe. And Wicked minds are similar to bands like May Blitz, Toad and Fuzzy Duck, in that they are more hard rock, but definitely forward thinking with occasional progressive touches here and there. Both worth checking out though if those descriptions sound at all inticing.
NineFeetUnderground said:

a few other decent modern (but classic sounding) progressive bands from italy are Standarte and Wicked Minds. Standarte being semi similar to Areknames, but less of an italian approach, and more of a british vibe. And Wicked minds are similar to bands like May Blitz, Toad and Fuzzy Duck, in that they are more hard rock, but definitely forward thinking with occasional progressive touches here and there. Both worth checking out though if those descriptions sound at all inticing.

I haven't heard Wicked Minds, will have to check that out. I second Standarte though, pretty good band. I also like Mindflower (a bit like Genesis or Anthony Phillips solo work), Foglie Di Vetro (reminds me of Banco or PFM) and Sithonia (a bit like Locanda delle Fate and some Genesis).
Nothinggod said:
Blah blah blah just a bunch of rhetorical catchphrases.

Oh the irony!:lol:

Nothinggod said:
I love how you just post your opinion though like it's the be all and end all.

Oh the irony!:lol:

Nothinggod said:
Do you even understand the most basic premise of jazz for example? Know about Lydian Dominant theory? Have a clue about how the II V I progression implies the circle of 4ths?

Why do you always bring up the dominant theory? Or any technical music terms. This is a public forum, you have to assume a lot of people don't have a music degree up their arse. People come here to share opinions, educated or not makes no difference.

Nothinggod said:
Who cares really what you like and don't like, your opinion isn't really worth much at all to be honest.

Oh the irony!:lol:

In conclusion, you sir, are a dumbfuck arsehole.
Don Corleone said:
wow, you are really beyond any help.
Yeah, yeah I am really beyond help, thanks. Hardly countering anything I have said in any constructive way are you? Like you even could
Hey biggsy, what is my opinion? Other than that you are an absolute idiot. You really are just a country bumkin aren't you?
In general, your opinion is you are better than the rest of the board simply because you can rattle off musical terms. Oh no, I'm a country bumpkin. You're about as good at insults as you are at winning an argument. In other words, you fail.
I think the implication is that you are an unsophiticated dimwit. That is not true of everyone that lives in the country of course. You pretty much fit the stereotype though. Actually it is you that thinks I am better, but if you want to act like an idiot I have no problems calling you one. I don't think "rattling of musical terms" makes me better than anyone at all you dunce. Really you are suffering shortage mentality. Do you go to the doctor and say hey doc, you think you are better than me just because you can rattle off some medical terms. But yeah you win the argument. Well done there "champ".
Quote me on where I said I think you're better. And if you can't don't assume such shit. So if you don't think rattling off musical terms makes you better than other people, explain to me the purpose behind your rant:

Nothinggod said:
Oh yeah like how I am still waiting for you to tell me what ditatonalism, chromaticism and even tempering are. I won't hold my breath there genius, and I won't even bother asking you to explain the relevance of lydian dominant theory or the II V I progression when you rave on arbitrarily about jazz.

And continuing with your example, when you tell the doctor what you think might be wrong with you, does he challenge you rudely, asking whether you know medical terms? Of course not. Because they are educated. They aren't arrogant fucktards who love arguing for the sake of arguing. You are.
I don't doubt though if you were sitting around talking about medical procedure the way half of you talk about music a doctor would challenge your rhetorical gibberish in much the same way. As for you thinking I am better than you, it's a logical conclusion. I have not once said "I am better than you". In fact I have never even said my opinion is better than yours. A fact I am getting pretty tired of having to point out. So the conclusion is that someone put the idea in your head. Since it wasn't me it must have been you. You are just like any typical pleb who wants to live in their little dream world of ideas and never have them challenged you are too passive and lazy to face the fact that you don't really know what you are talking about and as soon as you think someone does you rant and rave about how you are being spoken down to. Honestly if you had anything of value to say you would challenge me in an empricial way. Honestly in the context of that 'conversation' lydian dominant theory and the II V I progression was completely relevant to the point I was making. As was my reference to chromaticism, even tempering and diatonalism earlier. Honestly if you are going to argue a point and you don't know how to support your argument don't bitch and moan when someone comes along who does. It's really pretty sad and all this crying about how I think I am better doesn't fix the fact.
Yours is certainly not a logical conclusion considering your arrogance, stubborness and overall rude behaviour on this board. They all point to one person thinking he is better than the rest. That person is you. I don't mind my opinions being challenged, as long as it is in a sociable, non provoking manner from someone who genuinely is interested in the conversation, not someone who rudely intejects with his own opinion before insulting every person in sight. My point on your musically technical terms was extremely relevant. It highlights the fact that you constantly 'term drop' just to appear knowledgeable. For all I know, you may be knowledgeable, but that doesn't change the fact that you are rude and arrogant fuck.
Oh, please, stop. I'm not going to justify your stupidity anymore. I really am better than you and your idiotic shortage mentality. You utterly bore me. The end